Some Shih Tzu owners mistakenly believe that there is no risk of their Shih Tzu jumping down from high places or jumping up on to high places!
They forget to take some critical facts into consideration.
Let’s go over why you should carefully consider things like concussions and look out for any signs that your dog may be in distress!
Can Shih Tzu Jump?
All dog breeds, including Shih Tzus, can jump, but the extent of distance and agility will vary significantly from larger dogs. Shih Tzus should only jump minimal distances, whether it’s for training or getting around the house. Large jumps can cause severe injuries for this small breed.

Are Shih Tzus Good Jumpers?
Many Shih Tzus believe they are excellent jumpers and can fly between pieces of furniture. While this activity may look easy for them to do, large-scale jumps can create health problems for your beloved pet.
You can train a Shih Tzu to jump safely for agility contests and conquering obstacles like pet steps.
Can Shih Tzu Jump High?
This question comes down to their physical makeup. With its shorter legs and heavy torso, this breed can only jump small distances safely.
Greater heights and more vast spaces for jumping will pose a severe problem for their hips, legs, and joints, even if they think they can jump high.
How High Can a Shih Tzu Jump?
Shih Tzus can only jump up to around eight inches in height. But even so, that can still be too high for some pets, and you should only allow them to jump between four to six inches.
Jumping down from your couch or bed is risky for these smaller pets, unfortunately.
Can a Shih Tzu Jump a 4 Foot Fence/Gate?
If it’s a concern for your Shih Tzu getting out of your yard, a 4-foot fence or gate is substantial enough to keep them in.
This smaller dog breed would be more inclined to find holes to squeeze through rather than jump over your fence.
What Is the Agility Jump Height for Shih Tzu?
Kennel clubs measure the Shih Tzu agility jump height from the top of their withers.
The Shih Tzu is a brachycephalic breed that restricts their breathing, so handlers should reduce this distance by two to four inches less. A stretch of four to six inches is the average agility jump height for this breed.

Can Shih Tzu Mixed Breeds Jump High? (Maltese Shih Tzu Jumping)
Of course, some mixed breeds make a terrific companion. However, it’s still critical to ensure your beloved pet is not extending beyond its maximum distance.
Keep their wither measurement in mind and if they have breathing restrictions due to a shorter snout, remember to reduce the distance by two to four inches.
How Do I Teach My Shih Tzu to Jump High? (Couch/Bed/Higher)
Unfortunately, you do not want your Shih Tzu to jump higher than eight inches total. Anything higher than that will pose a health risk for them, including:
- Hip dysplasia
- Joint problems
- Muscle strains or sprains
- Fractures or broken bones
- Concussion
How Do You Stop a Puppy from Jumping High?
Puppies will naturally jump when they are excited or want your attention. This behavior is because they are trying to reach you the only way they know how, by jumping.
A straightforward way to curb this behavior is to stop it as soon as it happens. Give your puppy a stern no jumping command and bend down to their level, so they do not have to jump for attention.
How to Prevent Injury from Jumping High?
If you want to protect your Shih Tzu from injuries they could sustain from jumping too high, you should be aware of any situations where it could happen.
Invest in a set of pet stairs or ramps so your beloved pet does not have to jump off your high furniture when getting around your house.
Why Do Shih Tzus Jump So Much?
Excitement and the need for attention can be the culprit when your Shih Tzu seems to be jumping so much.
One way to discourage your dog from jumping up is by making sure not to reward it. Remember that your pet is looking for attention.
Ask visitors and family members to refrain from petting or talking to your dog when it jumps up. Once your Shih Tzu has stopped jumping up, your guest can reward it with attention.
Remember to stop people from picking up your Shih Tzu. This breed is very affectionate and friendly, which might make people tempted to pick up your pet for a cuddle. If your dog squirms and falls, it could suffer an injury.
Can Shih Tzu Jump Off from Couch or Bed
Some pet owners will be pretty familiar with their pet jumping off the couch, bed, or other furniture around their home.
Unfortunately, even though your Shih Tzu can jump these distances, they should not. Not only will they injure themselves, but it could result in a costly vet bill for you.
Can Shih Tzu Jump Off from a High Place? (Couch, Bed, and Higher)
You should not encourage your Shih Tzu to jump off high places such as a couch, bed, or other tall objects. This small dog breed is prone to injuries from high jumps because of their shorter legs and heavy torso.
Will My Shih Tzu Jump Out of the High Rise Apartment Window?
Your pet should not have access to any open windows in your apartment or home at any time. As long as your window is high enough and there are no tables or benches for them to reach it, your dog should be completely safe.
Shih Tzu Puppy Keeps Trying to Jump from High Places
If you notice that your Shih Tzu puppy keeps trying to jump from high places, you need to stop this behavior before injuries happen.
You may have to move furniture around or prevent them from going into your bedroom until you fully train them to listen when you do not want them jumping.
Why Does My Dog Jump Up Suddenly When Lying Down
If your pet is lying down and suddenly jumps up, this could be because they are uncomfortable or startled.
If you are concerned about health problems, such as fleas, joint pain, or others, be sure to contact your local veterinarian for a thorough examination.
Why Does My Dog Keep Jumping Off My Bed / How To Stop Dog from Jumping Off Bed
Many dogs will jump off your bed when they want to follow you out of the room. It’s the fastest way to catch up to you, after all. This behavior should be discouraged to keep them safe and free from injuries.
If you leave your room, take your Shih Tzu and place him on the floor yourself rather than let him jump off your bed. Some owners opt for purchasing a set of pet stairs or a ramp. This way, their beloved pet can move up and down to the bed independently without the threat of injury.
Shih Tzu Won’t Jump / Shih Tzu Can’t Jump
If your Shih Tzu won’t jump or can’t seem to jump, they may have an injury. Therefore, it’s essential not to make your pet jump when you suspect they are in pain or have a problem.
Visit your veterinarian as soon as you can to rule out any potential health issues.
Shih Tzu Stopped Jumping
The Shih Tzu has an exceptionally delicate lower jaw, which is why it’s common for this breed to end up with lower palate fractures. Another serious concern that may keep your Shih Tzu from jumping is a concussion.
Some possible concussion symptoms in dogs include:
- Vomiting
- Difficulty standing
- Pupils irregularly sized
- Lethargy
- Seizures.
If you think your dog has injured itself by jumping, you must get him veterinary attention right away.