If your dog has started to sleep in the bathroom, you may be wondering why they are doing this. There are plenty of reasons behind your dog sleeping in the bathroom, including wanting somewhere cool to sleep and having separation anxiety. But what is your dogs reason behind this?
Why do Dogs Sleep In The Bathroom?
There can be many reasons why your dog might sleep in the bathroom. However, the most common reason is that they are looking for a cooler place to sleep than where their bed is. In this instance, look for a cooler area so your dog can sleep in their own bed without getting too hot.

How abnormal is it for my dog to Sleep In The Bathroom?
This isn’t that abnormal and is actually something many dogs will do. You may prefer for your dog to sleep in their bed or somewhere you believe they’ll be comfortable, however, there will be plenty of occasions where sleeping on the bathroom floor is much more comfortable for your dog.
why is my dog suddenly sleeping in the bathroom?
There can be many reasons why your dog may have suddenly started to sleep in the bathroom. If this is becoming a regular occurrence, think to the point in which it first started and if there is a certain trigger that made this all start. Once you’ve got that, you’ll know the reason why.
Should I let my pup sleep in the bathroom?

It’s perfectly okay for you to let your dog sleep in the bathroom. Just ensure you have moved any chemicals or products that you use that they can easily get at so they don’t accidentally ingest them.
Why do Dogs Sleep In The Bathroom?
The following are reasons why your dog may have suddenly started to sleep in the bathroom…
Bathroom especially the floor Is Cooler Than any other place in the house
Most dogs have quite a lot of fur so get hot a lot easier than we do. This is particularly true in the summer months. In these cases, their bed may be too hot for them to sleep in so they are going to seek out an area that is much cooler. In this case, the bathroom might be their preferred area of choice.
Bathroom is quite than other areas
Dogs are very sociable creatures, however, they do need their quiet time. If they are wanting to sleep but their sleeping area is too noisy, they’re going to seek a quieter area. If the bathroom seems quite quiet, they are more likely to want to sleep here.
Dog bed is in an undesirable area (Hot/humid/noisy…)
As a dog owner, you will more than likely know the struggle of trying to find a good area to put your dog’s bed in that isn’t somewhere that’s too hot or too cold. If you have put their bed in an area that’s too hot, particularly in the summer months, they are likely to seek a place that’s much cooler.
Dog Bed Is the wrong size/ uncomfortable/ dirty /smelly / itchy
It can be very easy to get the wrong size bed for your dog, particularly as if you’ve had them from a puppy they’re likely to grow. If you notice your dog stretches out when sleeping on the bathroom floor, this may be a sign they need a bigger bed.
Painful Medical issues like Hip Dysplasia
If your dog has hip dysplasia, it may be easier for them to sleep on a hard surface so it’s easier for them to get up. If your dog has a soft bed, this makes it harder for them to get up and can cause them more pain. Invest in a harder bed for your dog so it’s better for them.
Separation Anxiety
Your dog is quite dependent on you, so whenever you leave them alone, even if it’s just for a minute, they’re going to want to follow you so they can be with you. This is why it’s important to teach your dog how to spend time without you so they’re not constantly following you around.
trying to stay Closer To You
Dogs often make strong attachments with their owners and will always want to be by your side. So if you go into the bathroom, they are going to want to come with you. They may also have learnt your routine so will know when you are likely to be in the bathroom so will be waiting for you.
Hiding from people or other pets
If you have other pets, there’s a high chance they may not get on, particularly if they have only just been introduced to one another. They may not want to sleep around each other so try to introduce separate areas for them all to sleep in at first and gradually introduce them to one another.
likes your scent in the bathroom
The scent in your bathroom may be something you dog likes the smell of and it may even smell like you. Your dog likes to be close to you and if they can’t physically be close to you, they will find other ways to be close to you, such as by scent.
You have encouraged the behavior
It’s very easy to encourage certain behaviours in dogs, particularly before they become a problem. If you pet your dog upon first seeing them in the bathroom, this tells them it’s okay for them to be there. In this case, try and stop the behaviour from the beginning so this doesn’t repeatedly occur.
it is Following you!
As previously mentioned, your dog loves you and wants to be around you all of the time. So, if you go into the bathroom, they are going to want to go into the bathroom. Try and set boundaries so they know when to be around you and when the two of you need to be separate.
what to do if your dog sleeps in the bathroom?
If your dog keeps going to sleep in the bathroom and you don’t want them to sleep there, the following are just a few ways in which you can prevent them from sleeping there…
Change the location of the dog bed
Having your dog’s bed in the right location is key to getting them to sleep there. If it’s somewhere that is too hot/cold/noisy, they’re not going to want to sleep there. Look at other areas of the house that may be more suited to your dog and that they’re more likely to sleep in.
Get a good dog bed (Clean /comfortable/soft …)
If your dog is sleeping on the bathroom floor, this may be a sign that they prefer sleeping on a hard surface. If their bed is very soft but they prefer a hard surface, they’re not going to like sleeping on it. Getting them a bed with a harder surface may be the best way to go.
Get them used to other noisy areas of the house
If their reason for sleeping in the bathroom is due to noise but you don’t want them sleeping in the bathroom, it may be best to get your dog used to the other noisy areas of your house. Once they are used to it, they should feel less of a need to try and escape from it.
Limit its access to the bathroom
One way you can limit your dog’s access to the bathroom is by shutting the bathroom door and maybe even having a stairgate or something across the stairs so they can’t get upstairs. Also by telling them no, they should eventually realise that this isn’t an acceptable sleeping place.
Stop encouraging him to sleep in the bathroom
There are so many simple ways you can accidentally encourage your dog to sleep in the bathroom. Even just letting them sleep there instead of moving them is telling your dog that this is okay. If you find your dog in the bathroom and you don’t want them to be there, simply tell them no and move them.
Should Get My Dog To Sleep In Another Room?
If you are worried about your dog sleeping in the bathroom, you can always try to get them to sleep in another room. Sleeping in the bathroom shouldn’t be too much of a problem but if it bothers you that much, try and find another room for them to sleep in.
How Do I Get My Dog To Sleep In Another Room?
A way to find another room for your dog to sleep in is to go into the various rooms in your house and see if any of them match the bathroom. For example, if your dog is sleeping in there for some peace and quiet or because it’s cooler, find a room that resembles this.
Why does my dog lay in the bathroom when I shower?
This is for the simple reason that they love to spend a lot of time with you. If you leave the door open while you shower and your dog knows you’re in there, they’re likely to want to come and sit in there while you shower. This is their way of spending time together.
why do dogs lay in the bathroom with you?
As previously mentioned, dogs love to spend time with you so if you are in the bathroom, whether that’s having a bath or shower or even just cleaning, they are likely to want to just spend any time they can get with you.
Should I let my dog in the bathroom with me?
It’s perfectly okay for your dog to be in the bathroom with you. As long as there is nothing lying around that could be harmful to them, such as hazardous chemicals. At the end of the day, the bathroom is just another room in your house that is mostly safe for your dog to be in.
why do dogs like to sleep in the bathtub/shower?
In the wild, dogs sleep in dens and the bathtub can resemble a den. Not only are they protected due to the sides of the bathtub, but the bathtub is also quite cool, hard and is more than likely in a quiet area which is why your dog likes to sleep here.
why do dogs sleep by the toilet?
The best way to figure out why your dog is sleeping by the toilet is to figure out if there is anything that led up to them sleeping by the toilet. Perhaps the spot by the toilet is the coolest spot in the house and they need cooling down? Figure this out and then find ways to resolve it.
why do dogs lay at your feet in the bathroom?
This is partly because they like to be close to you and also because they want to keep an eye on you. This may be where they feel safest next to you and if they lay at your feet, it’s so they are aware of when you move to leave so that they can come with you.
why do dogs lay outside the bathroom door?
They do this so they can be closer to you. If you are inside the bathroom and the door is shut, they are going to want to wait outside the door for you. This may be a sign of separation anxiety and may be a matter for you to train your dog to spend time without you.