It can be interesting to see your dog take up your workspace and claim it all as his own, but don’t worry! There’s plenty of reasons why this behavior would start, as well as next steps to take when you see this behavior start!

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the “why” of these actions, as this can confuse any new dog owner!
Your Dog Wants a Den Space
Believe it or not, dogs are natural-born den animals! The need for a den is a natural instinct that derives from canids.
Even though it may be a shock that your 10-pound chihuahua is related to a wild animal, it’s important to give them that den space to help them feel naturally comfortable!
Den spaces help contribute to a dog’s mental health by making them feel safe and confined.
Your Dog Wants To Hang Out With You
Most dogs enjoy spending time with their humans! You are their home, so it would make sense that they’d want to be near you when you’re home.
Your dog has most likely noticed and observed your daily pattern. If he sees you sit at your desk all day, he will most likely pick up that that’s where he should stay, too!
Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety
As stated above, your dog is very observant! If your dog feels anxious when you’re gone, he most likely wants to stay where ever you are.
Separation anxiety can be a serious issue that has continued to escalate since more people are working from home in general.

Your Dog Feels Safe Down There
Dogs always want to feel safe as they relax throughout their day. A dogs safe space may be a crate, a room, a corner of the couch, anywhere!
Your dog may claim your desk as a safe space. This could be because its confined, covered, dark, and enclosed.
For Comfort
Consider that it might be one of the comfiest spots in the house!
Whether it’s a little chilly and they want a cozy spot to warm up in, or it’s nice and cool and breezy down there, it might just be an enjoyable snooze spot.
You Dropped Some Food Crumbs
Do you ever eat food ar your desk?
If the answer is yes, you most likely drop a crumb or two when you eat!
Theres a chance that your pup is conditioned to know if they hang out long enough, your bound to drop a little tasty snack from time to time. And your dog will be waiting patiently ready to pick it right up!
Your Dog Doesn’t Feel Well
Dogs tend to hide when they’re feeling a little under the weather!
If your dog hiding himself under your desk is paired with any other symptoms that might indicate illness, it’s definitely time for a trip to the vet!
They Enjoy The Privacy
Dog’s enjoy their alone time the same way humans do, too!
Isn’t it nice to curl up in your room away from all the stimulation of life and just be cozy for a little while?
They’re Looking For Attention
Your dog may be looking for attention! Dog’s have learned through evolution how to perform behaviors that get our attention.
This could be barking, whining, staring, and in this case, lingering where you hangout throughout the day.
Your dog can easily pick up on your daily habits, and know right where to hit you when its time to get some love, playtime, and pets!
Should I Let My Dog Keep Going Under My Desk?
If it’s not causing any harm, there technically isn’t any reason to make your dog stop hanging out under there!
But, of course, this could be a personal preference. In the end, it’s all up to you!
Do Bad Behaviors Revolve Around The Desk?
The easiest thing to do to curb behavior that revolves around the desk is to eliminate their freedom around the desk!
If your dog is marking on the desk, guarding the desk (becoming aggressive when your approach the desk) or will refuse to move from the desk when you ask, it could be a behavioral issue!
Consider hiring a trainer to work on some of these things!
In the meantime, refrain from letting your dog around the desk for a while until you have the problem under control.
What To Do If Your Dog Sits Under Your Desk
Once you fully assess the situation, you can then make an educated decision on if you should let your dog hang with you at your desk!
Like stated, the next steps depend on lots of other factors. Is your dog unwell? Time for the vet! Is your dog acting out? Time for a trainer! Is your dog comfortable under there and just hanging out? Do nothing!
Make Them Feel Secure
If you feel this new behavior revolves around your dog feeling insecure, it’s time to change that!
There’s tons of ways to make your dog feel more comfortable and safe in his day to day!
Think back to when we talked about their “den” space. Having this space where they can be confined and safe is so important!
Consider setting up their den space as a bed in the room, a playpen, or a crate!
Help Them Cope With Anxiety
If you come to the conclusion that your dog is seeking refuge under your work space because they feel anxious throughout the day, it’s time to take action!
There’s so many ways to cope with anxiety, and many of these should be discussed with a professional to help you come up with the best plan possible.
Prepare A Spot That Is Specifically For Your Dog
Dogs love consistency when it comes to their space!
If you’re looking to give your pooch a new nap spot, first, be watchful to figure out what your dog likes!
Do they like hard surfaces? Soft fluffy beds?
Train Them To Sit Or Lay Somewhere Else
The best way to train this behavior out of your dog is by using redirection!
Redirection is when you tell the dog “no” when they perform the negative behavior, and im immediately direct them to the job you wanted them to do instead.
Getting a bed or crate to use for this would be a great place to start!
Avoid Rewarding The Behavior
Owners accidentally reward unwanted behaviors all the time. It happens!
Some of the most common ways people accidentally praise dogs are by petting, talking to them, looking at them and giving them attention, yelling at them, and so much more.
Avoiding this helps your dog clearly understand what you want from them, which is why understanding how to properly redirect them is so crucial!
Reduce Reasons Why It Might Be Anxious
If you can figure out what the triggers are that make your dog anxious, you can control it!
A big aspect of modifying behavioral issues is to control the triggers in your household.
If you figure out what creates anxiety within your dog, you can then work on reducing those triggers around your dogs day to day routine.
You wouldn’t want to be triggered throughout the day in your own home, and neither would your dog!
Eliminate Any Reasons For Anxious Behavior
If you figured out that the reason your dog is hiding under the desk is due to anxiety, it’s time to take action!
Once you’ve figured out what causes your poor pup to fall into that uneasy state, work on removing the negative stimuli, and fall straight into counterconditioning and desensitization to create a happier and healthier life for your pup!