It can be utterly confusing. You’ve just filled your dog’s food bowl and cleared them to start eating, and instead they stand there whining at it. They may look at you with their big eyes, begging you to understand them, but unfortunately you just don’t. There are a few reasons your dog might be crying at their food instead of eating it.
Dog Crying at Full Food Bowl?
Your dog might be crying at his food bowl for a few reasons. They could hate the type of bowl they’re eating from, they may not like the food, or they may have a health problem you don’t know about. Don’t just punish your dog for whining, but make sure you are trying to figure out why they are whining.

Is My Dog Scared of the Food Bowl or the Food?
One reason your dog might be crying at a full bowl of food is fear.
Some dogs are more naturally fearful than others, and they will express it in different ways. Some dogs will whine, some will cry, some will bark.
The easiest way to tell if your dog is scared of the food or the bowl is to take the food out of the bowl.
If your dog will eat the food separately from the bowl, then the bowl was the problem. If they still won’t eat, then the food is the issue.
Food Bowl Nudging, Crying at It, And Begging for Hand Feeding?
When your dog is exhibiting strange behavior at dinnertime, don’t just ignore them and force them to eat.
Dogs can only communicate to us through their behavior, and we need to make sure we’re listening to what they’re trying to say.
Nudging at their food bowl, whining or crying at it, and begging to be fed by hand are all ways that your dog could be trying to tell you that something is wrong with their food.
They could just not like the food you’re giving them, or it could be upsetting their delicate stomachs. They could also have sore teeth, gums, or a sore tongue.
Check on your dog if they are showing this behavior because there could be something wrong with their health that they are trying to communicate to you.
How To Stop Dog Crying at Food Bowl?

If your dog is crying at their food bowl, they’re doing it for a reason.
Don’t ignore your dog if they are crying at their food bowl. If you want the crying to stop, you need to get to the root of the problem.
If you can figure out why your dog is crying at their food bowl, that’s how you’ll get them to stop.
- Make sure they aren’t having a bad experience with the bowl itself. Some dogs are particular about the type of bowl they eat out of.
- They could be uncomfortable with where they are eating. Try feeding them in a different location.
- They could not like the food they’re eating. Try switching up their food and see if they like another type better.
- They could have health issues – check their teeth and gums thoroughly and watch to make sure they aren’t constipated or with a urinary infection.
Old Dog Won’t Eat from Bowl but Will from Hand?
As dog’s age, many things that were once easy for them may become difficult.
Your older dog may have a hard time eating from their bowl because it is too low to the ground. Eating out of your hand is easier.
Try raising their food bowl to their shoulder level so they don’t have to bend as far to eat.
Why Does My Dog Growl at His Food Bowl?
If your dog is growling at his food bowl, even when it’s empty, it’s time to reevaluate the bowl itself.
Some dogs, especially rescue dogs, may have negative experiences with bowls. It’s important to be aware of your dog’s past as well as their temperament.
Some dogs are also just more fearful, and if you suddenly change up the type of bowl they are being fed out of they may be scared of it.
Work on creating positive associations with their bowl, and you can even try switching the type of bowl to see if they respond well to say, a wooden bowl instead of a metal one.
Why Does My Dog Whine Before He Eats?
There could be a couple of reasons your dog is whining before dinnertime.
The first might be that he doesn’t like his food. Some dogs can be very particular about the food that they eat, and if your dog doesn’t like their kibble they may whine until hunger wins out.
More likely, however, is that your dog is just excited to eat!
Dogs use whining and barking to communicate, and some dogs will whine when they are excited. And what’s more exciting than food?
Why Does My Dog Beg for Food After Eating?
Chances are, if your dog just finished eating, then they are not actually hungry.
Some dogs are bottomless pits, but most are not, so their begging will have more to do with wanting attention from you.
After they are done eating, your dog might be feeling happy and content, and just want to spend time with you.
Why Is My Dog Afraid of His Food Bowl All of a Sudden?
If your dog is suddenly not wanting to go near his food bowl, there could be a few reasons.
If you’ve recently changed bowls they could be uncomfortable with the new material.
There might be something in the area around their food bowl that’s new that they don’t like.
Why Do Dogs Hate Stainless Steel Bowls?
Not all dogs hate stainless steel bowls. Many pet owners use them for the entirety of their dog’s life without problems.
However, some dogs just cannot stand to eat or drink out of stainless steel.
Stainless steel, if not cleaned daily, can grow algae and mold. It can also sometimes make your dog’s food taste differently to them.
How Do I Get My Dog to Eat Out of a Bowl?
If you have a dog that doesn’t like to eat out of a bowl, it can be very frustrating.
But getting your dog to eat out of a bowl is possible – with time and training, you can get your dog comfortable with eating from a bowl.
You need to create positive associations to the food bowl with your dog. A licensed dog trainer will be able to work with you on your dog’s specific behavior issues to help you work through this problem.
Why Does My Dog Throw Her Food Out of Her Bowl?
It can be a strange thing to watch your dog take their kibble out of their bowl and put it on the ground.
Usually, the dogs that do this are very young or very playful. It is a way of playing with their food before eating it, which young dogs in the wild sometimes do to reenact hunting.
It could also be that your dog doesn’t like the type of bowl the food is in, so they take it out to eat more comfortably.
How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating?
We know that humans can go for quite a long time without eating.
Every dog is going to be different with their metabolism and activity levels, but the general guideline is to make sure your dog goes no more than three days without eating.
Your dog should be eating every day, but if they get sick or suddenly their tastes change, just ensure they eat every other day and drink lots of water.
Why Does My Dog Cover His Food with a Blanket?
There can be a lot of reasons that your dog is hiding his food away instead of eating it.
It could be that he is not hungry at the time that you are feeding him, so he is stashing his food away to eat later. In the wild, wolves may hide their food so that other animals won’t steal it.
Dog Puts Ball in Food Bowl?
If your dog is putting their ball in their food bowl, it usually means that they are comfortable with their bowl as a safe space.
They are trusting that their bowl is a space for them to keep their favorite toy when they aren’t playing with it.
This is a good thing.
Why Do Dogs Push Their Food Bowls Around?
Your dog is trying to find the best place for them to eat.
Sometimes, where you put your dog’s food bowl is not exactly where they feel comfortable eating their food.
So they might push their bowl around until they have fully inspected the food, and the bowl, and the space and find it to their satisfaction.
Puppies Circling Food Bowl?
The entire world is new to a puppy. They are still discovering everything.
Circling their food bowl allows puppies to get a full, 360 degree view of the situation.
They can make sure there’s nothing dangerous, nothing scary, and nothing unexpected that can jump out while they’re eating.