Save time and money with these super-cool dog grooming hacks Whether your pup is a whopping 100 pounds or a tiny 10-pounder, keeping them well-groomed can be quite a chore. Sure you love them, but giving them a bath? Clipping their toenails? Not on your top ten list of things to do. Taking a chance on DIY The secret to DIY dog grooming is knowing the tricks So, for … [Read more...]
Top 13 Safety Tips for the Professional Dog Groomer
In the United States alone, approximately 68 percent of households own a pet, while world-wide that percentage is about 53 percent. No wonder dog grooming is a big business. Most dog owners take their pets to a professional groomer as opposed to grooming them at home. This is mainly due to the lack of know-how as well as not wanting to invest in the proper equipment. It is … [Read more...]
How to Choose the Right Dog Groomer [that is Safe for your Pup?]
Finding the right dog groomer for your pup can be daunting. Of course, your first priority should be keeping your dog happy and healthy. But beyond the basics, you want to find a groomer that understands and works well with your dog. Ideally, your relationship with a groomer is a long term one. The thought of such a big commitment can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to b … [Read more...]
Best Portable Dog Washers for Keeping pups Clean
Every dog owner knows what a hassle it can be to give your dog a bath. A pup that will happily swim in a pool or lake acts like he's being tortured in your bathtub. Once you get him in there, it's a fight to get him to stay - and he regularly shakes his coat, drenching you and the room in dirty dog water. You rinse, scrub, and rinse again, trying to protect your dog's sensitive … [Read more...]
How to Handle a Matted Mess in Dogs [What Pro Groomers do]
How to Handle Matting in Dogs The fluffier, the curlier, the cuter, the better, right? Well that a matter a preference, but if you have ever had a fluffball of a dog, you probably know that the cost of that beautiful fluff is lots of grooming and very often a lint roller or three. When it comes to matting, it is definitely a problem in our fluffier friends, but it can also … [Read more...]