Giving your dog food that is mainly consumed by humans often comes with its own risks towards the dog.
But are grapes something that dogs can eat or should we stay away from feeding our pet pooches this healthy treat?
Can Shih Tzus Eat Grapes?
It is very important that you do not feed your dog, regardless of their breed, grapes as they are very toxic to dogs and could cause a variety of health complications; the worst being death!

Can Shih Tzu Puppies/Adults/Seniors Eat Grapes?
No Shih Tzu, regardless of whether they are a puppy, adult, or senior, can eat grapes as it is possible for them to cause kidney failure. If your Shih Tzu does eat a grape, you should take them to the vet immediately for treatment.
How Bad Are Grapes For Dogs [Can They Kill Dogs]?
Grapes are very bad for dogs, however, there is currently no exact knowledge on how toxic the grape is to the dog once they have ingested it. However, what is known is that every dog’s reaction to eating a grape is different, but still harmful to all dogs.
How Many Grapes Can A Shih Tzu Eat?
A Shih Tzu cannot even eat one grape without being sick, so please do not feed your Shih Tzu any grapes.
Can Shih Tzus Eat Green Grapes?
Short answer: no. All types of grapes, whether they are green, red, seedless, etc., are toxic for Shih Tzus (and all types of dogs), so they should not eat any type of grape whatsoever.
Signs Of Grape Toxicity In Dogs
– vomiting
– lack of energy
– lethargy
– diarrhea
– nausea
– lack of appetite
– odorous breath
– abdominal pain
– excessive thirst
– excessive urination
Vomiting is the first sign that will be seen within twenty-four hours of the grape being digested. This is closely followed by a lack of energy, lethargy and diarrhoea in the first twelve to twenty-four hours.
The more severe signs, including nausea, lack of appetite, bad breath, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and excessive urination occur in the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
It is important you take your dog to the vets straight away if you believe they have eaten a grape or show the earlier signs of grape toxicity as the longer you leave it, the more fatal it will prove to be.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Grapes?
– kidney damage
– kidney failure
If a dog eats a grape, if you leave it too long before they get treated, this can lead to kidney damage, which can eventually lead to kidney failure, which can be fatal. Therefore, it is important your dog receives immediate treatment after eating a grape as this can stop it from becoming fatal.
How Long After A Dog Eats A Grape Do They Get Sick?

Your dog should be sick within the first six to twelve hours of them eating a grape. This is the first sign of them having grape toxicity and is the main sign you need to look out for if you know or suspect they have eaten a grape.
How Long Can A Dog Live After Eating Grapes?
In a worst case scenario, if you do not realize the signs and symptoms of your dog having been poisoned by grapes quick enough, this can lead to the death of your dog within seventy-two hours of eating the grape. However, as long as they receive treatment as soon as possible after eating grapes, your dog should be able to live a long and healthy life.
Are All Dogs Allergic To Grapes?
All dogs are likely to have some form of reaction to digesting a grape, but the reaction they have is mostly dependent on the size and breed of the dog. In short, yes, all dogs are allergic to grapes, but some may appear more allergic to them than others.
How Many Dogs Die From Eating Grapes?
A study was done in 1999, where forty-three dogs ate grapes. Of those forty-three dogs, twenty-three survived, fifteen were euthanized, and five died. Whilst this suggests that dogs have a relatively good chance of surviving after eating grapes, there is still a big chance that they might pass away after ingesting them. Therefore, it is best to not give your dog grapes and if they do accidentally ingest them, you should take them to the vet immediately.
What To Do If My Dog Ate Grapes?
If your dog has eaten grapes, you should call your vet immediately so they can carry out the appropriate course of treatment. It is still widely unknown on what exactly happens when your dog ingests a grape, so it is important they get to the vets as soon as possible as this reduces the risk of them getting kidney damage/failure and possibly passing away.
Can A Single Grape Kill A (Shih Tzu, Chihuahua, 30 Pound Dog, German Shepherd) Dog?
It is completely plausible for a single grape to kill a dog and this goes for most breeds. A single grape can kill a Shih Tzu and Chihuahua due to them being small dogs and if a dog weighs under twenty pounds, just one or two grapes can kill them.
If your dog weighs thirty pounds, it is unlikely that a single grape will kill them, but if they eat three or four grapes, this is when it can prove fatal. But this is just a general rule of thumb, and whilst it is a small chance they will die from eating a single grape, it is still possible.
This is also the same for German Shepherds, as they are a much larger breed of dog and it is unlikely that just one grape will kill them, but there is still a very small possibility that it might happen.
Can 1 Raisin Kill A Dog?
Yes, just like grapes, it is completely possible for just one raisin to kill your dog.
Dog Grape Toxicity Calculator
To calculate how toxic a grape is to your dog, all you need is your dog’s weight. The calculator will then work out what the toxic dose of grapes is and what the potential lowest toxic dose of grapes is. For example, if your dog weighs ten pounds, the toxic dose of grapes is seventeen and the potential lowest toxic dose of grapes is two.
Is The Grape Skin Poisonous To Dogs?
Even though the toxins are more than likely in the flesh of the grape instead of in the skin, it is still suspected that there may be toxins or pesticides in the skin of the grape that are poisonous to dogs. In this case, you should still not peel a grape and give the skin to your dog as there is still a chance that they will be poisoned from the skin.
Are Grape Seeds Poisonous To Dogs?
Research has shown that seedless grapes are just as toxic to dogs as grapes with seeds in, therefore, the seeds cannot be seen as the toxin in grapes. However, vets advise not to give dogs any grape product as it is unknown what the reaction to any potential grape toxins will be to each dog.
Is It Safe If I Peel The Grape Skin And Take Out The Seeds?
As the exact cause of the toxins in the grapes is unknown, it is not safe for dogs to eat peeled, seedless grapes as this could poison them.
Can Dogs Drink Wine [Made From Grapes]?
No, under absolutely no circumstances should you give your dog wine, regardless of whether it is made from grapes or not. If the wine is made from grapes, the grapes contain toxins that are poisonous to dogs and could seriously harm them, possibly even leading to death. Even if the wine doesn’t contain grapes, it still contains alcohol and can cause your dog to become drunk and this can make them become very ill as they don’t understand what is happening to them, so become terrified and disorientated.
Is There A Home Remedy For A Dog Who Ate Grapes?
If you notice your dog has eaten some grapes, the best thing for you to do is to get them to throw up. You can get them to throw up by giving them a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and this should cause them to throw up within five or ten minutes. However, there is still a small chance that not all of the ingested grapes would have come back up, so you may have to take them to the vets for some treatment to ensure all of the grapes have come back up.
How Does The Vet Treat Grape Poisoning?
If you get your dog to the vet within two hours of them eating the grape, the vet will induce emesis, which is the process of making your dog vomit, and will try to reduce further absorption of the grape. They may also give your dog activated charcoal to bind the toxins in your dog’s stomach and limit the absorption of the grape.
However, if your dog has ingested a large quantity of grapes, the vet will need to give them intravenous fluids, which is a way of delivering fluids, medication and nutrition into your dog’s veins. They will need to do this for forty-eight hours. The intravenous fluids will increase urine production, support kidney production and flush the toxins out of your dog’s body.
If after receiving this treatment your dog is still only producing a small amount of urine, the vet may give them some more medication to help stimulate their kidneys.
However, if it gets to the point where the kidneys completely stop producing urine, this may well mean that things will turn fatal and is why you should ensure your dog gets treatment for ingesting the grape(s) as soon as possible.
How To Keep A Dog Away From Grape Vines?
If you see your dog walking towards a grape vine, or even looking in the direction of a grape vine, give them a stern “no” to try and warn them off going anywhere near the grape vine. If they do come away from the grape vine when told, reward them with a treat so they know it is good behavior and they should eventually stop going anywhere near a grape vine.