If you have a dog, you may have experienced them suddenly deciding to sleep under the bed. There can be a number of reasons why this may happen, some of which are nothing to worry about and others that may be cause for concern.
why is my dog sleeping under the bed?
There are many reasons why a dog may sleep under the bed. However, the main issue to look out for is the possibility of illness as this may be serious and is something you will want to talk to your vet about.

11 reasons why dogs sleep under the bed
- They feel safe there
We all like to feel safe. Your dog may hide under the bed to feel safe for no reason other than they just want to be close to you. However, there may be other reasons behind going under the bed to feel safe. - There is something elsewhere in the house making them feel threatened or unsafe
Has there been someone in the house your dog doesn’t know and is unsure of? Perhaps they heard fireworks outside whilst downstairs and they’re scared of them? If they no longer feel safe there, going into hiding under your bed will be their way of calming down. - They feel comfortable there
This is similar to the first point in that your dog just wants to be somewhere that is comforting to them. Maybe they just want somewhere relaxing to chill and sleep and under your bed happens to be that comfortable place for them. - They do not want to be bothered by anyone
We all love a bit of peace and quiet from time to time and dogs are no different. If there is a lot going on downstairs, they may want to go somewhere that they’re not going to be bothered and it’s possible that under your bed is this place. - They are feeling unwell
This is one of the most important reasons and if this happens to be the case, it’s imperative you take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. It may be nothing, but there’s also the possibility of it being something serious, so please get them checked out. - They prefer being somewhere private
This is similar to point four but as friendly and personable as dogs are, they do also need time to themselves. If they want a bit of quiet or just some time for themselves, they possibly think being under the bed is best and it’s just best to leave them in this case. - They have been injured
This is another occurrence where if they are hiding under the bed for this reason, you need to get them to the vet as soon as possible. Them being injured is easier to spot as opposed to them being sick, but, it’s still just as important to go to the vets. - They are looking for food
Have you ever given your dog food of some sort, such as a treat, in your bedroom? In this case, they may believe they will find food in your room/under your bed, so will be searching under there for anything they may find. - They have found something they should not have found
Dogs are like humans in that they don’t like being told off. So if they have an object that they know they’re not meant to have, they’ll hide under the bed because it’s not somewhere you’re likely to find them and they don’t want the object taken from them. - Something has changed in their environment
Dogs aren’t a fan of change and so if change happens in their environment, they want to run away from it. This can involve going somewhere they feel safe or where that change hasn’t happened, so they can avoid the stress. - They are in a stressful environment and want to get away from it
This is similar to the above point in that another aspect of life dogs like to avoid is stress. If there is a lot of stress in their environment, they want to avoid it as they do with change, so may hide under the bed for this reason.
Why does my dog sleep under my bed at night?
There are often many reasons why your dog is sleeping under your bed at night. If they are sleeping under your bed and no one else’s, this may simply be because they want to be closer to you and if you do not allow your dog in your bed, this is their way of feeling close to you.
But this isn’t the only reason and it may be because they are stressed and want some form of comfort or because they want a bit of privacy. They may well see your bed as their safe place and choose to go under it to have a bit of time to themselves.
Should I let my dog sleep under the bed (is it safe)?

Whilst it’s perfectly safe to let your dog sleep under your bed, the main question here is whether they should be allowed to sleep under there.
However, if the reason for them sleeping under your bed is because they’re scared or unwell, it’s essential you get to the bottom of this and possibly take them to the vet if they’re unwell.
You can help them with this by creating their own safe space for them so they know that is their space to chill out, go to sleep and where they will come to no harm.
But you only need to do this if you do not want your dog to sleep under your bed. If you are perfectly okay with your dog sleeping under their bed and it is not due to medical reasons or stress, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this happening.
7 ways to to get your dog to stop sleeping under the bed
The following are the ways in which you can prevent your dog from sleeping under your bed:
- Give them somewhere else to sleep
- Train them to sleep elsewhere by using positive reinforcement
- Try not to encourage them to sleep under your bed
- If your dog is sleeping under your bed due to fear, try and eliminate anything that is causing them to be fearful
- When trying to get your dog out from underneath your bed, be as calm as possible as using punishment will only make your furry friend more fearful
- Seek help from a dog behaviour specialist
- Provide your dog with a routine so they do not have to be fearful of the unknown
my dog is hiding under the bed and won’t come out
As previously discussed, there can be a variety of reasons why your dog is hiding under the bed. But when you want them to get out from under there, for whatever reason that may be, and they refuse to come out, this can be quite frustrating.
You can train your dog to perform another behaviour if they are hiding under the bed.
The best thing to do if they are hiding under the bed is to ignore them. They may realise if they hide under the bed and you keep going over to them, that gets them attention. It is attention-seeking. Ignoring them when they do this may stop them from hiding under the bed.
However, whenever they are laying somewhere else, give them a treat. For example, if your dog is laying on the mat, give them a treat. This reinforces good behaviour.
As soon as your dog realises you like one behaviour over the other and that them performing that behaviour will get some form of reward, they are more likely to carry out this behaviour over the behaviour you are ignoring.
So eventually, they should stop hiding under your bed and start carrying out the behaviours you want them to carry out.
why is my dog suddenly sleeping under the bed
There are a number of reasons why a dog might have suddenly started to sleep under your bed. If this is something that has suddenly started, it may be due to something happening that has frightened them, them no longer feeling safe, or they may feel unwell.
If you believe something may have frightened them, think back over the last few days and the events that have occurred that could have scared your dog. Has someone broken in or tried to break into your house? Have you had some people around your dog has never met before?
If it is something that has scared them, this could have led to them feeling unsafe and is why they are either hiding or sleeping under the bed.
They possibly no longer feel safe in your home and want to take refuge somewhere within the house they do feel safe; which just so happens to be under your bed.
Of course, the other reason for them sleeping under the bed is because they feel unwell. If you suspect this, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible so they can check them over.
my dog sleeps under the bed all day?
There can also be a number of reasons for your dog sleeping under the bed all day, too. Dogs tend to sleep for a lot of the day, anyway (twelve hours is the norm), so this is not all too unusual. However, they may be sleeping under your bed because they find it peaceful.
If you have a fairly busy household, such as having lots of people constantly in and out of it, this may be the reason for your dog hiding under the bed. Dogs often prefer a bit of peace and quiet, so if they cannot get that downstairs, they will seek it upstairs.
However, if this sleeping pattern is different to what is normal for your dog, you may want to seek help.
Signs of this being an issue include: them suddenly falling asleep; there are physical symptoms, such as limping or a change in appetite; or behaviour problems, such as them suddenly becoming aggressive or staring into space.
If your dog is displaying these signs, they may not be anything to worry about. However, it is always best to take them to the vets to get them checked out for your own peace of mind.
Why is my old dog suddenly hiding under my bed?
If you have an older dog, they are sadly more susceptible to illness and being in pain. As already discussed within this article, it is known that one of the reasons for a dog starting to hide under your bed can be due to something physical.
It is always best to be careful with older dogs in particular and any changes that you feel are cause for concern should be checked over by the vet as soon as possible.
Why does My cuddly dog suddenly sleep under the bed?
It is more than likely that something has scared them and this has caused them to want to hide under the bed. This change in behaviour is often a sign that something is wrong.
If they are still sleeping under your bed, this suggests they are not afraid of you as they are still willing to be somewhat close to you. However, there is obviously something that has happened that you may or may not be aware of that has caused them to behave like this.
It may also help, if them being scared is the case, for you to try and observe how they behave in various situations to see if there are any changes in behaviour there.
For example, if they suddenly appear to be a bit scared to go outside, this may be the cause of them sleeping under the bed.
Do Dogs Hide When They Are Sick?
It is known that dogs may hide when they are sick and if your dog has suddenly started to hide under your bed (or any bed in the house), this may be the reason behind it.
Obviously, if you believe this to be the reason why your dog is suddenly hiding under the bed, or even if you just want to rule out sickness, take them to the vet as soon as you possibly can.
The vet will be able to rule out any illness and if there is an illness, it is much better to treat them sooner rather than later.
Why does my dog sleep under the bed?
Why Does My Dog Hide Under The Bed?
7 Reasons Why Your Dog (Suddenly) Sleeps Under The Bed + 5 Tips