One of the things most people wonder about is why their dog always licks them after getting out of the shower and if ingesting shower water can be harmful to their dog.
Let’s explore all the different reasons why your pup likes shower water so much and if it is safe or not.
Why Do Dogs Drink Shower Water?
Clean warm water won’t harm your dog but never give them hot water to drink as it will burn their mouth. Soapy water can cause diarrhea and if you bathe with products that are harmful to dogs your pup might get really sick if he drinks the water.

Make sure that your dog always has clean water readily available even when taking them for a walk and if they do drink bath water or stagnant water you should keep an eye on them to make sure that they are okay.
If your pup shows any symptoms after drinking soapy or stagnant water it is always best to take him to the vet to make sure that he is okay and gets the right treatment if necessary.
Dogs get up to all kinds of funny things and drinking your bath water or licking your wet legs after getting out of the shower is not unusual behaviour. Lots of dogs do this and although it might be cute you need to make sure that your dog doesn’t ingest anything that is bad for them.
Why Does My Dog Like To Lick Shower Water?
There could be many reasons why your pooch likes to lick shower water but it is probably just because he enjoys licking water. It is also possible that your dog enjoys the taste of the bath products that you use when taking a shower.
Dogs like licking and eating things they shouldn’t. It is a natural instinct for them and licking releases feel good endorphins in them which makes them happy.
Licking isn’t a problem unless it becomes excessive or your pup somehow manages to lick or drink something that can make him sick.
If your pooch is very attached to you he could also be licking you to show you affection.
Is Bath Water Bad & Dangerous For Dogs?

The water itself is fine but the soap might cause a bit of an issue. The problem is that some dogs actually like the taste of soap and will try to drink soapy bath water.
If your dog has a strong gut it might not do anything but it can cause diarrhea and vomiting. If you use essential oils in your bath you should make sure that your dog does not drink the water as it can make your pet sick.
If you are scared that drinking the bath water will cause your dog to get sick you can train them not to do it or make sure the bath products you use don’t contain any ingredients that will be harmful to your pooch.
Dog Drank Soapy Bath Water What Should I Do?
There are a lot of factors to consider. How much soapy water did your dog drink and what kind of soap was it?
If it was only a few sips your pup will probably be fine. If they ate a whole bar of soap in the process it can cause your pup to vomit and have diarrhea.
Here are a few things that you can do if your dog drank soapy bath water.
- The first thing you should do is rinse their mouth with clean water.
- Give your pup some clean water to drink.
- Keep an eye on your pooch to make sure that they are okay.
- If your dog has any serious symptoms, take him to the vet immediately.
How To Keep Dog From Drinking Bath Water?
The easiest way to stop your dog from drinking bath water is to not let them in the bathroom when you are taking a bath.
They might not like being locked out but with a little bit of training and a lot of patience you will reap the benefits and have peace of mind.
If your dog insists on being in the bathroom while you take a bath and you don’t mind, you can always use obedience training to get them to not drink the bath water. You can also put a bowl of fresh clean water in the bathroom for them to drink.
If you pooch is drinking the bath water because it is moving you can get a water fountain. Your dog will enjoy the fresh, moving water and might stop trying to drink your bath water.
Why Does My Dog Lick The Shower Floor?
If your dog rushes to lick the shower floor after you take a shower it could be because they like the taste of the products you are using.
The leftover water is also filled with your scent which your pooch might like.
There is also the possibility that your dog enjoys licking and the shower floor is just one the many things that he likes to lick.
Why Do Dogs Love To Drink Dirty Water?
Your dog might not necessarily love to drink dirty water but just loves water. Some dogs are extremely fussy while others will drink water from any source they can find, even your toilet.
It is normal dog behaviour but if your pooch likes to drink any water he can find you should make sure to always keep a lot of clean water around to make it easier accessible for him.
If you are taking your dog for a walk or to the park, make sure to take some clean water and a bowl with for your pup . Keeping your dog hydrated might stop him from drinking dirty water.
Why Is My Dog Obsessed With The Bathtub?
There are a few different reasons why your dog might always be jumping into the bathtub.
Dogs get a lot hotter than humans and she might be laying in the bathtub to cool down. Most bathtubs are made from porcelain or fibreglass and may provide her with a cool surface to lie on.
Your pooch could also be using your bathtub as her own personal get away. Your bathtub is easily accessible and if your pup is feeling overwhelmed she might be taking a break in the tub to relax. It is also possible that something scared her and that she feels safe in the bathtub.
If your dog loves water and keeps on jumping in the bath it might mean that she wants you to give her a bath. You can always buy a small pool for her; she will love it and maybe even stop jumping in the tub.
There is also the possibility that your pooch is craving your attention. If you make a fuss every time she jumps into the tub she might continue to do it. Make sure your dog has enough play time and give her a bit of extra attention and see if she stops doing it.
Can My Dog Get Leptospirosis From Drinking Shower Water?
Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that your dog can get if they drink infected water. Your shower water should be fine though as water can only get infected with this bacterium if an infected animal urinates in it.
If your dog lives indoors and only plays in your yard or goes for walks outside with you where you can keep an eye on him you probably don’t have much to worry about. If however you live on a farm or near a forest and your dog has access to swim in infected water or play in infected mud you might have a problem.
If you think that your dog has been exposed to the leptospirosis bacteria watch out for any of these symptoms.
- Fever
- Muscle aches
- Weakness
- Lack of appetite
- Excessive consumption of water
- Dehydration
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Petechiae
- Anemia
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Runny Nose
If any of these symptoms are present or even if you are just worried about your dog it is always better to take them to the vet immediately. If nothing is wrong you can take them home and have peace of mind but if they are sick, the sooner they get treatment the better.
Why Does My Dog Lick The Shower Water Off Of Me?
The reason your pup always licks your legs when you get out of the shower is because he loves you and your scent.
The water is a bonus and makes it easier for your dog to taste and smell you. It might sound weird but it is a way of showing their affection for you.
Dogs like salt and a human’s skin taste salty so you pooch might also be licking you because he is craving salt.
What Happens If My Dog Drinks Shampoo Water?
Shampoo is usually diluted and when in water it dilutes even more. It shouldn’t be as harmful to your pup as a bar of soap but you should still keep an eye on him. He might be perfectly fine or get a bit of an upset stomach.
If he shows any signs of serious illness you should take him to the vet immediately.
My Dog Likes Warm Water, Is It Safe?
Although it might seem odd that your dog likes warm water it is nothing to worry about. Humans like having a cup of warm coffee on a cold day and so might your pooch.
It is just a personal preference but you should make sure never to give your dog hot water as this could burn their mouth and esophagus.
Dog Drank Stagnant (Potentially Dirty) Water What To Do?
You should never let your dog drink stagnant water as it can contain bacteria like salmonella and leptospira. Stagnant water can also be home to parasites which can cause illness in your dog.
Stay calm, it is possible that your pup will be perfectly fine but keep an eye on her for any symptoms of illness. If your dog develops diarrhea or starts vomiting it is best to take them to the vet.
My Dog Drank Stagnant Water And Has Diarrhea?
The stagnant water that your dog drank was probably contaminated with giardia which is a parasite that lives in water that was contaminated with feces.
If your dog has giardiasis it can easily be treated with antibiotics or a dewormer but if your poor pup gets really sick you will have to take him to the vet because he might need hospital treatment.