Why Does My Dog Suddenly Dislike His Food? When a dog suddenly dislikes his food or changes his feeding behavior, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Several health-related reasons can trigger picky eating in dogs. If your dog starts to exhibit signs of picky eating, it is important to diagnose the reason for it. Why Does My Dog Sniff His Food And Walk … [Read more...]
Why Are Dogs Scared Of Crutches?
Recovering from an injury can be extremely stressful and inconvenient. Add to that a dog that is fearful of your crutches and recovery can feel hopeless. Do not fear! We have provided below common reasons your dog may be fearful and tips on how to fix this behavior. Why Are Dogs Scared Of Crutches? Clanging sounds the crutches make, the unusual sight … [Read more...]
Are Dog Owners Arrogant?
Dog owners often have a reputation as being righteous and superior over other pet owners, as they revel in their elevated status. Controversially this raises the age-old question – are dog owners arrogant? Are dog owners arrogant? Many people controversially view dog owners as superior, arrogant, and inconsiderate. There will always be a social divide between t … [Read more...]
Can A Dog Have Two Names? (Solved!)
We can’t help but give our adorable fluffy dogs cute little nicknames to match. So even though you named your puppy Bella, you also call her baby girl. But can our dogs even understand having more than one name? Let’s look further into whether or not we should call our dogs anything more than what we named them. Can A Dog Have Two Nam … [Read more...]
My Puppy Is Scared To Poop? [Things You Need To Know As A Dog Owner]
Your beloved pup is acting strange. It looks like he is scared to go outside… or poop… or both? Bowel problems can cause a lot of distress for both you and your dog, so read on to find out why your dog is scared of pooping and what you can do about it. My Puppy Is Scared To Poop Puppies can appear afraid to poop, normally because of something thr … [Read more...]