Is your dog suddenly refusing to spend time in his crate? There are several reasons why: He’s spending too much time in it, it’s uncomfortable, he associates it with punishment. Let’s explore these reasons for crate avoidance and see how to help your furry friend! Why does my dog not want to sleep in his crate anymore? -He’s been over-cr … [Read more...]
Why do some Dogs Have One Ear Up And One Down?
If your dog’s ears are supposed to be upright but one or both of its ears are floppy, your dog may have a serious injury or health issue. Dog owners should pay attention to the health of their dog’s ears and treat any issues with the help of a vet. Why do Some Dogs Have One Upright Ear And One Lying Down Some dogs have one upright ear and one ear lyi … [Read more...]
Why Do Dogs Like Period Blood?
Dogs are driven by their scent. They experience the world around them by their sense of smell and have powerful senses of smell. Most of the time, dogs will be interested in period stains because it is a new scent that they want to investigate. Why Do Dogs Like Period Blood? Dogs are attracted to smells, especially … [Read more...]
Dog Hates Advocate
Dogs occasionally need to be treated for pests and a popular topical treatment is Advocate. Dog owners should educate themselves about the potential side effects that using this treatment could cause. Why Do Dogs Hate Advocate? Advocate flea treatment and dewormer is a topical medication that kills many external and internal pests. However, Advocate … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Jump Up Suddenly When Lying Down?
Is your dog having a hard time sleeping? Do they twitch or suddenly jump up, or do they seem like they just can’t get comfortable? Find out if it's a medical issue or if the ground is too hard! Why Does My Dog Jump Up Suddenly When Lying Down? From old age, to a serious medical issue or a sleep disorder, there are many reasons why dogs wake up suddenly from sleep. … [Read more...]