When you begin your journey of dog ownership it is important to learn to understand your dog’s reasons for behaviors and learn to respond appropriately. A common behavior among dogs is bringing toys to their owner for one reason or another.

Why Does My Dog Bring Me Toys When I Get Home?
Often your dog is bringing you its toy when you first get home because it wants you to play with it. When you come home it is likely the most fun and exciting part of your dog’s day. Dogs tend to sleep or relax during the day since there is not a lot to do. When you return home it excites your dog and often encourages them to want to play. They may also just be excited to show you their toy. Since your dog has been alone they want to do something to capture your attention and they may think you will find their toy interesting.
Why Does My Dog Bring Me Toys And Then Growl?
When a dog brings a toy but growls it could be protecting the item or letting you know that it is theirs. Dogs often engage in a behavior called “resource guarding”, in which they often protect items that they feel are theirs. Resource guarding is a typical animal behavior driven by survival instincts. Also, this could be your dogs way of getting you to play or interact with them.
Why Does My Dog Bring Me Toys But Not Let Go?
If your dog brings you a toy but will not let go of it, they are likely wanting to play with you. Dogs enjoy interacting with you and crave your attention, so it is often much more fun to have you playing with the toy with them rather than playing alone. Holding on to the toy encourages you to engage with them, such as in a game of “Tug of war”. Holding the toy also encourages you to focus on them instead of just taking the toy. Your dog may also simply not want to give the toy up- by showing you the toy it gained the attention that it wanted but it may not want to actually give up possession of their toy.
Why Does My Dog Bring Me A Toy Every Morning?

Similar to when you arrive home, your dog may bring you a toy in the morning to greet you or to encourage you to play with them. Your dog may also simply see this as a way of giving you a gift. You are the leader to your dog and your dog understands a “pack” driven lifestyle. By bringing you a toy the dog gains your attention and your favor and feels that they are pleasing you. They often simply want to find a way to engage with you and have learned that bringing a toy earns them a positive response. Your dog has likely learned your routine and may associate that you have to leave for work in the morning and may be trying to squeeze in some extra attention before you leave or encourage you to stay with them longer.
Why Does My Dog Bring Me A Toy After Eating?
Often after your dog finishes eating they are now much more energized from their meal and they are ready to play. Your dog may bring you their toy as their way of letting you know they are ready to play. Bringing a toy to you is likely their way of saying that they are done eating and ready for you to play with them. Some dog food brands have different components that may cause a burst of energy after a meal and they are choosing to engage with you to burn off some of that energy. It may also be as simple as wanting your attention since often you are not showing your dog attention while they eat their food.
Why Does My Dog Take His Toys Away From Me?
If your dog is taking his toy away from you it may be as simple as he wants to play with it. Dogs are possessive by nature and often, as we associate our dogs as members of our family, they associate us as being members of their pack. Your dog may be asserting that the toy belongs to him and he wants it back or he is showing you that you can play with it but it ultimately belongs to him. This may be similar to “resource guarding” characteristics. Sometimes dogs just exhibit hoarding behavior and may want to simply have their toy and put them all in one location.
Why Does My Dog Bring His Toys To My Bed?
Similar to a child, your dog’s toy may be their “comfort item”. It may give your dog a peace of mind that they have their toy with them, it is safe, and they will have it when they wake up. Your dog may realize that while they are sleeping they cannot “guard” their items as they would when they are awake so they want to have a safe place for it so that they do not have to worry about its security. For dogs, their bed or kennel may be what they consider their safe place therefore that is where they would want to hide items they consider valuable.
Why Does My Dog Bring A Toy To Play Then Run Away?
If your dog brings a toy to you and then proceeds to run away with it they are likely trying to engage you in a game. Less likely, your dog may want to show a toy off to you (but not let you have it). Your dog has likely received a response from doing this in the past and they know that they will continue to receive a response from it. Similar to just not letting go of a toy, your dog knows that this behavior will capture your attention and make you engage with them.
Why Does Your Dog Bring You Toys?
There are many factors at play that can determine why your dog would want to bring you a toy. Generally, it boils down to your dog simply wanting attention. Some key reasons your dog may bring you a toy include saying “welcome back” or greeting you when you arrive home, because they want to share their toy with you, they simply want to tell you they love you, they want you to play with them, they want more attention, they are bored, or it is a learned behavior.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, Welcome Back (I Am So Happy That You Are Here!)
When you first arrive home your dog may bring you their toy simply because they are so excited. You arriving home is likely the highlight of your dog’s day and they likely want to express this to you. They are bringing you their toy as a show of excitement for your arrival but also they are engaging you in an activity that will give them the attention they have craved all day.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, Have My Toy, And Enjoy
Dogs instinctively are a pack based hierarchy and this determines their day to day life. Your dog not only loves you, they often associate you as the leader of their pack. As a pack leader you are the person to impress and gain favor with in the animal kingdom. Your dog may feel that they are earning your favor by giving you a gift in the form of their toy.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, I Love You
It may simply be that your dog loves you and wants to give you a gift to show affection. They may be presenting you with a token of their affection by giving you their toy, which is an item they treasure. Your dog’s excitement to see you and love for you may cause them to simply want to give you a gift to show you how they feel.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, I Want You To Play With Me
By bringing you a toy, your dog may just be conveying to you that they are ready to play. Your dog has likely done this in the past and received a positive response so they associate it with being a way to engage you in play. Dogs often love their toys and want to make them part of play. Bringing their toy to you makes it easy to play games such as fetch and keep away and gives them the attention they desire.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, I Want More Attention
By bringing you a toy, your dog has learned they will receive a positive response. Whether they keep the toy from you, engage in play, or simply show off the toy to you they know that they are engaging you and causing you to focus your attention on them. Based on past response, they have learned that they can receive a positive reaction in one way or another with their toy so they will utilize it to be the center of your attention.
Your Pup’s Way Of Saying, I Am Bored
Often dogs, especially puppies or young dogs, become bored very easily. “Working Breed” dogs especially thrive on receiving some type of engagement or enrichment. If your dog brings you a toy they simply may want you to know that they are bored and want you to play with them or simply give them attention. If your dog knows they will get some type of interaction from their toy they will likely utilize it to have something to do.
Your Pup Learned It From Its Parents
A lot of a dog’s behavior is learned, whether it be from its dog parents or from you. If your dog has observed their dog parents or other dogs in the house receive a desired response from an action they are likely to do the same thing. A dog with active playful parents who receive engagement from their toys is likely to do the same thing. Your dog also has learned from you, so if they see positive responses from you they act accordingly. If your dog notes that when given a gift you are happy and engaged they are likely to mimic this action to steal your attention.
What To Do When Your Dog Brings You Their Toys (Encourage It, Discourage It, Just Ignore)?
When your dog brings you their toy there is always a reason behind it and it is our job to find out why and respond accordingly. Generally your dog just wants attention, so make sure you are giving them the attention they desire. You should encourage their positive behavior and allow them to bring toys to you if that makes them happy, but make sure to not over reward them for good behavior. If you have concerns about the behavior you can seek further assistance from a professional who can assess your dog on an individual basis.
Give Them The Attention That They Deserve!
If your dog is engaging in an activity to gain your attention, make sure you are giving them attention. Positive reinforcement for good behavior will always benefit you in training your dog as long as you don’t over do it. Also giving them attention can help prevent a lot of negative behaviors that may result from lack of attention or boredom.
Just Let Them Bring Their Toys To You
If your dog wants to bring you their toys you should let them. They are showing you that you are someone they trust and care about. By sharing their toys and engaging you your dog can express their love to you and also build trust with you. It is important to have a trusting relationship with your dog and being trustworthy with their prized possessions help you build this trust. If your dog views bringing you toys as a gift, it may be discouraging to them for you to not accept it from them.
Go Easy With The Rewards
It is always a good idea to encourage your dog and use positive reinforcement, but it is important to not overindulge them. If your dogs receive large rewards constantly they may not serve their purposes for training. Also, your dog may come to expect the reward and will constantly engage in certain behaviors to always earn the reward.
If You Are Really Bothered By This Behavior Consult A Dog Trainer
Ultimately, if you have concerns about your dog’s behavior it is important to speak to a professional. They can work with your dog one on one and determine the causes of behavior and solutions. Dog behavior and training is not one size fits all and there may be something your dog needs that you are ultimately missing.
Why Does My Dog Bring Me Random Things (Shoes, His Blanket, Socks, Bones)?
Similar to bringing you toys, your dog may be using bringing you items as a form of communication. These are things your dog enjoys and/or perceives you may enjoy so by bringing them to you it can be a gift or a form of trying to please you as the leader. When looking at items your dog brings you, see if there is another meaning that they are trying to communicate. For example, if your dog brings you their leash they may want to walk or an empty water dish could signify they want more.
What Is The Best Response To My Dog Bringing Me Random Things, Like Socks Or Shoes?
It is important to understand why your dog exhibits a behavior so you can decide how to handle it. For example, if your dog is bringing you your shoes or something they thing you might like you should give them a positive reaction because they are trying to make you happy and express love. This is not the same and them running away with your shoe and being destructive which requires redirection and punishment. If your dog is bringing you unsafe items they should also be discouraged. If your dog uses bringing you items as a form of communication it is important to try to understand and respond appropriately so that you are not discouraging.
Dog Brings Toys to Bed Every Night