If your dog has a cone on, one common issue for pet owners is whether it’s okay to leave them alone. But does this cause any issues for your dog and what are the risks of leaving them alone with a cone on? Can I leave my dog alone with a cone on (is it safe?) You should never leave your dog alone with a cone on. They could injure themselves, get stuck, or possibly … [Read more...]
Why does your dog sleep between your legs?
Your dog sleeping between your legs may be a cute thing at first but over time, it can get a bit annoying. It also may not be the cute thing you think it is as it can be due to more serious reasons. Why Does Your Dog Sleep Between Your Legs? There can be many reasons why your dog might sleep between your legs. It could be something as innocent as … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide To Successful Dog Boarding
As a pet parent, you’d want to stay with your pup as much as possible. However, sooner or later, you’ll need a reliable and trusted facility to board your dog, whether you’re leaving for a much-awaited vacation or a business trip out of town. Leaving your dog in a boarding facility—for most pet parents—is a distressing and worrying experience. Have you chos … [Read more...]
Why is my dog sleeping under the bed? [Be Careful of the warning signs!]
If you have a dog, you may have experienced them suddenly deciding to sleep under the bed. There can be a number of reasons why this may happen, some of which are nothing to worry about and others that may be cause for concern. why is my dog sleeping under the bed? There are many reasons why a dog may sleep under the bed. However, the main issue to look out for is … [Read more...]
Why Does My Dog Sleep Under the Covers?
Did you know that your dog’s affinity to the covers is literally in their blood? A dog’s natural burrowing instincts have led domesticated dogs to seek our covers! Does your dog like to come to cuddle under the covers with you? This might be a natural instinct passed down from his ancestors. Breeds like dachshunds, huskies, and terriers have traditionally been burrowed fo … [Read more...]