Dogs love to be with us- it is part of why they are known as man’s best friend! But is there such a thing as our dogs being too close to us?
Why Does My Dog Sit So Close To Me?
From comfort, love, boredom, to anxiety, there are many reasons why your dog is sitting so close to you. What are you supposed to do if it’s not what you want though? Can you train your dog to give you some more space? Should you be encouraging your dog to sit close to you or not? Read on to learn more about this multifaceted part of dog ownership!

Why Does My Dog Want To Sit So Close To Me?
Comfort: Dogs enjoy sitting with us because they enjoy being with us! Especially when we are sitting on a comfortable surface like a sofa, our dogs find comfort and contentment sitting with us and being with us. They enjoy our companionship as much as we do theirs!
Safety: Our dogs not only find us as a source of content comfort, they also find us to be a safe space. Many dogs will look to their owners when they are unsure, stressed, anxious, or scared. In these moments, our dogs may choose to sit close to us as it gives them a sense of safety.
Protection: As part of their family, it’s not uncommon for our dogs to feel protective of us. Sometimes when our dogs are sitting close to us it is because they are being protective of you.
Dogs Just Like To Sit Next To Their Owners
Dogs enjoy being around us. Being highly social creatures, dogs often like to sit close to each other and to their owners. The companionship is important for their lifestyle.
They Just Love You!
The time we spend with our dogs increases our bond with them. Our dogs love us as much as we love them. As a result, they like to sit close to us because they love us so much!
It’s Very Comfortable 🙂
Dogs are a pack animal. They find comfort from close proximity to their friends and family members. As a result, they are very comfortable hanging out next to us
Additionally, they enjoy comfortable seats just like us.
Looking For A Bit Of Attention
During the day, there are many things that we have to focus our attention on. From work to what we’re making for dinner, we have a lot on our minds. Sometimes our dogs sit close by us as a way of gently asking for a little of our attention.
Looking For A Affection
In addition to looking for some of our attention, our dogs may be sitting close to us because they are seeking our affection too. Part of the bonding and comfort our dogs have with us comes from the affection we give them. Pats, rubs, and treats are all ways that we can show our dogs affection and many dogs learn that by sitting close to us they can receive that affection.
Dog Feels Safer And Secure With You
From the bonds we form with them, our dogs feel safer around us. We become their safe space and when things are making them feel scared, they seek us out to help them feel safe again.
Dog Feels Comfortable With You
Just as we feel comfortable sitting on the couch with friends and family, our dogs do too! We are their best friends and their family, they enjoy the time they can spend with us. This can result in our dogs choosing to sit right next to us on the couch because we are a comfort for them.
Dog It Trying To Protect You
Many dog breeds are known for being protective of their homes and families, but all dogs have the ability to get protective over the things they value. Due to the close bonds we form with our dogs, it is normal for them to feel protective of us. If your dog is sitting very close to you, they may be doing so as a protective gesture. If there is a perceived threat nearby, maybe a stranger or a strange dog, your dog may choose to sit closer to you as a sign that they are going to keep you safe.

Dog Thinks You Will Not Leave If It Sits Next To You!
Another common reason that your dog may be sitting so close to you is to make sure you are not going to leave. Often, people joke that it is so much harder to get up and go do things when their pets get cuddle up with them. It is possible that your dog has learned that if they snuggle up next to you, you are less likely to get up and go somewhere. It may be there way of trying to keep you from leaving.
Separation Anxiety
A common thing that dog owners need to work on with their dogs is separation anxiety. Dogs are social animals that do not always like to be alone. Many dogs have trouble finding confidence to be alone for a period of time and need to work on being away from their owners. When our bonds with our dogs are deep, it can be stressful for our dogs for us to leave them even for a short period of time. Some dogs display signs of separation anxiety in how when they are with their owners, they will not leave their owner’s side.
Dog Is Trying To Calm You Down
Dogs are very emotionally intelligent creatures. The more time they spend with us, the better our dogs can get at reading and understanding our emotions. Our dogs often can sense when we are upset by something. When we are upset, it is not uncommon for our dogs to move closer to us as a way to try and soothe us.
Dog Might Be Feeling A Bit Unwell
This ties back to our dogs gaining comfort from us. We are their safe space and source of comfort. As a result,if our four legged companions are feeling unwell or sick, they may seek us out for comfort. Physically being close to us may help them feel better by lowering some of their stress levels and giving them comfort to rest safely next to us till they feel better.
Dog Is Bored
If you have a dog that has higher energy, they may be sitting next to you for a very different reason. High energy dogs need lots of mental and physical stimulation in their day to day lives. It is possible that your dog is feeling bored and is sitting next to you in hopes of getting your attention and getting you engaged with them.
Why Does My Dog Sit Next To Me On The Couch
The couch is often a place where we like to go to sit and rest or relax at the end of a long day. Your dog may be joining you on the couch because they have also learned that it is a place for relaxing and they are looking to join you in it. If the couch is a place you like to spend a lot of time on, your dog may sit with you on it as a way to be involved with what you’re doing or simply because they find it as cozy as we do.
Why Does My Dog Sit Next To Me On The Toilet
People often joke about the fact that our dogs will follow us to the bathroom, but why do they? The answer comes back to some of the points above. Our dogs sometimes struggle with separation anxiety and don’t like to be away from us even long enough for us to use the bathroom. Sometimes our dogs are just bored and are following us and waiting to see if we are going to do something fun with them. Other times, our dogs are simply being protective of us and are watching over us in a moment of vulnerability.
Why Does My Dog Sit So Close To My Face
There are a few reasons why our dog friends may choose to sit so close to our faces. It may be a result of our dogs being bored and looking to grab our attention. It may be because we are something yummy and our dogs can smell it and are looking for a taste. It may also be an attention seeking gesture because they are anxious and are looking for comfort.
Should You Encourage Your Dog To Sit Next To You?
Having your dog sit next to you is an important skill for your dog to have. They should be encouraged to sit next to you in a calm and quiet manner. It helps to increase the bond between you and your dog. It also can be helpful for them to feel comfortable sitting close to you so that in new situations you know your dog is comfortable relying on you for support.
Should You Stop Your Dog Sitting Next To You?
There are a few times you should not encourage your dog to sit next to you. If your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety, it would be beneficial to work with your dog on having them sit farther away from you. Additionally, if you are uncomfortable with your dog being so close to you, it would be a sign to work on having your dog sit farther away from you.
How To Get Your Dog To Stop Sitting So Close To You?
Buy a bed: If you feel your dog is sitting close to you because they are comfy sitting on whatever you are on, you can try getting them a bed! Getting your dog their own bed for them to sit in while with you can help to start distancing how close they are sitting to you.
Crate training: Another option for helping your dog learn not to sit so close to you is by crate training your dog. Crate training gives your dog their own safe quiet space where they can comfortably rest and relax while not being directly next to you.
Keep Them Busy With Other Things (Playing, Socialising, Etc)
If your dog is sitting with you because they are bored and looking for your attention, try finding something to add enrichment to their life. There are multiple toys on the market today that are puzzle based as a way of keeping your dog engaged and entertained. Additionally you can look into doggy day cares and dog walkers as a way to help your dog stay occupied!
Teach Them How To Enjoy Being Alone
One of the ways you can improve your dog’s ability to sit farther away from you is by making it a positive experience for them. Praising and heavily rewarding the behavior will increase the likelihood that they will repeat it and also will increase their confidence that this is a good thing. Giving them their favorite toy or snack type treat while they are sitting farther away from you is a good way to positively reinforce that action.
Limit The Time They Sit Next To You
If you feel the need to space your dog from you, an easy method is by limiting the time they are able to sit with you. By engaging them in play or setting them up in their crate or bed with a toy while you sit elsewhere, you can limit the time they can sit next to you.
If They Have Separation Anxiety Take Steps To Deal With It
Separation anxiety is a serious issue that should be addressed for the well-being of your dog. Taking steps like the ones above are important in helping to empower your dog to confidently be away from you. If you find yourself struggling with helping your dog with this, reach out to a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for help.
Teach Them Other Way To To Get Your Attention
Dogs are incredibly smart and are quick to learn ways to get our attention. If your dog is getting your attention by sitting too close to you, teach them a new way to get your attention. By not acknowledging them when they sit too close, they will begin to look for other ways to get your attention.
Some owners have worked to teach their dogs how to get their attention by doing tricks like ringing a bell. Check online or with a trainer for tips and tricks to teach your dog a better way to get your attention.
Get A Dog Behavior Specialist To Help You Train The Dog
If you find that you are having a hard time teaching your dog to comfortably sit away from you or to get your attention in a different way, you can consider looking into help from a dog behaviorist. Behavior specialist are well versed in dog psychology and training and can work with you and your dog to help you become successful in forming clearer communication and a happier bond.
Just Get Used To It And Enjoy Your Dog Sitting Next To You!
At the end of the day, we brought dogs into our lives for a reason. We love and value them for all the joy that they bring to our lives. Take a moment and enjoy all the time they spend with you!