With it being known that dogs eyesight isn’t as good as ours, something you may find yourself wondering, regardless of whether you have a dog or not, is if they can see through glass. From clear glass to frosted glass, how do dogs see through glass?
Can Dogs See Through Glass?
In short, yes, dogs can see through glass. However, this depends on the type of glass. Clear glass they can easily see through, but tinted and frosted glass they struggle to see through, just like we do to an extent.

Can Dogs See Clear Glass?
It’s possible for dogs to see through clear glass. Even though their eyesight is a lot worse than ours is, they are still able to see through clear glass.
It’s known that unlike us, dogs have 20/75 vision. This means that what dogs can see 20 feet away, we can see 75 feet away. So even though they can see through clear glass, they can’t see through it as well as we can.
There are a few signs that you can look out for in your dog that shows they are able to see clear glass:
- alertness
It has already been established that dogs’ vision isn’t as good as ours, however, their other senses more than make up for that. When a dog approaches clear glass, they will become alert as to whether there is actually anything there or not.
- Head tilting
Whenever a dog comes across any barrier, in this case a glass door, they might tilt their head to the side to try and assess the situation. Once they know the door is open and safe to walk through the doorway, they will do so.
- Barking
This barking won’t be at the glass, but will instead be what they can see on the other side of the glass. So they will be barking because they want to get to this object but can’t because there is some glass in the way.
- Raised ears
A tell-tale sign that a dog is curious by anything is for them to raise their ears. In the case of glass, if you find your dog sat by a glass door, for instance, with their ears raised, it’s likely that they’re curious about it.
- Sniffing
You may have noticed that dogs do a lot of sniffing and this is because they have a really good sense of smell and do so to find out more about an object. As they’re naturally curious, they will smell the glass to try and find out more about it, such as whether or not it’s safe.
Can All Dogs See Through Glass Like Humans Can?

They can do this, however, science has proven that dog eyesight isn’t as good as human eyesight. Where humans have 20/20 vision, dogs have 20/75 vision and this means that whatever they can see through glass needs to be closer so they can see clearly.
Having said this, due to their need for things to be quite close to them, you may have noticed that unlike us, dogs will regularly walk into glass.
Can Dogs See Through Mirrors?
Dogs can see through mirrors, however, they see through mirrors differently to how we see through mirrors. They can see their own reflection, however, they see this differently to how we see our reflection when we look in the mirror.
When we look in the mirror, we know we are looking at our reflection and we will be thinking about the way we look, such as our height or weight. However, dogs will look in the mirror and believe they’re looking at another dog. This is why they might react weirdly, because they believe they’ve got a new friend to play with.
However, you will probably notice that after a while, your dog will stop reacting to their reflection. This is called habituation, as they will recognise that they are getting the exact same response each time and that it’s the same to their own.
Some dogs will even use mirrors as a tool for them to either find objects or people quicker than actually looking for them. But this is completely dependent on the dog and whether they prefer to look for it themselves or use the mirror to look for it.
Can Dogs See Through Car Windows?
Dogs can see through all types of clear glass, so as long as your car windows are clear and not tinted, your dog will be able to see through these. It’s best to assume that as long as we can see clearly through glass, it’s likely that dogs can see through them too, just not as clearly.
Can Dogs See Through Windows?
Yes, dogs can see through windows. Even though dogs eyesight isn’t anywhere near as good as ours is, they are still able to see through windows.
However, anything that they may be able to see through that window needs to be closer to the window than we would need it as otherwise they won’t be able to see it. So even though they can see through windows, they won’t necessarily be able to see everything you can see.
Can Dogs See Through Sunglasses?
As it’s quite difficult for dogs to see through tinted glass and sunglasses are tinted, it’s unlikely that they will be able to see through sunglasses.
Dogs Can See Through Glass At Night Too?
Yes, dogs can see through glass at night as well as during the day. As long as the glass is clear and doesn’t have any colours, isn’t tinted, and isn’t frosted, then they will be able to see through the glass.
Dogs have something behind their retina that we don’t, and this is called a tapetum lucidum. This is what enhances your dog’s vision at night and is why we struggle to see through glass at night, particularly if you’re inside with the light on and are trying to look outside.
As well as this, dogs also have more rod cells in their eyes than us. These cells get fully activated when there is very little light, which makes it easier for dogs to see out of the window at night than it is for us.
Can Dogs See Through Frosted Glass?
No, dogs won’t be able to see through frosted glass. As we can’t see clearly/at all through frosted glass, this means that dogs won’t be able to either. You have to remember that dogs’ vision is 20/75, meaning they can’t see as clearly as we can anyway, so frosted glass is a big no.
Having some frosted windows in your home can actually be more beneficial to your dog as it means they are unlikely to run into it. As light can still come in through frosted glass, it also means dogs can bathe in and soak up the warmth from this.
Having said that, frosted glass can slightly reduce the amount of heat that comes in, which, whilst it still means your dog can get some warmth, they won’t get as hot as they would if they were to lay by a clear glass window. `
Can Dogs See Through Double Glazed Windows?
Yes, they can. As long as the double glazed windows are clear, just like any other type of clear glass, dogs can easily see through them, although, not as clearly as we can.
Can Dogs See Through Tinted?
Just the same as frosted glass, dogs also can’t see through tinted glass. It’s best to assume that if you can’t see completely clearly through a glass window, regardless of whether it’s clear, frosted, or tinted, your dog definitely won’t be able to see through it either.
However, having tinted glass, either in your home, car or anywhere else, can still be beneficial to your dog. It reduces the amount of UV light that can be absorbed by your dog’s skin, which, in turn, reduces their risk of developing skin cancer.
This type of glass also helps keep your house and car cooler during the summer. This can help prevent your dog from becoming too overheated, although, if you have tinted windows in your car in particular, this doesn’t mean you can leave your dog in your car at any time.
Other Senses Dogs Use To Recognize Glass?
As dogs’ sense of sight isn’t that good, they’ll use their other senses in order to be able to recognise glass.
First of all, they’ll use their sense of smell. Dogs have 100 million scent receptors compared to our 5 million, so tend to rely on their sense of smell to tell them information about various objects.
The other sense dogs will use to recognise glass is their sense of hearing. They have 18 muscles in their ear and have the ability to turn off their inner ear, so can filter out unnecessary noises. They will use this to listen to what is on the other side of the glass.
If Dogs Can See Glass Then Why Do Dogs Run Into Glass Doors?
This can be due to a variety of reasons. One of these is forgetfulness. Dogs can be clumsy just like us and it’s highly likely that you have once walked into glass or a door and dogs are just like us in this way.
They will do this because glass, particularly a glass door, looks like an invisible door to them and they aren’t so aware that the door is there until they run into it.
This is about trust. Dogs are very trusting animals and once their trust has been betrayed, they can become sceptical towards what broke that trust. In this case, if they don’t realise a glass door is there and they run into it, they’re going to become sceptical towards other glass doors.
To stop your dog from from running into glass, you should hang or tape something to the glass so they can see that there’s something there.
Which Eye Problems Will Prevent A Dog From Seeing Through Glass?
One of the eye problems that can prevent your dog from seeing through glass is glaucoma.This is a disease of the eye that causes an increase of pressure on the eye. This causes changes to happen to the retina, which can affect your dog’s vision.
The other eye problem that can prevent your dog from seeing through glass is cataracts. This happens when there are changes in the water balance in the lens or changes to the proteins in the lens. When this happens, light cannot reach the retina and this can cause blindness.