What Is Parvo In Dogs? Parvo Virus In Dogs Canine parvovirus (CPV), as the name suggests, is a viral infection that is highly contagious in dogs. It’s part of the Parvoviridae virus family. The CPV initially infects the lymphoid tissue in the throat of a dog after it has been swallowed. It replicates here before moving through the bloodstream to attack the fast dividing i … [Read more...]
Canine Distemper-The Dog Killer! [Please Read THIS before putting your Dog to sleep]
What Is Canine Distemper? Can Humans catch Distemper from Dogs or other animals? {is CDV zoonotic?} Distemper is a viral disease/infection that affects a whole host of species, such as dogs, wolves, coyotes and foxes. Despite being commonly called Canine Distemper, it also affects animals outwith the canine family, such as raccoons, wild cats, ferrets, … [Read more...]
How to Prevent my Shih Tzu eating poo?
The Shih Tzu is at the top of the list of companion dogs favoured by the commoners and the royalty alike. This adorable dog gives just as much love as they receive. But however much we love them it's always shocking and disgusting to see them devouring poop! Most owners do not find adorable and worry about their Shih Tzu eating poo (poop/feces). Every breed of dog has its … [Read more...]
Fleas and Ticks on Dogs : How to control and the critical dangers.
There’s no avoiding it — Fleas and Ticks on Dogs, if your dog goes outside at all, he is going to get fleas in warm climates or at least an occasional tick in just about any geographic area. Fleas and ticks are no picnic for humans, either; bites can cause health problems and an abundance of them in your home can make life unbearable for everyone. Let’s look at some of … [Read more...]
Shih Tzu skin problems – It could simply be that you are bathing your dog too often?
Shih Tzu skin problems are the most common complaints in the vet practice for this breed!. Skin and hair problems have various causes and prevention is the key to avoid them. When you notice any change in the skin or hair loss, always refer to your vet to get your pet treated soon. How to take care of your Shih Tzu's hair? Taking care of your pet’s hair starts from balanced n … [Read more...]