Would a domesticated dog, particularly a small breed like a Shih Tzu be able to survive if they were dropped into the wild and away from civilization?
Here are the answers.
Can Shih Tzus Survive In The Wild
Shih Tzu would not be able to survive in the wild. This is due to their small size making them prey for many predators and their lack of survival skills from being a domesticated breed. Shih Tzu’s are quite sensitive to extreme weather either cold or hot. So if there was a very harsh winter or summer while they were outside of the comfort of their family home they probably wouldn’t last long 🙁

Can A Domesticated Shih Tzu Survive In A Wild Environment?
Dogs who have been domesticated have gotten very used to living a life where everything they could possibly want or need is quite literally hand-fed to them by their owners.
This would make it quite difficult for them to survive in the wild, as they did not spend the early stages of their life developing the skills necessary to live in such harsh conditions.
This is especially true for smaller breeds of dogs. This is because their smaller size would make them vulnerable to more predators and make it harder for them to hunt food.
They also have the disadvantage of the fact they have been bred to be dogs that are taken care of by humans, so they lack some of the natural instincts one needs to survive in the wild.
How Long Can A Domesticated Shih Tzu Survive In The Wild [Without Humans]?
This is difficult to determine as it depends on the individual circumstance, like how old is the dog? Where in the wild are they? Are there many predators in that area?
All of these factors would have to be considered when trying to figure out how long a dog may last in the wild, which could be anywhere from a few hours to the rest of their lives.
Unfortunately, Shih Tzu’s are a small breed of dog that is used to being well pampered and taken care of. They probably would not be able to survive for long on their own.
Can A Shih Tzu Survive A Harsh Winter Or Harsh Summer In The Wild?
Shih Tzu’s are actually quite sensitive to the cold so if there was a very harsh winter while they were outside of the comfort of their family home they probably wouldn’t last long.
This being said, their survival rates actually decrease even further if they were to be trying to survive a hot summer without the cool shelter that humans provide.
This is because they have short flat noses that make it so that they can’t breathe if the temperature gets too high.
They are also prone to overheating and getting heatstroke. This is because of their general build and long, shaggy coats.
How Long Can A Shih Tzu Survive In The Wild Without Food?
Even though Shih Tzu’s are small, all dogs do still have a natural hunting instinct. If food were their only concern they would have a pretty good chance at surviving out in the wild.
Shih Tzu’s have actually been known to hunt small prey like mice even when they are living with a family, to the utter dismay of their owners. For small dogs, they aren’t all that bad at hunting.
Can A Shih Tzu Puppy Survive In The Wild?
The smaller something is, the more natural predators it has. This unfortunately means that puppies would be picked off quite quickly.
If the puppy does manage to survive, however, they will probably be at an advantage from growing up in the wilderness.
They would probably grow up to understand surviving in the wild instinctually, whereas dogs that grew up with humans would probably take years to reach that level of awareness if ever.
How Did Shih Tzu’s (Or Any Little Dog) Survive In The Wild?

They didn’t, the domestication of dogs by humans started over 15,000 years ago with grey wolves. All commonly kept domesticated dog breeds came from these grey wolves.
This means that all domesticated dog breeds we have today have never existed on a large scale outside of domestication.
So Shih Tzu’s have always existed alongside people and have always been cared for by us. Even when civilization was in its early stages.
Can You Train Your Shih Tzu To Survive In The Wild?
No, the ability to survive in the wild is something that evolution bred wild animals for, not something that can be trained into them.
Trying to release Shih Tzu’s into the wild and see them survive would not only be very cruel but unsuccessful.
Did Shih Tzu Originate In The Wild Mountains Of Tibet [So Shouldn’t they be able to survive]?
Shih Tzu did originate in Tibet but they were considered royalty by the people there, so they never had to fend for themselves, they have always been looked after.
Can All Breeds Survive And Adapt To Living In Wilderness On Their Own?
No, in fact, most domesticated dog breeds big or small would probably not be able to survive on their own in the wild because of the hundreds of years they have been kept in captivity.
If humans disappeared because of an apocalypse or war, all domesticated animals would either evolve back to a more feral state or become extinct.
If they did go down the path of evolution, it would be hundreds of years before they were able to live as comfortably in the wild as their ancestors did.
Can Toy Dog Breeds Survive The Wild?
Probably not, due to their small size and particularly pampered lifestyle as a general rule most toy dog breeds would definitely struggle to survive in the wild.
What Are The Breeds That Have A Very Low Chance Of Survival In The Wild?
- Pug
- Affenpinscher
- English Bulldog
- Griffon Bruxellois
- Pekingese
All of these breeds have breathing and other health issues associated with them that would make it very difficult for them to survive in the wilderness.
What Are The Breeds That Have A Very High Chance Of Survival In The Wild?
- Rough Collie – Well known for being “Lassie” these dogs are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, as well as their high energy, making them a great candidate for survival.
- Akita – These are big dogs that are used to being out in the wild, giving them a leg up on survival if humans were to disappear.
- Newfoundland – These dogs have insane swimming abilities and are great at maintaining a constant body temperature even in rough winters.
- Cane Corso – Originally guard and hunting dogs, these are not to be messed with, having no problem standing up for themselves no matter what foe they may encounter, big or small.
- Fila Brasileiro – They are bred to hunt scary wild animals bigger than they are (like jaguars) they should have no problem fending for themselves out in the wild.
- Belgian Malinois – Tough and smart they are able to navigate rough terrain and take care of themselves as pros.
All of these dog breeds are intelligent and hardy enough to be able to survive in a life without humans if absolutely necessary.
Can Modern Day Dogs Survive, Live And Thrive In The Wild?
Not really, Most if not all domesticated dog breeds we have today we specifically bred to be domesticated dogs and never actually lived in the wild.
This means their survival instinct is most likely not good enough for them to be able to survive on their own.
How Long Would A Dog Survive If You Released It Into The Wild?
This depends on the breed and how old the dog is but no matter what it most likely wouldn’t survive past a month or two if they are on its own.
Are Dogs Better Off In The Wild?
No, they are not. Dogs are no longer designed to live in the wild, it would actually be cruel to make them.
This is especially true when you consider that they wouldn’t even have a pack, dogs are very social animals and would struggle mentally being alone all the time.
How Far Can A Dog Run Into The Woods?
On average, a dog can run at 15-20 miles per hour. This, however, can’t be constant as they do need breaks to rest.
So it depends on how long they are out there, but they can get a very far distance away.
It is best to make sure that if you’re going somewhere where you could lose your dog to keep them on a secure leash.
What To Do If You Lose Your Dog In The Wild?
If you lose your dog in the woods, your first port-of-call should be to contact rangers for the woods or anyone who knows them really well, they will probably know the best places to look.
How To Find A Lost Dog In The Wild?
Obviously, look for them if you can.
If this is not possible due to the environment it is best to let the local community know and put up posters for your dog in all neighboring towns so people can contact you if your dog is found.
All you can do then is hope that your dog is able to find people or that people who go to the woods often find them.
What Are The Most Important Things That A Dog Needs To Survive In The Wild?
Dogs, unlike humans, can not just carry around their basic necessities on their back in order to be able to survive, this means they have to find them.
So what do dogs need to survive? The first and most important thing is freshwater, so a river or stream that has safe to drink clean water.
Second is a place to sleep that is safe and will allow them to keep warm, dogs can find food in most places by hunting, so these things are the most important to establish right away.
The next thing while not necessary for survival definitely helps and is important for a dog’s mental health, and that is to find a pack.
Dogs are very social and really struggle with being alone. If a dog is alone all the time it may even lose motivation to survive at all. This is what makes having a pack so important.
Will My Dog Live Longer In The Wild?
Dog breeds that have been domesticated are going to live much longer under the care of people as this is how they have lived for thousands of years.
Is It A Good Idea To Release My Dog Into The Wild? No!!!!
Absolutely not, releasing animals that are born in captivity or domesticated into the wild would be very cruel as they would not be able to care for themselves.
Releasing domesticated animals into the wild can also wreak havoc on the local ecosystem as they carry diseases they have immunities to from vaccines that wild animals would die from.
They also may just be a good predator and end up driving local life close to extinction!
- https://wagwalking.com/sense/can-dogs-live-without-humans