Peanut butter, always known as the beloved treat for our furry friends. But you noticed your dog doesn’t seem to like it? Maybe you’re wondering if that’s normal, or if it’s even okay for dogs to eat in the first place. You’ve come to the right place with all your peanut butter questions!
Do All Dogs Hate Peanut Butter?
Most dogs absolutely love peanut butter. It is far more uncommon for dogs to dislike peanut butter. Dogs love not only the taste, but peanut butter is fun to eat too! They love the sticky messy peanut butter that they can coat all over their mouth and lick for hours. The stickiness makes great fun when put in a Kong Toy. It takes dogs a long time to lick it all out. So if you have a dog who seems restless and bored, peanut butter in a Kong Toy will provide fun for hours.

Dog Doesn’t Like Peanut Butter In The Kong Toy?
A Kong Toy is a great toy to shove yummy treats into for a dog to try and retrieve. It’s also great to smear yummy treats along the sides, creating fun for hours for a bored pup. Peanut butter is the common go to smear inside. Most dogs love it, and it takes the dog a while to get it all out. If your dog is a dog who doesn’t like peanut butter, here are some options for you to put inside the Kong Toy.
- Applesauce
- Canned fish (although that can get stinky!)
- Wet dog food
- Cottage cheese or ricotta cheese (my personal favorite peanut butter alternative)
Is It Cruel To Give Dogs Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter for dogs seems like such a common thing we often don’t think about if it’s actually okay for them or not. Most peanut butter is totally fine (always in moderation.) It’s a great source of Vitamins B and E. Low sodium options are obviously much healthier as dogs don’t need salt in their diets. Organic, all natural peanut butters are a safer option than something like Jif, which has many extra sugars that aren’t good for dogs. Homemade peanut butter is the best!
Watch out for Xylitol! Some peanut butter companies have switched to using xylitol for a sweetener which is deadly to dogs. Make sure you check your peanut butter labels before giving any to your dog!
Everything in moderation! Give peanut butter as a treat every now and then. Too much can cause obesity and more serious complications like pancreatitis.
What Can You Give A Dog That Doesn’t Like Peanut Butter?
If you’re wanting to give your dog peanut butter as a treat, but your dog doesn’t like it, stick to normal dog treats. There is a very expansive variety of dog-approved treats out there. Try bully sticks, or milk bones.
Remember, dogs don’t need a lot of the things we eat in our diets. Salt, for instance, shouldn’t be included in a dogs’ diet. Table scraps and other people foods can cause many health problems or obesity in dogs. So when looking for a peanut butter alternative, stick to treats specifically made for dogs.
Best Peanut Butter Alternative For Dogs?
Does your dog not like peanut butter? Here are a few dog friendly alternatives!
- Almond Butter
- Cashew Butter
- Sunflower Seed Butter
- Coconut Oil
- Hazelnut Butter
- Chia Seed Butter
- Cream Cheese
- Ricotta Cheese
Do Dogs Hate Peanuts Too?
One thing about peanut butter that dogs love is the whole texture and the actual eating of the peanut butter. So you may find some dogs to love peanut butter but hate peanuts! It’s normal. However, most dogs love both.
Can I Give Jif To My Dog?
Jif is made with an excessive amount of added sugars. So when you’re giving peanut butter to your dog, only give them pure (natural) or homemade peanut butter. The only ingredients should be peanuts (and possibly oil).
Does Peanut Butter Constipate Dogs?
Quite the opposite. Peanut butter shouldn’t affect a dogs bowel movements. If they have too much peanut butter, it can cause diarrhea.
Are There Certain Peanut Butter Brands That Are Not Safe For Dogs To Consume?
Peanut butter brands that are made with added sugars shouldn’t be given to dogs. These brands include:
- Jif
- Skippy
- Peter Pan
- Smuckers
What Peanut Butter Is Bad For Dogs?
In the last decade some peanut butter brands have switched to using xylitol for sweetener. Xylitol is highly dangerous for your dogs and should never be given to them. Currently there are 5 brands that use xylitol:
- Go Nuts Co
- Krush Nutrition
- Nuts N’More
- P28 Foods
- Protein Plus PB
I Gave My Dog Salted Peanut Butter Isn’t Fat And Salt Bad For Dogs?
Too much of anything is a bad thing. Dogs don’t require the same diet as humans do, so certain fats in peanut butter dogs don’t need. Same goes for salt. Of course, it’s fine if they have a little bit every now and then, it won’t kill them. But if they are eating these fats and salts everyday it can cause health complications.
Is It Safe For My Dog To Eat Peanut Butter Every Day?
Do Dogs Suffer From Peanut / Peanut Butter Allergy?
Just like humans, dogs can suffer from peanut allergies as well! It’s not common, but it does happen. Keep an eye out for these symptoms when your dog peanut butter to make sure they aren’t having an allergic reaction.
- Itchy skin
- Bald spots
- Excessive licking
- Difficulty breathing
- Hives
- Swelling
- Agitation
- Collapse
- Lethargy
What Are Satin Balls?
Satin Balls are a small ball of high protein ingredients used to get dogs weight up. Especially dogs that are sick and not eating, or very high energy, working dogs or dogs that are underweight.
Satin Ball Recipe For Dogs?
There are a few different recipes you can use for satin balls but the main ingredients for weight gain remain the same.
- Ground Beef
- Total Cereal
- Oatmeal
- Molasses
- Unflavored Gelatin
- Wheat Germ
- Raw egg and shell
All raw ingredients. Form palm sized balls. You can refrigerate for up to a week, put the rest in the freezer.
How Often Should I Feed My Dog Satin Balls?
One or two satin balls a day, given with kibbles are a great start for medium to large dogs. For a smaller dog just one a day. Satin balls work very quickly so keep a watchful eye and cut back once you notice a good weight gain.
How Long Does It Take For Satin Balls To Work?
Ideally, by giving your dog 1-2 satin balls a day, weight gain should start appearing after a week. If you don’t notice any weight gain it would be fine to up the dose until the weight starts gaining. For small gains you can go from 1 to 1 and a half a day. For larger dogs you can do as many as three a day.
Once the weight is gained and is sticking around (wait for three weeks) stop giving satin balls to your dog because you can risk triggering obesity.
Peanut butter can be a great healthy treat for dogs! Make sure to avoid xylitol and other unneeded sugars and salts. Too many salts and sugars can trigger obesity in dogs and other more serious health complications. If your dog doesn’t like peanut butter (very uncommon) try a different nut or seed butter, soft cheeses or stick to normal dog treats.
What Can You Put in a Kong Besides Peanut Butter? 13 Easy Recipes
Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?
Satin Balls to Help Your Dog to Gain Weight