What Happens When Dogs Eat Mixed Berry Pie?
People love to feed their dogs the same way they eat, but feeding your dog things like mixed berry pie can be more dangerous than you think. In this article, we discuss what happens when dogs eat mixed berry pie, the signs of poisoning, and information and advice on what to do in this situation.

Can Dogs Eat Mixed Berry Pie?
Our dogs are our family, and we should want to keep them as healthy as the rest of our family. This means being aware of the things they can eat as well as the things that will make them sick. While mixed berry pie might not be lethal to your dog every time, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Always remember to contact your local vet or the ASPCA Poison Control website if you ever have any questions about what to feed your dog. You want to make sure your best friend is around for years to come!
How Bad Are Mixed Berry Pies For Dogs [Can They Kill Dogs]?
Most fresh berries such as blueberries are strawberries are alright for digs to eat in minimal quantities. However, there are some berries that can be toxic to your dog’s system, as well as some ingredients in the pie crust-such as sugar. If your dog were to ingest these toxic foods, it could fall severely ill or even become poisoned. If left untreated, this can result in the death of your dog.
What Is Mixed Berry Pie?
Mixed berry pie is a type of dessert consisting of a pastry pie shell, according to the recipe website TasteofHome.com. It also contains an assortment of berries and other ingredients mixed together to form the filling. While it may be delicious for us humans, some of the ingredients can be considered toxic when fed to your pooch.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Or Cooked Mixed Berry Pie?

It’s not a good idea to feed your dog the raw version of anything. Just like humans, it can make them very ill and susceptible to disease and toxicity poisoning. Make sure that if you decide to feed your dog a small amount of mixed berry pie, it is made of ingredients edible for a dog, and that it is cooked thoroughly as needed.
Can Puppies Eat Mixed Berry Pie?
According to vets-now.com, you should entirely avoid giving your dog of any age pie-such as mixed berry pie-due to the pastry crust. This includes puppies. As mentioned in this article, the ingredients that make up the pastry crust are more likely to make your dog ill than berries. Though as we’ve also previously discussed, some berries can be toxic to dogs as well.
Will My Dog Get Sick By Eating Mixed Berry Pie?
There are multiple ingredients in a mixed berry pie that can be considered harmful to dogs. Because of this, there is a strong chance that your dog will become ill if they consume it. However, not all ingredients are toxic to dogs. Some are alright in small portions and some will cause minor gastric upset without any other significant symptoms. Still, it is best to refrain from feeding your dog anything that you are not sure they can eat.
Is There A Way To Make Mixed Berry Pie Safer To Eat For Dogs?
There is a way to make mixed berry pie safer for dogs to eat. You can call or visit your veterinarian to ask them what sort of berries are safe for dogs to eat. Then, you can use those berries in small quantities. However, berries are not the only concern. Many of the ingredients in the pie crust can be considered toxic to dogs. Butter, sugar, and salt are a few of these toxic ingredients. You can find a recipe that uses alternative ingredients that are safe for dogs to eat. There are many websites, videos, and pet bakeries that you can turn to for recipes for dog-safe pies as well as other desserts.
Is Mixed Berry Pie Raw?
Mixed berry pie is not raw. It consists of mixed berry filling baked into a pie crust. There are even some commercial brands that sell mixed berry pie premade and frozen. Once purchased, it simply has to be heated according to directions. So mixed berry pie is always cooked.
What Type Of Ingredients Are Used In Mixed Berry Pie?
There are various ingredients that go into mixed berry pie. Some of these are safe-or at least nontoxic- to dogs, while others will make them sick. mixed berry pie contains ingredients such as flour, salt, butter, sugar, cornstarch, spices (such as cinnamon), lemon juice, and an assortment of fresh berries blended together. A typical assortment that goes into this pie filling is blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries (TasteofHome.com). Some of these can be fed to a dog in small quantities. It is important to do your research and make sure you know which ones are okay.
Which Brand Of Mixed Berry Pie Can Dogs Eat?
Given the processed and non-pet-safe ingredients in most commercial mixed berry pies and fillings, it is not a good idea to feed your dog any brand of it. The possible risk to the dog’s health and well-being is too high. If you want to feed your dog pie or any other type of dessert, you can purchase dog-safe versions online, at pet bakeries, or make them yourself at home.
How Can I Stop My Dog From Eating Mixed Berry Pie?
There are a few ways to keep your dog from eating mixed berry pie and getting sick. You can cover the pie with foil or keep it in a container. If left out on the table or counter this way, the dog won’t be able to get into it to eat it. Another option is to keep it in the refrigerator. This will provide a barrier that will keep your dog from eating the pie.
Should I Take My Dog To A Vet If It Eats Mixed Berry Pie?
You should take your dog to the vet-especially if after eating the pie, they start to exhibit the symptoms of toxicity poisoning. These symptoms are listed below. Some may seem more obvious or alarming than others, but all should be taken seriously. If you’re unsure of whether or not your dog needs immediate medical attention you can call an emergency vet office and describe your pet’s behavior and symptoms. They will tell you if emergency attention is required.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Mixed Berry Pie?
Towards the end of this article, there is a section that lists in detail the symptoms of mixed berry pie poisoning in dogs. Here I will discuss the overall situation of what happens when a dog eats mixed berry pie.
-At first, your dog may not seem like anything is wrong. But if the pie begins to affect the dog, you will be able to tell within the first couple of hours.
-Their symptoms will depend on how much of the pie the dog ate and how severe the reaction is. If there is only a mild reaction, your dog may get restless and throw up or have diarrhea. At this point, you can take note of how long it lasts and then call your vet to make an appointment-emergency or otherwise. If the reaction is more serious and your dog has become poisoned by eating the mixed berry pie, restlessness, throw-up, and diarrhea will still show. Diarrhea may have blood in it. However, your dog could also have trouble breathing, begin to drool uncontrollably, and even have seizures. Anything beyond a mild case of vomiting or diarrhea is a cause for emergency action.
***Remember: It is very important not to take matters into your own hands and induce vomiting or anything of the like. This can cause more damage than good for your dog. Your best course of action is to contact emergency poison control, your vet, or an animal hospital and act on their professional advice (sprucepets.com).***
How Long After A Dog Eats A Mixed Berry Pie Do They Get Sick?
Timing can vary on how long it takes for a dog to become sick after consuming a mixed berry pie. Sometimes if finished in a large enough amount, a dog can show immediate or near immediate signs of poisoning. Also, different foods can cause reactions in the dog for different amounts of time. According to the CBS News article ‘The 7 Foods Most Likely to Make Your Pet Sick’, initial symptoms can begin to show within 2 to 4 hours of consumption.
How Long Can A Dog Live After Eating Mixed Berry Pie?
When it comes to toxicities and positioning, time is of the most importance (sprucepets.com). Your dog may survive up to a few hours after consuming the pie, but it is best to get them medical attention as soon as possible-especially at the first sign of upset or illness.
How Many Dogs Die From Eating Mixed Berry Pie?
According to ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center statistics, twenty-five percent of pets recover from pie poisoning within two hours. However, even with treatment, one in 100 pets will still die. You can read more here: Poisoning Symptoms: How to Know if Your Dog Has Eaten Something Toxic | Daily Paws
What To Do If My Dog Eats Mixed Berry Pie?
You have a couple of options if your dog eats mixed berry pie. First, you can dial an emergency pet or ASPCA poison control number. A second option is to wait an hour or two if the dog does not immediately display symptoms. When and if they do begin to display symptoms, you can take them to your regular veterinarian, or an urgent care veterinarian for treatment.
Is There A Home Remedy For A Dog Who Ate Mixed Berry Pie?
There is no surefire home remedy for a dog who ate mixed berry pie. If the dog has consumed the pie and starts to show any sign of illness, you must take them to get treated immediately. Wasting time trying a home remedy could be disastrous for your dog’s health.
Can A Single Serving Of Mixed Berry Pie Kill A (Chihuahua, 30 Pound Dog, German Shepherd) Dog?
A single serving of mixed berry pie can be just as dangerous to a Chihuahua as it is to a German Shepard…and any other breed. The toxicity may spread faster throughout the Chihuahua’s body because it is smaller. However, the dog’s age and any previous or underlying health conditions can matter more when considering the deadliness of the pie poisoning or any other type of toxicity poisoning.
How Much Mixed Berry Pie Can Dogs Eat Safely?
A dog can eat mixed berry pie in small amounts as long as all the ingredients are pet safe. If they are able to snag a small piece of the pie even with non-safe ingredients, they may not have a reaction or only a slight one. While it may be okay for dogs to have a certain amount of pie, it is safer to ensure that they do not eat any at all.
Symptoms Of Mixed Berry Pie Poisoning In Dogs
If you do feed your dog mixed berry pie or they accidentally get a hold of it, there are a few symptoms that you should watch out for. According to the blog Healthy Paws which discusses pet health and insurance, a dog will need to see a vet immediately even if its symptoms are mild. If you see any of these, get your dog to the emergency veterinary hospital as soon as possible.
- Vomiting. If your dog begins to vomit-especially repeatedly-this is a strong sign that they have ingested something toxic.
- Diarrhea. Pay attention to your dog’s business. If you notice they have sudden diarrhea-especially with blood in the stool- it’s a good idea to have them examined.
- Extreme Lethargy. When a dog is feeling sick, it won’t act like its normal self. Many tend to lay around and act tired or weak.
- Seizures. A more alarming and dangerous sign of toxicity in dogs is seizures. This symptom as well as the next requires immediate medical attention.
- Trouble breathing. If after eating mixed berry pie, your dog shows signs of troubled breathing, you must take them to get emergency medical attention. While all of these symptoms are detrimental to your pet’s health, seizures and trouble breathing can lead to death quicker than other symptoms.
*Here is the phone number for the ASPCA Poison Control Center for any and all future emergencies:
ASPCA Poison Control: 1-888-426-4435