Dogs wearing clothes can create some very cute pictures. However, many dogs hate wearing clothes, even if the clothing is necessary because of the weather. Dog owners need to understand why their dogs hate wearing clothes and how to train them to wear clothes when necessary. Why Do Dogs Hate Jackets? Dogs wear their fur coat every day. But some dog owners enjoy … [Read more...]
Dog Hates Alexa The Amazon Assistant
Getting yourself an AI assistant might seem fun and exciting but there is a possibility that your dog won't be as enthusiastic about it. Dogs have sensitive hearing and can easily get frightened by unfamiliar things in their environment. Read further to find out why your pooch is scared of Alexa and what you can do to fix it. Dog … [Read more...]
dog hates violin
Dogs are very vocal animals. Sometimes your dog may even be appearing so be howling along with your musical instruments, like violins! Are they actually singing along or do their howls mean something more? Why Does My Dog Vocalize / Howl/Bark/Whine/Cry When I Play My Violin? When your dog barks, howls, maybe even whines when you play … [Read more...]
Dog Hates When I’m On The Phone
When scrolling through our phones has become such an essential part of winding down for the day, it can be frustrating when those around us won’t allow us the pleasure, especially our pets. Dog Hates When I'm On The Phone Dogs can oftentimes feel neglected when we prioritize things like our phone, which can end up leading them to act out, e … [Read more...]
Why Do Dogs Hate Lawn Mowers?
Why Do Dogs Hate Lawn Mowers? Dogs can fear anything too loud, too big, or comes off like a threat to them. If your dog seems to be scared of your lawnmower, it can be caused by many different reasons that lead back to your dog's history or breed. Why Do Dogs ‘Freak Out’ & Attack When They See Lawn Mow … [Read more...]