Can Dogs Eat Sardines In Tomato Sauce? This article will explain what the dish contains, what possible harmful effects it could have for dogs, and how dogs should consume sardines in tomato sauce. Some dog owners wonder if it’s safe for dogs to have sardines in tomato sauce. While it’s not the healthiest treat for a dog, most dogs will … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Cookie Dough?
As humans, we have our own little treats in life and it’s only natural to want to share those treats with our dogs at some point. But is it okay for dogs to eat cookie dough? What happens if they do? And how much is safe for them to eat without getting sick? Can Dogs Eat Cookie Dough? Cookie dough can be quite bad for dogs. In some cases, even just t … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Cornish Hens?
If you own a dog, you may often have questions on what your dog is and isn’t allowed to eat. Something you may have been considering giving to your dog is cornish hens. But are dogs allowed to eat these? Or, will it cause them to get food poisoning? Can Dogs Eat Cornish Hens? The short answer is yes, dogs can eat cornish hens. However, if you do give … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Gefilte Fish?
Dogs are known for eating anything and everything, but one of the dangers of that is they can often eat something that is very toxic to them. But is gefilte fish something dogs can eat? If not, what happens when they do eat them? Can Dogs Eat Gefilte Fish? In short, it’s best not to give your dog gefilte fish as many of the toxins contained within it … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Bring Me Toys?
When you begin your journey of dog ownership it is important to learn to understand your dog’s reasons for behaviors and learn to respond appropriately. A common behavior among dogs is bringing toys to their owner for one reason or another. Why Does My Dog Bring Me Toys When I Get Home? Often your dog is bringing you its toy when you f … [Read more...]