What is red eye in Shih Tzu dogs? Red eye refers to the enlargement of blood vessels of the superficial structures of the eye which gives the red color observed. it may be due to various factors, like the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the superficial membrane of the eye and the internal surface of eyelids, it may be also due to the inflammation of the episclera, a thin … [Read more...]
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) in dogs (Degeneration of the Retina)
What is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) in dogs? It is an eye disorder. The retina is being damaged as time goes by. There are two types of this condition, generalized PRA and focal PRA. Generalized PRA involves the damage of the entire retina whilst focal PRA only affects a part of the retina. The retina contains small cells that capture light and transfer it to the … [Read more...]
Entropion in Dogs – Don’t panic this is easily treatable! [But make sure you check the followup advice here!]
What is Entropion in Dogs? Entropion is a condition where the eyelid is turned inwards, meaning that the eyelashes and eyelid touch the eye. This may happen to the upper or lower eyelid and causes the eyelid hair to irritate the eye and results in inflammation of the white part of the eye and excessive tearing. It is a genetic condition, meaning it is passed from the Mother … [Read more...]
Trichiasis in dogs – The best options for treating and looking after a dog with this condition…
What is Trichiasis of eyelid? Trichiasis in dogs is a common disorder of the eyes, which occurs in some breeds of dogs, including Shih Tzu. It is a condition where the eye is irritated by the hair of the eyelashes or the nearby facial hair. Trichiasis happens when eyelid hairs are directed towards the eyeball, or the facial hair is touching the eye. Trichiasis may cause … [Read more...]
Cherry eye in dogs – Can this be treated without Expensive surgery? find out here…
What is Cherry Eye? Cherry eye in dogs is also known as the canine cherry eye, is the prolapse of the third eyelid gland. The inside of the eyelid is a white membrane, this membrane has a gland that produces tears and keeps the eye moist and protects it from dust and other elements. Usually, this gland is invisible, but with cherry eye the gland will appear from behind the … [Read more...]