It’s not uncommon for dogs to act aggressively towards drones flying nearby.
If your dog goes crazy at the sight of a drone, here’s why they might be acting that way, what to do about it, and how to keep your dog safe if they have a run-in with a drone.
Dog Hates Drones
Some dogs are extremely reactive to drones. It is our responsibility as pet owners to understand why our dogs hate drones, and to prepare them with great training to acclimate them to the existence of drones. Sometimes this might involve defending your dog from dogs either physically or via legal means!

Can I Attack/Destroy A Drone That Is Harassing My Dog?
Whenever possible, try to avoid damaging someone else’s property.
If a drone is harassing your dog and there is no way to remove your dog from the situation, you can cause it to crash; any subsequent damage will not be your responsibility.
It is best to just remove your dog from the situation and go somewhere else if you can. Leaving the area will reduce your dog’s anxiety and keep you out of hot water should you or your dog cause any damage to an inconsiderate pilot’s drone.
Can I Be Sued If My Dog Destroys A Drone That’s Harassing And Annoying Him?
Every case is different, and if the drone pilot pursues legal action, you may have to defend your dog in court. A few factors play a big role in liability including
- Location: Was the dog on private property or public property? A dog who destroys a drone in his own yard is less liable than a dog who runs off his property to destroy a drone.
- Intent: Did the dog attack the drone out of malice or self defense? If the dog was being harrassed, they were acting out of fear, not because they were trained to attack or intended to harm someone’s property.
- Control: If you were in a public area, was your dog under control and on-leash? Can you demonstrate that your dog was under control before he was harassed by the drone?
Do All Parks Ban Drones?

Drone flight is banned in National Parks, but is permitted in local and state parks unless local ordinances have restrictions in place regarding drone flight.
If you are unsure whether drones are permitted in the park you are planning to visit, it’s a good idea to visit the parks website, call, or talk to a staff member who knows about the local laws regarding the use of drones in public parks in your area.
Why Do Dogs ‘Freak Out’ When They See Drones?
Dogs have no way of understanding what drones are. Depending on your dog’s personality, an unknown object, like a drone, may make your dog curious, reactive, or fearful.
It’s normal for dogs to feel anxious or excited in the presence of something so new and different. A nervous dog may be frightened by a drone, while a more bold dog may instinctively attempt to “hunt” it, or defend himself against it if he perceives the drone as a threat.
The high pitched sounds and erratic flight patterns of drones are very stimulating for dogs and will frequently awaken their predatory instincts, especially in breeds of dogs that are used for hunting.
How Do I Train (Counter Condition / Desensitize) My Dog To Not Hate Drones? >> Please List And Briefly Explain Below
Working with your dog to accept drones is a gradual process, so give your dog plenty of time and space to accept them.
- Start by letting your dog see the drone when it is turned off and on the ground. Lead them past the drone and allow it to sniff
- Fly the drone high enough in the air that the dog barely notices it, walk your dog back and forth until they are relaxed and focused on you, not the drone.
- Gradually fly the drone closer and closer to the dog. Never chase or approach the dog quickly with the drone. The point is to help them relax and accept the drone as part of their natural surroundings, not something to attack or chase.
What Not To Do With A Dog Who Hates Drones?
If your dog hates drones, it’s probably out of fear or predator instinct. They might be nervous or excited about seeing a drone for the first time, and that’s to be expected, but it’s important to work with your dog to build their confidence around them. When working with your dog, you should never:
- Never chase your dog with a drone
- Never hold a drone up to a dogs face while it is operating
- Never trap your dog in an enclosed area with a drone
Should You Comfort A Dog Hates Drones?
Drones are a reality in our modern life. It’s important to prepare our dogs for their presence. If the first time they see a drone doesn’t go well, that’s ok! It just means you have some training to do!
If you and your dog are approached by a drone, try to stay calm in order to keep your dog calm and get them to focus on you again.
If your dog is in a situation where a drone is bothering them, the best thing you can do is distract your dog and take them somewhere else.
If you or someone you know has a drone, and your dog will be around drones in the future, see if they would be willing to help you work with your dog in a safe, controlled environment. This will help your dog get used to drones so that neither you or your dog have to worry about drone sightings causing a problem in the future!
What Exactly About Drones Does My Dog Hate (The Smell? Look? Noise? Sounds? Vibrations?)
To your dog, drones look like a combination of a bird and a frisbee, so dogs with higher prey drives are likely to want to “hunt” drones.
Drone’s can seem very threatening to dogs who have never seen them, as their flight patterns are erratic and they usually move very quickly giving them something to chase.
The propeller blades on a drone make high pitched sounds while it’s spinning that can emit high pitched frequencies that really bother your dog.
If your dog is unsure about drones, is bothered by the sound they make, and is forced to share personal space with one, even a quiet dog is likely to react defensively and could attack the drone!
My Dog Is Getting An Increasingly Dislike Of Drones?
If your dog is lunging and barking at your drone more and more every time it takes off, they are probably telling you that they are afraid of it.
Never chase your dog with your drone or force them to be near it until they have gained more confidence. Try to introduce your dog to the drone slowly by letting them investigate it while it is turned off, and then let them get used to it flying from a distance before moving it closer to them.
If your dog shows signs of discomfort or aggression towards the drone, distract them with high value treats and remove them from the area with the drone until they can relax again.
Are Drones Dangerous To Dogs?
Depending on the size of the dog and type of drone, a brave small dog could get seriously injured by a drone, while a larger dog could suffer less critical, but still significant injuries.
If a dog is distracted by a drone, they may fixate on chasing the drone and not consider their surroundings, which can lead to accidents and injuries to your dog as well as the people around them.
Can & Do Dogs Destroy Drones?
A dog grabbing a drone can definitely cause some damage! Depending on the size of the dog, they can jump up, grab a drone out of the sky, and smash it into pieces before you even realize it.
If you are a pilot, it is important to be aware of your surroundings when you fly. Be sure to only fly at low altitudes where there aren’t any animals nearby that might like to play chase with your expensive aircraft!
If you are a pet owner, always be aware of your surroundings when you’re out with your dog, and always keep high value treats with you to keep their attention focused on you in stressful situations.
What Best Alternatives To Drones That Dogs Do Not Hate?
If you are using a drone around a dog to take photos or video but your dog just can’t handle it flying near them, you may need to use a different method for recording your pet.
A camera or go-pro attached to your dog may be the only way to follow them everywhere they go without having to go airborne.
How Much Do Drones Bother Dogs?
Not all dogs mind drones. Like people, dogs have individual personalities that make them react differently to the same thing. Some dogs will jump and chase a drone to snatch it out of the sky, while other dogs will barely even notice them.
You can work with your dog to get him used to the presence of drones by practicing keeping your dog’s attention on you while a drone flies nearby.
Why Do Dogs Bark At Drones?
Dogs tend to bark at drones out of fear or play instincts.
If your dog is barking at drones, try to distract them with a treat or their favorite toy so that they don’t associate the presence of the drone with a reason to bark.
Can A Drone Find A Dog?
Having access to a drone while looking for a lost dog could be super useful!
A drone will allow you to look for your dog from the air, which gives you a much broader search range.
Just be careful not to fly your drone close enough to your lost dog that they may get frightened and run further away. If they are running out of fear, they are more likely to get hurt or lost!
Do Drones Scare Other Animals Too?
Drones can be very off-putting to animals.
They make a strange noise, fly erratically, and move quickly; all warning signs to animals that a drone may be a predator.
On the other hand, drones can be super useful for anyone studying wildlife populations to observe groups of animals from a safe and discreet distance.
What Are The Negative Impacts Of Drones?
While drones represent the future of technology, there are a few things about them that raise genuine concern. Some of these things include
- They are a public nuisance
- Can cause property damage and injury
- Privacy Issues
- Legislation regarding drones is unclear and constantly changing
- Drones are expensive to own and operate
Do Drones Affect Birds?
Birds in flight don’t seem to be bothered much by drones, but they have been shown to impact on the reproductive and nesting habits of birds.
When drones disrupt birds at rest, they could force a bird to abandon good feeding or breeding grounds. A malnourished bird will be less successful in reproducing. If a drone disrupts a group of birds resting in a breeding ground, it can make a significantly negative impact on the breeding patterns and success of a bird population.
Drones flown too close to bird’s nests could frighten adult birds, forcing them to abandon their nests.
My Dog Hates My Drone?
There are a few reasons your dog may not like your drone
- They are afraid of it: Drones are odd looking machines. The spinning blades and high-pitched whirring air could frighten your dog if they are the shy, skittish type. They may feel chased or crowded by a drone flying above them in the air.
- It’s prey time, or play time: A drone hovering mid-air might look like the coolest frisbee your dog has ever laid eyes on, or like a strange new type of bird they’ve never seen before. Either way, the prey instinct is activated in your dog when they see your drone hanging in the air above them that they could chase and catch.
Most dogs who are afraid of drones will try to run away from them, but some dogs may react aggressively to drones out of fear.
Shepard Dog Trying To Protect The Herd From A Drone?
Shepard dogs are instinctively driven to protect their herd.
If a drone approaches a herd of livestock guarded by a shepherd or guardian dog, it is extremely likely that that dog will perceive the drone as a threat to the herd and act defensively.
These dogs can be trained to accept the presence of drones around their herd, but it will take some training and conditioning before you can expect them not to get protective over their herd.
What Do Drone Enthusiasts/Pilots Think About Dogs Who Hate Drones?
A lot of people who fly drones also love dogs.
Someone who is flying their drone in a public place that allows dogs should understand that their machine could be off putting to an animal, and be respectful enough to not harass or antagonize a dog that doesn’t appreciate drones.
Drone Dangers and Birds