You may have seen a news article, or maybe it’s even happened to you, the unlikely friendship between tortoise and dog!
How To Introduce Your Dog To A Tortoise?
While an unlikely friendship, dogs and tortoises may create a bond. Usually they can simply learn to coexist. Go about introducing the two cautiously. Use barriers, a leash for the dog and be alert. Watch for signs of aggression in both animals. Always have treats with you to reward good behavior. All you can do is hope the two get along, but don’t force the friendship! It will all happen naturally.

How Well Do Dogs And Tortoises Get Along?
At first your dog may seem skeptical, but it isn’t uncommon that a dog and a tortoise would get along! Of course with the proper training your suspicious dog can learn to live with the reptile and they may not ever be the best of friends, but it is possible for them to get along very well!
Can A Dog And A Tortoise Be Friends (BFF)?
More uncommonly, a dog may be best friends with your tortoise. In most cases the dog and the turtle will coexist, ignoring each other, being civil. But sometimes the two may really hit it off and there are some rare cases of the two being friends for life!
How To Introduce Your Dog To Your Tortoise [Step By Step]
Time to introduce tortoises and dog?
- Keep the tortoise in its cage (preferably outside, in a neutral zone)
- Keep the dog on a leash or a run
- Let the two sniff each other through the cage
- Pull the dog back if the dog starts showing signs of aggression
- Tell the dog “leave it” and offer treats ONLY IF the dog is remaining calm
Eventually, you can let the tortoise out of its cage, but keep the dog on its leash. Have the two meet this way. You can set up a chair and have your dog sit with you while you both watch the tortoise roam around freely. Never leave a dog and a tortoise alone together. While they both may seem calm and maybe they even seem like they like each other, you never know what could happen.
Do Dogs Get Jealous Of Tortoises?
Dogs, like humans, can be very jealous creatures! If your dog notices you spending more time or giving more attention to your tortoise, your dog will likely be very jealous and want that attention from you. Even your time spent between the two to make sure your dog gets just as much love.
Why Do Some Dogs And Tortoise Don’t Get Along At All?
Tortoises are natural prey while dogs are natural predators. It’s normal for dogs to view tortoises as just simple prey and their hunting instincts kick in.
On top of that, if you’ve had your dog for a while and you bring a tortoise home, your dog may feel very territorial of your house/his or her space. This is also cause for aggression against the tortoise from your dog.
How Can I Safely Determine How My Dog Will React To My New Tortoise?
You will never really know how your dog is going to react to your tortoise until you try. Now it’s important to go about this cautiously. Never leave the two unsupervised. Watch for the obvious signs that your dog is going to react poorly to your tortoise. The signs could be:
- Snarling
- Barking
- Chewing
- Stalking
- Snapping
- Crouching
- Anxious behaviors – such as pacing, whining, hiding
If your dog displays any of these behaviors, separate the two immediately. These are all red flag signs. You will want to try to introduce the two at a different time and if the same behaviors happen it’s time to look into some training.
Do Dogs Eat Tortoises?
The shape and movements of a tortoise can and will trigger a dog to go into hunt mode. It is simply their instincts. Dogs will often chew on tortoises mistaking it for a toy. And yes, unfortunately your dog will eat a tortoise as well.
How To Keep My Dog From Eating My Tortoise?
With the proper training you can train your dog to leave your tortoise alone.
Why Did My Dog Attack My Tortoise?

Your dog has attacked your tortoise. They’ve done this because they saw your tortoise as a sort of prey and the dogs predatory instincts kicked in. While upsetting, it’s how nature works and we cannot be upset with the dog. You just have to train your dog that this tortoise isn’t prey and hopefully they can coexist.
How Can I Train My Dog To Not Attack Tortoises?
There are a few ways you can train your dog to leave your tortoise alone.
- Use a dummy
- You can buy a plastic or stuffed tortoise to place around the yard or house. Teach your dog to “leave it” and that the tortoise looking object is not a threat.
- Keep tortoise away
- Keep your tortoise somewhere away from the dog where it can’t get to. It is helpful for the barrier to be see through, or something like a gate or a fence. This is so the dog and tortoise can still see each other and smell each other and get used to one another.
- Reinforce command training
- Make sure your dog truly understands “sit” “stay” “no” “leave it” and “stop” when they’re around the tortoise.
My Dog Ate My Tortoise What Should I Do?
Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do if your dog eats your tortoise. Bury the remains of any. The next step would be to properly train your dog that what they did wasn’t right. Especially if you want to get another tortoise.
Can You Raise A Tortoise With A Dog?
It is possible to raise a tortoise with a dog! Take the necessary steps in introducing the two and use precautions.
Are Tortoises Harmful To Dogs?
Surprisingly, tortoises do have amazing self defense tactics. With a small horn like nine that juts out of their shell, they stick it out when they hide in their shell. Animals will often fall or get stuck on the horn, piercing themselves. Some tortoises can snap a well.
What Dog Breeds Are Good With Tortoises?
Technically, there isn’t any one breed that is “good” with tortoises. Most dogs are the same in the fact that they will see tortoises as prey. I personally have seen all kinds of breeds try to chew on tortoises.
What Dog Breeds Are Not Good With Tortoises?
Again, no breed has been deemed the best for being around a tortoise. It all depends on how you train your dog. A smaller, yapper dog would probably be not the greatest to have around a tortoise since those breeds tend to chew more often. And smaller dog breeds can also be harmed by the tortoise more easily.
Are Tortoises Scared Of Dogs?
Tortoises aren’t naturally meant to be around dog. So when introducing a dog to a tortoise, it is very natural for the tortoise to be scared of the dog and continue to be.
Why Is My Dog Obsessed With My Tortoise?
Your dog may not stop following your tortoise around. You may notice your dog whining, pacing, and bothering your tortoise constantly. It could be 2 things. Either your dog wants to attack your tortoise or your dog really wants to play. Either option isn’t great for either animal so it’s best to remove your dog from the situation.
Why Is My Dog Whining At My Tortoise?
Your dog whining at your tortoise can mean a number of things.
- Excitement
- Nerves
- Wants to attack
If you hear your dog whining at your tortoise, it would be a good idea to separate the two for the time being just to make sure nothing terrible happens.
Do Tortoises Live Well Together With Dogs?
You can train your dog and tortoise to peacefully coexist! It can happen, so don’t fret if your dog and turtle seem to not be getting along. With the right training and time they can live together happily.
Can A Puppy Be Around Tortoises?
Puppies are easier to train than an adult dog. So it would be easier to have a puppy around a tortoise so you can train the puppy from the start to leave the tortoise alone.
How Do Dogs React To Tortoises?
Dogs can react in a number of ways towards a tortoise.
- Scared
- They may react by curling their tails and hiding from the tortoise (an unlikely emotion, unless you have an anxious dog!)
- Aggressive
- A common reaction. Your dog may start barking, snarling, getting ready to attack
- Neutral
- Your dog may simply sniff the tortoise a few times and seem uninterested and the two can coexist.
- Playful
- A common reaction in puppies, your dog may start wagging its tail, yipping, nibbling, rolling on his/her back.
Are Tortoises Scared Of Dogs Barking?
While tortoises still hear, they respond more to vibrations and percussion more than we do. So something sharp like a dog bark or a vacuum cleaner won’t affect a tortoise so much.
Will The Tortoise Attack The Dog?
If scared, the tortoise will try and attack the dog. With something called a “tortoise beak”, a horn like object that comes when the tortoise goes into its shell, this is its best self defense.
How To Get My Tortoise To Love My Dog?
Remember, you can introduce the two, but you can never force a relationship. You have to naturally let the animals decide for themselves what they are going to do. Yes it may be a little heartbreaking if the two don’t get along. Because now you will have to take extra measures to keep the two apart. But by trying to force something may create more aggression in the animals and cause the relationship to be even worse. With time a dog and a tortoise may eventually just ignore each other if at first they don’t like each other. So just give it time!
[What Should I Do] My Dog Is Eating Tortoise Poop?
Don’t let your dog eat tortoise poop! You can teach them the “leave it” command and say it when they are about to eat tortoise poop. Otherwise, make sure the area is clean of tortoise poop before letting your dog in the same space.
[What Should I Do] My Tortoise Is Eating Dog Poop?
Before letting your tortoise roam around the yard, clean up any dog poop that is around so your tortoise does not eat it.
Will The Tortoise Charge At My Dog?
If your tortoise sees your dog as a threat, it will charge and attack your dog.
Are Dogs Afraid Of Tortoises?
A dog that has pre existing anxiety could find a tortoise to be something scary or something that is a threat.
Do Tortoises Make Good Pets?
Believe it or not, tortoises can make great pets! A tortoise can learn his/her name and even bond with you. They may not be the fluffy soft animal you think of a pet to be, but if they do show signs of affection. Tortoises will
- Make cooing noises
- Appear happier when they see you by running up to you
- Bump their nose to you
- Run parts of their body up against you
How Much Room Does A Tortoise Need?
It does depend on the size of your tortoise. Typically, they need a 40 gallon tank. Or adult tortoises generally need a space that is about 10ft by 20ft.
Is It Expensive To Raise Tortoises?
In the beginning to actually buy the tortoise it can cost anywhere from $250-$1,000. Food will cost between $20-$30 dollars. Another $50-$100 a month for general needs and electricity (tortoises need about 12 hours of sunlight). This does not include the cost of their enclosure.
Do Tortoises Learn Their Names?
Tortoises are very smart and can learn their names. They will even begin to recognize you!
Can A Tortoise Get A Dog Pregnant?
No. Absolutely in no way can a tortoise get a dog pregnant.
Can A Dog Get A Tortoise Pregnant?
No it is impossible for a dog to get a tortoise pregnant.
Can A Tortoise Kill A Dog?
It would depend on the size of both creatures. But yes. It is possible for a tortoise to kill a dog. Especially a smaller dog.
Can Tortoises Become Emotionally Bonded With Humans Like Dogs?
Yes! It is possible for tortoises to find an emotional bond with you. While they aren’t known for being the most social animals, they do become familiar with and recognize their owners (or their food givers). Tortoises use body language, give off scents and even make small noises to show their affection.
Why Is My Dog Petrified Of The Tortoise’s Beak?
The tor beak is a tortoises natural self defense. And one of only 2 self defense options the tortoise has. The tortoise beak can harm the dog if the dog gets too close. Your dog may understand this and show fear when the tortoise beak is out.