Dogs are known for eating anything and everything, but one of the dangers of that is they can often eat something that is very toxic to them. But is gefilte fish something dogs can eat? If not, what happens when they do eat them?
Can Dogs Eat Gefilte Fish?
In short, it’s best not to give your dog gefilte fish as many of the toxins contained within it can be poisonous to dogs and can make them very sick and possibly even lead to death. If you do give them gefilte fish, make sure it’s homemade and does’t contain any toxins.

How Bad Are Gefilte Fish For Dogs [Can They Kill Dogs]?
The fish itself isn’t necessarily bad for dogs, however, gefilte fish contains spices, onions, and other ingredients that can be considered either unhealthy or harmful for dogs.
In general, it’s recommended not to give gefilte fish to dogs however, you can give it to them as an occasional treat, as long as it’s homemade.
What Is Gefilte Fish (Is It Real Fish)?
Gefilte fish is a fish that has been deboned. It is traditionally made from carp, mullet, pike, or whitefish, however, salmon and perch can also be used to make it. It’s low in calories and fat and is also high in protein.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Or Cooked Gefilte Fish?
Just like for humans, it’s actually okay for dogs to eat raw fish, just as long as it’s only in small amounts. It would be better for them to eat cooked fish but if this is gefilte fish, as previously mentioned, it should only be given in small amounts as long as it is homemade.
Can Puppies Eat Gefilte Fish?
There’s nothing to suggest that puppies specifically cannot eat gefilte fish and it may just be a case of following the same advice for puppies as you do for dogs regarding gefilte fish, which is to give them homemade gefilte fish without any of the added extras in shop bought gefilte fish.
If you’re still unsure, it may be best to check with someone else, such as a vet, who will be able to give you more advice when it comes to your dog’s diet.
Will My Dog Get Sick By Eating Gefilte Fish?
There is a chance your dog might get sick from eating gefilte fish. This isn’t necessarily going to be from the actual fish that goes into making gefilte fish, but may actually come from the other ingredients that go into it, such as spices and onions.
Dogs actually can eat gefilte fish, however, there are some conditions to this. If you go out and buy gefilte fish, this cannot be given to dogs. Having said that, if the gefilte fish is homemade and doesn’t contain ingredients such as spices and onions, this is okay for dogs to have.
Is There A Way To Make Gefilte Fish Safer To Eat For Dogs?
The main way to make gefilte fish safer to eat for dogs is if it is homemade. However, if you are giving your dog homemade gefilte fish, it shouldn’t contain ingredients such as spices and onions as this is what they are likely to become unwell from.
Is Gefilte Fish Raw?

Traditionally, gefilte fish isn’t raw and has been cooked. Regardless of whether it’s cooked or raw, double check that the fish doesn’t have anything in it that could be harmful to your dog and if you’re still unsure, check with your vet.
What Type Of Fish Is Used In Gefilte Fish?
A variety of types of fish can be used to create gefilte fish. This includes carp, mullet, pike, and whitefish. However, these are the more traditional types of fish that are used in creating gefilte fish and salmon and perch can also be used.
Which Brand Of Gefilte Fish And Dogs Eat?
In general, it’s not necessarily a brand of gefilte fish that dogs can either eat or should avoid and is more where it was prepared. For example, it is suggested that dogs can eat gefilte fish as long as it’s homemade and is only given to them as an occasional treat.
How Can I Stop My Dog From Eating Gefilte Fish?
The main way you can stop your dog from eating gefilte fish or any other types of food that they’re not supposed to eat is to keep this food where your dog can’t reach it. So instead of leaving it on the side near the front, either try to push it back or put it higher up.
It is also important for you to teach your dogs some basic commands so they know that when you say these commands, that is their sign to not jump up to get the food. The commands for this can either be ‘leave’ or ‘drop’. This will take time but they will eventually get the hang of it.
Should I Take My Dog To A Vet If It Eats Gefilte Fish?
This depends on how much they have eaten. Sometimes if your dog has only eaten a tiny amount of gefilte fish, you may just need to monitor them yourself, so see how bad it gets and if they get sick.
However, if your dog has eaten large quantities of gefilte fish, this is when you are going to want to take your dog to the vet. As previously mentioned, gefilte fish can be quite toxic to dogs so the bigger amounts they eat, the sicker your dog is likely to become.
Are Gefilte Fish More Toxic To Dogs Than Other Fish?
This depends on what fish is used for the gefilte fish. Salmon is sometimes used for gefilte fish, however, if this is smoked salmon, this is too salty for your dog and may possibly cause them to fall ill.
Alternatively, fish that isn’t used as gefilte fish, such as shellfish, including prawns, oysters, mussels, and clams, are toxic to dogs. This is because they are filter feeders and have very high levels of toxins, such as heavy metals. This most commonly causes food poisoning in dogs.
Having said this, some types of shellfish such as shrimps, lobsters, and crabs can be okay for dogs to eat as long as they have been cooked and thoroughly cleaned from any shells or nasty bits they might contain. However, this should be as a few bites and not as a full meal.
Due to this, it all depends on the type of fish you are planning on using as your gefilte fish. There are some types of fish used in gefilte fish that dogs are fine with, others that they can be funny with, and other types of fish that aren’t used as gefilte fish that can be a lot more poisonous.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Gefilte Fish?
There is a chance that your dog could get sick if they eat gefilte fish. This is because traditionally, gefilte fish contains other ingredients such as onions, which are a toxin to dogs. This is why if you do give your dog gefilte fish, you need to keep an eye on them and potentially take them to the vets for further treatment.
Alternatively, if you give them homemade gefilte fish that doesn’t contain onions or any other ingredients that are toxic to dogs, as long as these are only given occasionally as a treat, your dog shouldn’t get sick.
How Long After A Dog Eats A Gefilte Fish Do They Get Sick?
It is unknown how long after eating gefilte fish a dog will get sick as sickness in dogs affects them in different ways.
It will mostly depend on how much gefilte fish your dog has eaten. For example, if your dog has only had a tiny bit of gefilte fish, they shouldn’t get too sick and if they do, it may take a while for it to occur and should also only be in tiny amounts.
Having said that, if your dog has eaten a large amount of gefilte fish, this will more than likely be an entirely different story to the one above. It might be a very quick process of your dog becoming sick and if it’s a lot, you’ll need to take them to the vet immediately.
How Long Can A Dog Live After Eating Gefilte Fish?
In some cases it may just be a case of them being a little sick, but obviously this depends on how much gefilte fish they’ve eaten and if they’ve eaten a lot, how quickly treatment is administered.
It isn’t completely known how long a dog can live after eating gefilte fish. As long as you take them to the vets as soon as possible after they’ve eaten the gefilte fish, they should be okay and should be able to continue living a long and happy life.
Having said that, if you do not pick up on the fact your dog has eaten something toxic or possibly don’t get them to the vets in time for them to get treatment, it may only be a matter of time before your dog dies from eating something toxic.
But for your peace of mind, events like this are quite rare and just as long as you keep an eye on your dog, prevent them from eating the gefilte fish in the first place, and if they do eat it, keep an eye on them and if they start to become sick, take them to the vet.
How Many Dogs Die From Eating Gefilte Fish?
It is unknown how many dogs die from eating gefilte fish. It’s unlikely to be a large amount, but it’s best to keep an eye on your dog in case they do eat gefilte fish so you can do something about it sooner rather than later.
What To Do If My Dog Eats Gefilte Fish?
If your dog has eaten gefilte fish, the first thing you should do is to monitor them. In some cases, if they have only eaten a tiny amount of gefilte fish, this shouldn’t have too much of an effect on them and they should be okay without needing any treatment.
However, if you notice your dog starting to become sick or you notice they have eaten quite a lot of it, this is when you are going to want to take action and take them to the vet. The vet will be able to give them the appropriate treatment so it doesn’t get any more serious.
Is There A Home Remedy For A Dog Who Gefilte Fish?
There isn’t necessarily a specific home remedy for dogs who have eaten gefilte fish, but there are home remedies for dogs with an upset stomach, which may be able to be used on dogs who have eaten gefilte fish.
In some cases, a 24 hour fast might work, however, if your dog is a puppy, they cannot do this. They can still drink water and after the fast, over the next couple of days give them a few bland meals each day that are easily digestible.
Alternatively, you could give them a boiled rice and chicken diet, but keep the portion sizes small. You can even give them ginger, as this is known to help settle an upset stomach.
Can A Single Serving Of Gefilte Fish Kill A (Chihuahua, 30 Pound Dog,German Shepherd) Dog?
It’s unlikely that a single serving of gefilte fish will kill any breed or size of dog.
Having said that, this depends on the contents of the gefilte fish. So if it’s not homemade and/or contains a toxin to dogs, such as onions, this is likely to have more of an effect on your dog than if they have homemade gefilte fish that hasn’t been made from anything toxic to your dog.
How Much Gefilte Fish Can Dogs Eat Safely?
In general, dogs can only have a tiny amount of gefilte fish safely and this is only if it has been homemade without any of the preservatives, spices, onions or any other ingredients that are toxic to dogs. If they eat large quantities, this is when things can become serious and a trip to the vets will be in order.
Symptoms Of Gefilte Fish Poisoning In Dogs
The signs of your dog having gefilte fish poisoning are pretty similar to the signs they will exhibit if they have eaten anything toxic, including the following:
- Gastrointestinal signs
This includes vomiting, diarrhoea, extreme salivation, a loss of appetite, and nausea or dry heaving
- Internal bleeding
This is harder to spot, but signs to look out for that this may be happening includes pale gums, a racing heart, coughing or bringing up blood, weakness or feeling lethargic, and your dog falling over/collapsing
- Kidney failure
Signs of this includes an increase or decrease in urination, an increase in the amount they drink, a loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhoea
- Liver failure
Signs of this includes yellow gums, acting abnormally, vomiting, diarrhoea, and collapsing due to low blood sugar