Protecting your dog’s skin and coat will help them to lead happy, itch-free lives.
If you notice that your dog is itching after their bath, here is some advice as to why they may be itching, and what you can do to help your dog feel his best again
Why Does My Dog Itch After A Bath?
Itching after bathing is common in dogs. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including allergens, pests, loose hair, or skin and coat issues. In healthy dogs, most skin irritation can be soothed with bathing, good grooming practices, and routine preventative pest control.

What Causes Itching In Dogs After A Bath?
If your dog starts itching after taking a bath, check to see if their skin has become red or irritated. Your dog could be having an allergic reaction to the shampoo you’ve used, in which case you’ll want to rinse their coat carefully to make sure any leftover shampoo residue has been washed out. After rinsing, apply a coat conditioner and topical anti-itch treatment to moisturize and soothe the skin.
If you have just treated your dog with flea shampoo, the fleas may be more active on your dog’s skin after application of the product as the medication takes effect, which can make your pup pretty itchy, even if they aren’t allergic to fleas.
Why Is My Dog Still Itching After A Flea Shampoo Bath?
If you just finished giving your dog a bath with flea shampoo, they could still be itching for a few reasons
- The medication in the flea shampoo is working, but the fleas in your dog’s coat are more active as they die
- Your dog is allergic to an ingredient in the flea shampoo which could cause itching and irritation in their skin
- Your dog is having an allergic reaction to the flea bites they have already sustained, and the itching is caused by the histamines released in the skin from an allergic reaction.
Is It Normal For Dogs To Itch After A Bath?

A lot of dogs will feel itchy after a bath. If they are a breed of dog that sheds, a good rigorous bath will frequently loosen dead hair which can cause shedding and itchiness.
If your dog’s coat feels slightly sticky, they may still have some shampoo residue in their hair. Prolonged contact with some chemicals in the shampoo could irritate the skin. Try rinsing your dog’s coat again to wash off any shampoo or environmental allergen and apply a topical coat conditioner.
What Can I Put On My Dog To Relieve Itching?
An oatmeal bath with a good conditioner can work wonders in calming skin inflammation and itching associated with an allergic reaction. If you suspect allergies are the cause of your dog’s itching, a dose of Benadryl can help control your dog’s symptoms. Check with your veterinarian about proper dosages.
Excess bathing can strip the natural oils in your dog’s coat and can cause their skin to dry out and itch. If you have to bathe your dog frequently due to allergies, make sure to invest in a good conditioner that will help to maintain moisture in their skin and coat.
Your vet may prescribe a topical cream to apply directly to the itchy area. Depending on the type of skin issue your dog is having, they may prescribe an antibiotic or antifungal cream along with a steroidal cream to help control the itching.
The following natural ingredients can be applied topically to treat several types of skin issues in dogs. Make sure you only use pet safe concentrations of high quality ingredients!
Antibacterial properties: Treats skin infections
- Calendula oil
- FLowers of sulfur
- Neem oil
- Grapefruit seed extract
Antiseptic Properties: Cleans and Kills
- Peppermint oil
- Tea tree oil
Soothing and anti inflammatory properties: Calms the skin
- Colloidal Oatmeal
- Aloe vera
- Marshmallow root
- Coconut oil (can also be incorporated into the dogs diet)
If your dogs skin seems to be getting worse with topical treatment, have your dog wear a shirt or some socks on their paws. Putting a barrier over the affected skin will hopefully give the skin a rest from all the licking, scratching, and chewing, to heal and calm down.
How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Itching After A Bath?
If your dog is itching after a bath, and there is no skin redness or irritation they could just have dry skin. Brush your dog thoroughly after you bathe them, especially if they have long hair. Make sure you use a good conditioner after shampooing your dog and apply some coconut oil, or a leave-in conditioner to their coat. Always make sure you leave your dog’s skin clean and moisturized.
Look for skin irritation or redness as well as fleas or ticks. If either are present, your dog may be itching due to allergies. Some dogs are allergic to flea bites, which causes excessive itching.
If you suspect your dog may be having an allergic reaction to the shampoo or product you put on them, rinse them and call your vet right away! Some allergic reactions can be serious. Your vet will probably prescribe an antihistamine or medicated creme to help control the itching.
Dog Itchy After Oatmeal Bath?
If your dog is still itchy after an oatmeal bath, they are probably experiencing a strong allergic reaction. The oatmeal bath treats the itchy, irritated skin, but it doesn’t treat the root cause of the itching, which is an excess production of histamines in response to an allergen.
Check your dog’s coat for any fleas or ticks. Fleas are super tough little critters, once they infest your dog, you will have to treat them with a medicated flea shampoo. Ticks are also tough to notice, and can stay attached to your dog for weeks! An oatmeal bath will not kill anything hiding out in your dog’s fur, so check your pup for any creepy crawlies that may have survived the trip to the tub!
Dog Itching Driving Me Crazy?
If your dog’s constant itching is getting to be more than you can handle, it’s probably time to ask your vet about performing some allergy tests on your dog. Your vet can ask you some questions about your dog’s lifestyle and work with you to try to determine what your dog may be reacting to that is causing all this itching.
If your dog is suffering from skin allergies, there are a few things you can do to help your pup feel a little better while you work with your vet to determine what your dog is allergic to.
- Bathe your dog with colloidal oatmeal to help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation
- Administer Bennedryl to alleviate reaction symptoms. Consult with your vet to determine dosages.
- Consult with a dog groomer about your dog’s skin and coat. A professional groomer will be able to assess the health of your dog’s skin and hair coat, and provide some grooming or clipping tips that will help the affected skin recover.
- Put a t-shirt or pair of socks on your dog. This won’t stop the itching, but it may help reduce the damage they can cause to their skin from constantly scratching, licking, or biting.
Dog Itching After Dawn Bath?
Dawn dish soap is an effective home remedy to kill and remove fleas in dogs. If you have given your dog a bath using Dawn dish soap and they are still itchy, there are a few things you should check:
- Is the soap completely rinsed out of the fur? Soap left in the fur can cause irritation in the skin
- Are there still fleas in your dog’s coat? It can sometimes take multiple baths to completely remove all the fleas. The dish soap will irritate the surviving fleas, which may make them more active on your dog’s skin.
- Did you condition your dog’s coat after washing? Dawn dish soap is especially aggressive in stripping the natural oils that act as a barrier between dirt and allergens and the skin. After washing your dog with Dawn, make sure to condition your dog’s coat with a high quality conditioner or coat oil to keep the skin from drying out.
- Did you check your dogs skin for redness or irritation? If your dog is suffering from any type of allergic reaction, they will be extremely itchy and have red irritated skin. If your suspect your dog may be having an allergic reaction, or notice any swelling in your dog’s face, ears or throat, please call your vet right away!
Should I Bathe My Dog If He’s Itchy?
Most dogs with healthy skin and no allergies don’t need to be bathed very frequently, however if you notice that your dog has started itching, it’s definitely a good idea to check their skin and coat to determine what the cause of the itching could be.
A good bath with shampoo and conditioner should leave your dog with clean, moisturized skin and help to stop the itching. If you bathe your dog and they continue to itch, there’s a good chance they are suffering from allergies.
My Dog Is Constantly Scratching And Biting Himself?
Constant scratching and biting indicates that your dog is experiencing the intense itching that comes with an allergic reaction. If your dog hasn’t recently been given any medication or been stung, it’s likely that they have been exposed to an allergen in their food or environment that is causing them to itch.
Work with your veterinarian to determine the source of your dogs allergies to eliminate or control your dog’s exposure, and try to alleviate your pup’s symptoms by applying anti-itch topicals, giving your dog an oatmeal bath, giving them a cone or t-shirt to wear in order to protect them from damaging their skin from scratching and biting.
If your dog has raw or damaged skin from excessive scratching and biting, your vet will likely prescribe antibiotics to prevent an infection from entering the body through the damaged tissue.
Does Bathing A Dog Help With Human Allergies?
Bathing your dog regularly will help control pet dander and hair, which are the main allergens associated with animals in humans.
Be wary though, if you over-bathe your dog without properly conditioning their coat, you could dry out their skin, causing it to become flaky and dry. Dry skin in dogs can create skin and coat problems that can cause excessive shedding, hair loss, and flakey skin, all of which are allergens that contribute to human dog allergies.
What Dog Shampoo Is Best For Itchy Skin?
Any shampoo formulated to moisturize and soothe the skin will probably help with itching. Colloidal oatmeal and aloe vera are some of the most popular ingredients in skin soothing shampoos for dogs, but medicated shampoos and conditioners can help target and clear up fungal and bacterial infections of the skin as well.
Can Dogs Be Allergic To Water?
Dogs are not typically allergic to water, however they could have a reaction to something in the water. If they consume water treated with chlorine or another chemical, they could experience serious symptoms that may require an emergency trip to the vet depending on the quantity of water they consumed.
Highly sensitive dogs could react negatively with some of the minerals or additives in treated water, although this is extremely rare. If you think your dog may be allergic to water in your area, try offering them bottled distilled water and see if their symptoms improve.
Do Dogs Feel Good After A Bath?
For the most part, dogs feel much better after a bath than they did before. There is a lot of fear associated with bathing for some dogs, so they may not necessarily enjoy bathtime itself, but having clean skin and a soft healthy coat is great for their overall health and happiness!
After your dog takes a bath, don’t be surprised if he runs around like a maniac after he gets out. Post-bath “zoomies” are quite common and happen when your dog has the opportunity to release pent up excitement or stress.
Do Dogs Get Tired After Baths?
Bath time is a big event in your dog’s life. Some dogs love water and enjoy being pampered in the tub, while others absolutely HATE it!
Either way, your dog is experiencing a lot of out-of-the-norm activity, and that can be really over stimulating. Dogs will usually experience a burst of energy after getting a bath, but after this energy is burned off, you can bet your pup will sleep well after their big beauty day!
What Happens If You Never Bathe Your Dog?
If your dog has healthy skin, is not prone to allergies, and has regular flea protection, dogs really don’t need baths very often.
Depending on your dog’s lifestyle and coat type, some dogs can go all year without bathing. Dogs with long hair, have active outdoor lifestyles, or who are prone to environmental allergies may need more frequent bathing.
How Do I Dry My Dog After A Bath?
Good ways to dry your dog off after a bath include:
- Warm up some towels in the dryer
- Let your dog play in the sunshine and air dry!
- Use a hair dryer to fluff your pup! Keep in mind, nervous pups might not love this idea!
I Gave My Dog A Bath 1,2,3,4,5… Days Ago And Now She’s Scratching?
If your dog is scratching a few days after you bathe them, they could be having an allergic reaction to an allergen in their environment, or to the shampoo you used a few days ago. If you suspect this is the case, rinse their coat thoroughly and apply a topical anti-itch treatment to help with the scratching. If your dog keeps itching after its second bath without shampoo, they could have a food or environmental allergy that is causing him to itch. Work with your vet to diagnose your dogs allergies so that you can control the symptoms and remove or reduce the presence of the allergen around your dog.
Why Does My Dog Still Scratch After I Give Them A Medicated Bath?
Your dog’s skin might be clean and pest free after a medicated bath, but it will likely still be irritated and could even be a little more sore after using a harsh medicated shampoo.
If the skin had been damaged by scratching, licking, or chewing, the shampoo could be causing stinging or irritation.
Its also possible that your dog is allergic to the shampoo you’ve used. An oatmeal bath and a good, thorough rinse should help to soothe the skin and relieve your dog’s itching. If they continue to itch after their second bath, they are likely having an allergic reaction to the shampoo or something in their environment.
How Often Should You Bathe A Dog That Has Itchy Skin?
How often you bathe a dog with itchy skin depends on why your dog’s skin is itchy.
If your dog is chronically itching, they may be suffering from allergies, in which case, bathing your dog is only a comfort measure to relieve the symptom of itchy skin. A soothing bath can help your dog feel better for a short while, but if your dog is reacting to an allergen, a bath will only help until the dog comes in contact with it again.
If your dog is itching because it has been playing oustide and has a big build up of dirt, they may need a bath tonight, but then stay itch free until the next time they roll in something!
Allergic Reaction To Shampoo?
If you think your dog is having an allergic reaction to the shampoo you used, it is important to make sure you rinse their skin thoroughly to make sure there is no shampoo residue left in the coat. Use a soothing coat conditioner with aloe, coconut oil, or oatmeal to soothe the skin irritation.
If your dog is having a reaction to the shampoo, symptoms should improve after the product has been washed out, with the exception of some residual itching and irritation.
Your veterinarian may be able to prescribe your dog an antihistamine spray or cream to use on the affected area.
Home Remedies To Relieve Dog’s Itchy Skin?
There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your dog maintains a healthy coat and skin and avoids feeling itchy. The first of which is keeping the skin properly moisturized and with a good protective barrier between the skin and the dirt and grime from the outside world.
Applying coconut oil to your dog’s fur or adding it into their diet will help your dog maintain a healthy shiny coat and healthy skin.
Soothing your dogs irritated skin with an oatmeal bath will help reduce inflammation and irritation in your dogs skin. Adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to the bath water will help to cleanse the coat and improve the skin’s condition as well.
Careful grooming and maintenance will help relieve your dogs itchy skin problems. Having a professional groomer looking after your dog’s skin and coat health is incredibly valuable to the overall health of your dog. If your dog is constantly itchy, there could be loose, dead hairs that are no longer attached to your dog, but are still stuck in the coat, which leads to excessive shedding, pet dander, and itchy skin.
If you suspect your dog’s itch is due to allergies, Bennedryl is safe for dogs to take under veterinary advise. Its a good idea to double check with your vet about dosage instructions for your individual sized dog.
Am I Using The Wrong Shampoo?
Here is a list of the different types of dog shampoos and their uses to help determine which type of shampoo you should use:
- Medicated/allergy relief: Works on bacterial and fungal skin infections, meant to clean the skin or provide medication to reduce the pain and itching of a skin reaction.
- Flea Control: Kills and repels fleas. Should be used as an accessory to regular flea prevention measures.
- Sensitive Skin: Perfect for dogs with irritated skin, or who are prone to allergic reactions. Gently cleans while soothing any irritated or inflamed skin.
- Brightening: Brightening shampoo is used for dogs who have healthy skin and coat, and only need baths for odor control and cleanliness.
- Waterless: Shampoo that does not require any rinsing. Can be completed in ten minutes or less, and is great for dogs who are afraid of bathing.
- Conditioning: Conditioning shampoo keeps your pets coat soft and moisturized and helps to maintain the moisture balance in the dog’s skin and coat.
- Deodorizing: Deodorizing shampoo helps reduce dog smell and replaced it with a cleaner scent.