Dogs are well known as man’s best friend, but can a dog get along with a praying mantis? Anything is possible! Let’s talk about the best way to introduce your dog to your new praying mantis.
How To Introduce Your Dog To A Praying Mantis?
Remember, when introducing your dog to your new praying mantis take things slow! Keep your dog leashed and close to you while they meet and greet your new mantis. Have your mantis safe in their habitat to prevent accidental injuries. Encourage your dog’s gentle behavior with treats! Best of luck!

How Well Do Dogs And Praying Mantises Get Along?
Dogs are exceptionally friendly and intelligent animals that have befriended many unlikely creatures, such as ducks, pigs, elephants, and even a leopard. Whether or not a dog will get along with a praying mantis may depend on the dog’s personality.
Can A Dog And A Praying Mantis Be Friends (BFF)?
Surprisingly, dogs have become best friends with many different types of animals! While it is possible that a dog can be best friends with a praying mantis, your dog’s friendliness and curiosity may accidentally injure your praying mantis.
How To Introduce Your Dog To Your Praying Mantis [Step By Step]
- Your dog may be excited, so have your dog on a leash at first to have better control of the interaction
- Keep your praying mantis in their tank
- Walk your dog up slowly to the tank and allow them to carefully sniff
- Reward good behavior with treats and praise!
It is best not to let them interact alone to prevent any injury.
Do Dogs Get Jealous Of Praying Mantises?

Dogs absolutely love our attention and affection, so much so that they may get jealous when another creature is the center of attention. Here are some signs of jealousy in a dog:
- Aggressive behavior or growling
- Asking for extra cuddles
- Doing tricks to get your attention
Why Do Some Dogs And Praying Mantis Don’t Get Along At All?
Some dogs may be aggressive towards a praying mantis. Sometimes, dogs view bugs and insects as things to play with, which can be unsafe for a praying mantis. Some dogs also like to try to eat insects.
How Can I Safely Determine How My Dog Will React To My New Praying Mantis?
Keeping both pets safe is a number one priority!
If you are unsure how your dog will react, have them on a leash when first introducing them to your new praying mantis.
Keep an eye out for any potential aggressive behavior in your dog, or even overly playful behaviors.
Do Dogs Eat Praying Mantises?
Dogs may eat praying mantises, along with other bugs and insects. They may be attracted to how they look, smell, and move and see them as a snack. Dogs can eat a praying mantis either on purpose or by accident when trying to play with it.
How To Keep My Dog From Eating My Praying Mantis?
- Determine your dog’s behavior around your praying mantis (playful, rough, gentle, etc.)
- Does your dog often try to eat bugs? If so, do not let them interact
- Keep your praying mantis’s tank away from where your dog can reach
- Do not let your dog interact alone with your praying mantis
Why Did My Dog Attack My Praying Mantis?
To a dog, a praying mantis may seem like a snack or a threat. If your dog usually chases or eats other insects, it can try to do the same with a praying mantis. Also, your dog may be jealous of the praying mantis and attack out of aggression.
How Can I Train My Dog To Not Attack Praying Mantises?
Just like teaching a dog to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’, you can try to train your dog to not attack a praying mantis. Immediately reward good behavior with tasty snacks and praise. Repeat this training often until your dog gets the hang of it.
My Dog Ate My Praying Mantis What Should I Do?
Luckily, praying mantis are not toxic to dogs. Your dog may have a bit of an upset tummy, though they should be fine.
If you are concerned or if your dog displays any alarming symptoms, call your vet to get them checked out.
Can You Raise A Praying Mantis With A Dog?
Yes! It is perfectly fine to raise a praying mantis with a dog.
Are Praying Mantises Harmful To Dogs?
No, praying mantises are not toxic to dogs!
It is very unlikely that a praying mantis can do any harm to a dog.
What Dog Breeds Are Good With Praying Mantises?
While no one dog breed would be best with a praying mantis, a smaller dog or a very friendly dog would be a good option. Some good options may be a beagle or basset hound.
What Dog Breeds Are Not Good With Praying Mantises?
Very large dogs may not be good with praying mantises. While large dogs can be extremely friendly, they may accidentally hurt your praying mantis with their size and weight.
Are Praying Mantises Scared Of Dogs?
Depending on the size of your dog and how they behave, your praying mantis will most likely be startled by your dog. However, your praying mantis might become used to them over time.
Why Is My Dog Is Obsessed With My Praying Mantis?
Dogs are curious and playful pets! They could be interested in trying to play with your praying mantis, or they might want to eat it.
A praying mantis is such an interesting creature, who can blame your dog!
Why Is My Dog Whining At My Praying Mantis?
Whining is one of the ways dogs talk. There could be many reasons your dog is whining at your praying mantis. Dogs most often whine when:
- Trying to get attention
- They are stressed
- They are excited
How To Introduce A Praying Mantis To A Dog?
Keep your praying mantis safe in its habitat or tank when introducing it to a dog. Have your dog slowly come up to smell and greet your praying mantis. Repeat this process a few times and give treats to your dog for good behavior!
Do Praying Mantises Live Well Together With Dogs?
Praying mantises live best when alone in their tanks, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t live in the same house with a dog.
As long as your praying mantis has its safe habitat, it should be just fine in the same house as a dog.
Can A Puppy Be Around Praying Mantises?
Puppies are wonderfully playful and oftentimes clumsy. It is best to keep your puppy away from praying mantises since they will most likely try to eat or roughly play with praying mantises.
To play it safe, wait until your puppy is older before having them interact.
How Do Dogs React To Praying Mantises?
Dogs can react in many ways to praying mantises: scared, curious, playful, cautious, aggressive, happy, etc.
Knowing your dog’s personality and how they act around other animals and insects will likely be the best indication of how they will react to a praying mantis.
Are Praying Mantises Scared Of Dogs Barking?
Praying mantis have a very interesting sense of hearing, they only hear high-pitched noises. While it is unknown currently, it is unlikely that praying mantises can hear dogs barking. Because of this, they most likely are not afraid of dogs barking.
Will The Praying Mantis Attack The Dog?
When startled or scared, a praying mantis may try to attack a dog. However, praying mantises are not able to harm dogs thankfully.
How To Get My Praying Mantis To Love My Dog?
Have patience! Since your dog is much larger than your praying mantis, it may take time before your praying mantis is comfortable around your dog.
[What Should I Do] My Dog Is Eating Praying Mantis Poop?
To prevent this from happening, move your praying mantis’s tank to a location where your dog cannot reach. Losing access to their tank may be enough to discourage your dog from trying to eat this.
[What Should I Do] My Praying Mantis Is Eating Dog Poop?
There are a few ways to prevent this from happening.
If possible, block off the area where your dog goes to the bathroom so that it is not accessible to your praying mantis. If this is not possible, then clean up immediately after your dog goes so that your praying mantis cannot get to the dog’s poop.
Will The Praying Mantis Charge At My Dog?
Since dogs are not seen as prey (and are much larger than a praying mantis!) it is very unlikely they will charge at a dog.
Are Dogs Afraid Of Praying Mantises?
Some dogs can be scaredy cats! If your dog is more timid or shy, it may be afraid of praying mantises.
Do Praying Mantises Make Good Pets?
Praying mantises can be great pets! They are pretty easy to care for and do not take up much space. Also, there are many kinds of praying mantises with different personalities and needs.
Look into the different types of praying mantises there are to see which type of mantis would be best for you!
How Much Room Does A Praying Mantis Need?
The exact size of their tank will depend on the size of your praying mantis.
To figure out how much space you need for your praying mantis tank, estimate about three times their height and twice their width.
Is It Expensive To Raise Praying Mantises?
Praying mantises are quite cheap as pets. The cost of food and materials for your mantis is often very low.
Typical praying mantises cost anywhere from $6 to under $40.
Do Praying Mantises Learn Their Names?
It is unlikely. Since praying mantises have a special kind of hearing, they probably are not hearing what we say.
Can A Praying Mantis Kill A Dog?
Thankfully, no! A praying mantis is not dangerous to dogs.
Can Praying Mantises Become Emotionally Bonded With Humans Like Dogs?
There is no simple answer for this currently.
While praying mantises can become very friendly and comfortable with humans, it is not known whether they bond with humans.
Why Is My Dog Petrified Of The Praying Mantis?
Dogs may be scared of unfamiliar things. To help ease your dog, give them plenty of reassurance to show them everything is okay!
With time and comfort from you, their fear may go away.