Are you thinking of buying a hamster and are worried about complications with your dog? Look no further; the answers are here!
How To Introduce Your Dog To A Hamster?
Bringing a new animal into your house can be a scary thing. Hopefully, with these tips and tricks, your hamster can live happily in your home with the dog, and you! Being patient with these interactions is essential for a peaceful living environment for both the hamster and the dog.
How Well Do Dogs And Hamsters Get Along?
Because hamsters are so tiny, pet owners wonder if a hamster would be a suitable pet to have alongside a dog. Unfortunately, they are not like dogs or cats, and if left in an open area with a dog, the hamster may be put at risk. Although, there are ways to safely introduce your dog to your new hamster!
How To Introduce Your Dog To Your Hamster [Step By Step]

Step 1: Find a glass cage for your hamster! Cages without wires make it harder for dogs or other animals to reach the hamster. Make sure to keep the glass case away from direct sunlight or heaters. You also may have to clean the glass case more often than one with wires because of ammonia buildup!
- If you are using a wire cage, make sure to check the spacing of the wires. Too much space and your hamster could easily escape or be reached by your dog.
Step 2: Slowly bring your dog into the space, ensuring they aren’t lunging or barking at the hamster.
Step 3: When your dog does not bark or show signs of harm, reward them with a treat. Until the dog can show signs of civility around the hamster, you should not keep them together unmonitored
Do Dogs Get Jealous Of Hamsters?

Dogs do not get jealous of the hamsters themselves. However, the dog may want more attention from its owner while taking care of the hamster. A lot of the time, dogs are worried about their own lives and if they do not see the hamster or the humans care toward the hamster, jealousy can be mitigated.
Why Do Some Dogs And Hamster Don’t Get Along At All?
Some dogs and hamsters do not get along at all because the dog does not see your hamster as the friends you want them to be. Keeping the two separate and the hamster at a higher elevation will keep both of them safe. Dogs see hamsters as prey, as hamsters see dogs as predators.
How Can I Safely Determine How My Dog Will React To My New Hamster?
You can place the hamster’s cage on an eye-level shelf or table and bring your dog into the room slowly so they can examine the space. If your dog begins to bark or make any aggressive movements toward the hamster, remove the dog from the room and start again.
Do Dogs Eat Hamsters?
Because hamsters are a prey species, they should be kept away from dogs and put in a cage for safety. Although, there are ways to train your dog to be civil around the hamster. I would not place my hamster in an open area with your dog because your dog may attack the hamster.
How To Keep My Dog From Eating My Hamster?
Keep both animals far from each other’s reach. The hamster should stay in its cage away from the dog’s reach. Placing the hamster’s cage in another room where your dog can’t easily access the cage is important for the hamster’s safety. You can also use positive reinforcement to train your dog not to attack or make aggressive movements toward the hamster.
Why Did My Dog Attack My Hamster?
Your dog attacked your hamster because your dog sees the hamster as prey. You can use positive reinforcement or other forms of training to teach your dog not to attack the hamster, or bark at it. Your dog also may be concerned or confused about the new animal in the house and wants to keep you safe. Gifting your dog a treat after not barking or attacking the hamster will help it learn.
How Can I Train My Dog To Not Attack Hamsters?
You begin by putting the hamster’s cage on a high shelf away from the reach of the dog. Next, you monitor the dog’s investigation of their new housemate. Finally, if your dog does not bark or try to attack the hamster, offer a reward and words of praise.
My Dog Ate My Hamster What Should I Do?
If this occurs, there is nothing more you can do. Either begin looking for a new hamster or find safer tactics for keeping the two together. If you are worried about your dog’s health, do not be too concerned. You can also make it safely known to your dog that they cannot eat the hamster. Keeping them in completely separate rooms should prevent this in the future.
Can You Raise A Hamster With A Dog?
It is completely possible to raise a hamster with a dog! It’s important to keep them separate, though. Your dog may be rough with the hamster and cause it harm. It is important to train your dog not to bark at the hamster or lunge at it. This can be done through positive reinforcement training. When the dog does not bark at the hamster and remains calm, reward the action with a treat!
Are Hamsters Harmful To Dogs?
Hamsters are not harmful to dogs. Your hamster will mind its own business most of the time if you keep the dog and hamster separated with a cage. Your hamster will be more scared of the dog than anything, so keep that in your mind.
What Dog Breeds Are Good With Hamsters?
Some dog breeds that are good with hamsters include,
- Maltese,
- Japanese Chin
- Bichon Frisé
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Viszla
- Golden Retriever
- Boxer
- Old English Sheepdog
- Great Pyrenees
All of the dogs have a low prey drive, which may be safer for your hamster.
What Dog Breeds Are Not Good With Hamsters?
Dogs breeds that may not be good with hamsters include,
- Retrievers
- Spaniels
- Pointers
- Setters
These dogs have the highest prey drive and it may be unsafe to keep your hamster in a space with these dogs. Otherwise great dog breeds, it’s essential to take into consideration the breed of dog you have when buying smaller prey animals like hamsters.
Are Hamsters Scared Of Dogs?
Hamsters are scared of dogs. They have heightened senses, including hearing, and any loud noises may startle them. Dogs are also large, predatory animals so it is only normal for your hamsters to shy away from interaction with your dog.
Why Is My Dog Is Obsessed With My Hamster?
Your dog is obsessed with your hamster because it is a new friend in the house! Your dog has maybe never interacted with a hamster, so your dog is very curious. Also, dogs are predatory animals while hamsters are prey. Your dog is gravitating toward the prey, so you should keep the two separated always.
Why Is My Dog Whining At My Hamster?
Your dog could be whining at your hamster for a few reasons. First, your dog is being introduced to a new friend and may be interested. Second, your dog may smell prey in the house and its animal instincts are kicking in.
How To Introduce A Hamster To A Dog?
There are many ways you could introduce a hamster to a dog. Mainly, you can place the hamster’s cage in another room from the dog and slowly let the dog enter the room, on a leash. Watch how the hamster reacts to the dog being in the room and if it beings to act afraid, remove the dog from the room and try again later.
Do Hamsters Live Well Together With Dogs?
Hamsters have the possibility to live well with dogs. Though, they must be kept separated at all times to avoid harsh contact with your dog. The dog may be concerned with the new friend in the house and could be harsh toward it. Keeping the hamster in a separate room from the dog
Can A Puppy Be Around Hamsters?
Be careful when allowing your puppy to be around hamsters. The puppy being young will influence the violence toward the hamsters. The hamsters will also probably be scared of the puppy, and with its unpredictability, should be separate from hamsters.
How Do Dogs React To Hamsters?
Dogs could react to hamsters in many ways. Some breeds are naturally more aggressive which will change the reaction while calmer breeds may make the hamsters stay in your house more enjoying. Calmer breeds may not bark as much, which is good for the hamster’s sensitive hearing and fear.
Are Hamsters Scared Of Dogs Barking?
Hamsters have very sensitive hearing and will be scared of the dogs barking. If it is possible to keep the hamster in a separate room from your dog, your hamster will be okay. Also, if your dog is barking or making violent movements to the hamster, never yell at your dog. Yelling may make the dog bark more which will scare the hamster.
Will The Hamster Attack The Dog?
There should be no worry about your hamsters attacking your dog. Because you can never be sure how your dog will react to the hamster, you should keep them separated to avoid harming the hamster. Otherwise, you should not worry about your hamster causing harm to your dog.
How To Get My Hamster To Love My Dog?
It may be hard to get your hamster to love your dog. There are ways to ensure a civil living environment between the two. Keeping your hamster away from the dog’s reach will help keep the hamster safe while introducing it to your dog.
[What Should I Do] My Dog Is Eating Hamster Poop?
The hamster poop will not hurt your dog. However, to avoid this in the future, keep the hamster cage far from a dog’s reach and clean its droppings regularly! You don’t have to be concerned with your dog’s safety. Cleaning the hamster poop regularly and keeping your dog away from the hamster enclosure will help.
[What Should I Do] My Hamster Is Eating Dog Poop?
If your hamster is eating dog poop, keep it far away from dog poop and clean the dog’s poop regularly. This will not harm your hamster how you think it will. Keeping your hamster in its cage, away from the happenings of the dog will lessen your hamster eating your dog’s poop.
Will The Hamster Charge At My Dog?
Your hamster will not charge at the dog. Hamsters are prey animals and scare very easily. Keep your hamster away from the dog at a high surface to keep it safe. Your hamster will more likely hide when in the presence of the dog
Are Dogs Afraid Of Hamsters?
Your dog is not afraid of your hamster, it’s probably the other way around! They could be confused or even concerned about the hamster being in the house, but they are not scared.
Do Hamsters Make Good Pets?
Hamsters make excellent pets! They don’t require a lot of attention and are easy to take care of. They spend a lot of time being active on their hamster wheel and are cuddly, cute, and fun to hold. Hamsters can make great starter pets for children or even adults.
How Much Room Does A Hamster Need?
Hamsters do not need much room! It is recommended that a hamster’s cage be 24 by 12 inches. For a more active hamster, I would recommend buying a larger cage. Other than that, hamsters don’t need much room. You can also get a hamster ball and safely watch your hamster roll!
Is It Expensive To Raise Hamsters?
You should expect to spend from 400 to 600 dollars annually on your hamster. These costs should include food from 5 to 10 dollars, a cage ranging from 10 to 50 dollars, 2 to 20 dollars for toys, and 10 dollars for bedding. Of course, the cost can also depend on how many hamsters you have.
Do Hamsters Learn Their Names?
Hamsters are highly intelligent creatures that may be able to learn their name! If you use their name frequently enough, the hamster will be accustomed to hearing it and may even come when called.
Can A Hamster Kill A Dog?
It is highly unlikely a hamster would kill a dog. Hamsters are very intelligent and hesitant creatures. Your hamster will be more scared of your dog than it is able to show. Your dog may be more included to injure your hamster so they should always be kept separate, and the hamster on a high shelf where your dog can’t reach.
Can Hamsters Become Emotionally Bonded With Humans Like Dogs?
With bonding and socialization, your hamster can recognize and bond with you! They are very intelligent creatures and with time can be great companions and love you. But, just because the hamster is bonded with you does not mean it will bond with everyone else. The hamster may become territorial toward you, but they can bond just like dogs.