Dogs can have some pretty adorable habits. And some that are a little on the stranger side. Licking other dogs’ ears is one of those habits. This article covers why they do it, what it means, and what you should do about it. Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other's Ears? In this article, you will discover the many interesting reasons that you may see your dog licking another’s ea … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Bite My Nose?
Just because your dog bites your nose doesn’t mean they’re trying to hurt you. This article will explain some of the reasons your dog might bite your nose, how you can cut down on that behavior, what to do in case of a bite, and signs of aggressive bites. Why Does My Dog Bite My Nose? Just Playing Sometimes, dogs will nip at each other’s ears and necks, but … [Read more...]
Why Is My Dog Suddenly Acting Crazy?
When your dog suddenly starts acting differently in any way, it can be a cause for concern. But when your dog is acting crazy and not like them, what can you do about it? Why Is My Dog Suddenly Acting Crazy? There are various reasons why your dog is suddenly acting crazy. It could be due to behavioural reasons, or there might be something more serious where a vet is required. … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Flinch All Of A Sudden?
When your dog suddenly starts exhibiting any sort of new behaviour, it can be a major cause of concern for any dog owner. Luckily, most of the causes behind it can be easily treated, but there are others than can be quite serious. Why Does My Dog Flinch All Of A Sudden? There are multiple reasons why your dog has suddenly started flinching. It could be because they’re in p … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Cry When I Pick It Up?
Whenever your dog cries and they appear to be in pain in some way, this is a worrying sign to any dog owner. This is why it’s important you figure out the reasons behind the crying as it could be nothing to worry about, or it could be something really serious. Why Does My Dog Cry When I Pick It Up? There are multiple reasons why your dog might cry when you pick them u … [Read more...]