Have you noticed that when you turn on your TV, your Shih Tzu turns to face the screen and tilts their head or barks at the TV’s noises?
Does this mean your dog is watching TV? Read on to find out what your dog is actually doing when the TV is turned on!
Do Shih Tzus Watch TV?
Dogs of all breeds and personalities can enjoy watching TV with their owners or while home alone. TV is beneficial for dogs that struggle with anxiety and boredom while their owners are away. Shih Tzus are sociable dogs and love to see people and animals on the screen!

Does My Dog Actually Watch TV?
Though your dog probably isn’t as entertained by witty dialogue or drama between the characters of your favorite shows, your dog is definitely entertained by the sounds of other animals and people and the sight of the outdoors.
Watching cars drive on the TV has the same effect on some dogs as if they were watching cars drive down the street through a window in your home.
Why Does My Shih Tzu Watch TV?
Just like their owners, Shih Tzus like to be entertained throughout the day. Seeing and hearing things on the TV that they enjoy in real life can provide that entertainment.
Some dogs may even find watching TV comforting. If you are away from home all day while you are at work or running errands, your dog might get lonely and anxious because there is no one around to keep them company.
If your TV is on and playing a show that your dog enjoys, they will not feel anxious, lonely, or bored anymore.
How Does A Dog See The TV [What Do They See]?
Despite popular belief, your pup isn’t totally color blind. Dogs of all breeds have color receptors in their eyes. However, they do see color differently than humans.
While humans can see a wide variety of bright, vibrant colors, dogs can only see in dull shades of blue and yellow.
Do They Understand What They Watch On TV?
Dogs are very intelligent creatures, especially Shih Tzus. While they may not understand everything we say, dogs are proven to understand our tone and some keywords and phrases (like “want to go for a walk?)
So, your dog may not follow along with the plot, but they can understand certain emotions and can enjoy the scenery.
Is Watching TV Good For Them?
Watching TV can be a great way for you to bond with your dog. As long as you are regularly taking your dog out to exercise and enjoy the real world, there is nothing wrong with a little screen time for your Shih Tzu to enjoy!
Should You Let Your Dog Watch TV?
Absolutely! If your dog shows an interest in the TV, there is no reason you should prevent them from watching.
Some veterinarians even tell owners to play the TV for their dogs while they are away to help with separation anxiety.
Do Dogs Like & Enjoy Watching And Listening To TV?
If your dog wiggles around, barks, or wags their tail when the TV is playing, you can conclude that they are enjoying the show.
No one is better at judging whether their dog is happy than their owners!
What Happens If Dogs Watch TV [Is It Ok]?
Watching certain TV shows will stimulate your dog’s brain the same way taking a walk to the park does.
Your dog will likely react to the things they see on TV in the same way that they react to real things. If your dog barks at squirrels in your yard, they will also bark at squirrels on the TV.
What Are The Best TV Channels, Programs, And Commercials For Shih Tzus And Other Dogs To Watch?
Dogs are bred to perform specific jobs such as hunting or herding. So, while other dogs like Border Collies and Australian Shepherds were bred to herd livestock, Shih Tzus were bred in Tibet as palace dogs.
This means that your Shih Tzu may prefer a calmer program. They will likely enjoy watching a combination of both humans and animals.
Is DogTV Any Good?

DogTV is a subscription channel that runs 24/7. You can stream it online through YouTube or your satellite/cable provider.
Their programs are divided into three segments. Each segment is scientifically designed for your dog’s benefit.
The three segments are:
- The stimulation segment encourages playful behavior from your dog and prevents boredom
- The relaxation segment uses calming sounds and visuals to soothe your dog if they are feeling anxious
- Expose segment is meant to help your dog get used to uncomfortable or scary experiences for dogs such as noises from construction.
DogTV chooses sounds, colors, and activities that will appeal to any dog’s interest and are a great resource for every dog-owner!
Should I Limit The Amount Of Time They Watch TV?
Just like their human owners, dogs need to get out of the house occasionally.
Your dog still needs the benefits of exercise, socialization, and fresh air! But, as long as you’re meeting all of your dog’s health needs, there is no reason to limit some cuddle-time on the couch in front of the TV!
Do Dogs Recognize Themselves In The Mirror-like Surface Of The TV?
A TV’s screen can be quite reflective when it is clean. When the TV is turned off, your dog might be able to catch a glimpse of themself on the screen.
It’s hard to tell if dogs know that this is just their reflection and not another dog, however, most dogs rely more on scent to develop familiarity, so even if a dog sees their reflection, they might just ignore it since it doesn’t have the scent of a dog.
What Does It Mean When Dogs Watch TV?
When a dog is watching TV, they are simply enjoying the stimulation of it. They may enjoy hearing outdoor noises or seeing people and animals that they otherwise wouldn’t see in their homes.
Dogs like and need to be entertained throughout their days. Especially if they are stuck indoors for extended periods.
What Breeds Of Dogs Watch TV?
All breeds of dogs like to watch TV. Some breeds may be more vocal and will bark or growl at the TV. Other breeds may enjoy watching TV calmly. Dogs with poor vision may simply enjoy listening to the TV.
Whether or not a dog enjoys watching the TV is dependent on the dog’s temperament and what show is playing!
Why Do Some Dogs Watch TV And Others Don’t?
Some dogs may seem less interested in the TV because they prefer to listen than to watch, but unless they are in a different room, they are still responding to the TV.
It is also possible that if a dog seems disinterested that the owners simply haven’t found a show that their dog enjoys yet!
Do Dogs Like It When The TV Or Music Is Left On When They Are Home By Themselves?
Leaving your TV on while you’re away is a great way to help your dogs feel calm and secure in an empty home.
Many veterinarians recommend owners play the same channel while they are home and away. The familiarity helps dogs feel more secure while alone for an extended period.
Do Dogs Recognize Faces & People On TV?
Though dogs do seem to recognize the sight of faces, according to neurologists, their brains aren’t as stimulated by sight alone.
Dogs are social creatures and use sound and smell to bond with people and other animals. So, hearing a familiar voice would be more exciting for them.
What Is The Best Screen Size For A Dog’s TV?
Dogs are slightly near-sighted, so they either need larger screens or need to be seated close to the screen to see the images well.
Is Audio/Sound More Important For Dogs Than Visual?
Though new TV models are HD and use digital images, older TVs had a much slower ‘Flicker Fusion Rate’. This difference is not discernible to the human eye, which refreshes images at a rate of 50/60 Hz, but dog eyes refresh images at a much higher rate (70/80 Hz).
So, if you have an older TV model with a slower ‘Flicker Fusion Rate’, the quality of the image would be low for your dog, and movements on the screen would seem jerky. However, if you have a new TV, the quality of the image would be much smoother and enjoyable for your dog.
Whether your dog responds more to sound than sight depends on breed and personality. Dogs with better vision may react more to sight, while dogs with better hearing may react more to audio.
Why Don’t Some Dogs Respond To A Dog Barking On The TV?
There are a few theories why some dogs bark at a dog barking on the TV while others don’t. Here are the top 3 reasons:
- The dog barking sound on the TV is a human voice actor dubbing the sound of a dog or is a recording
- Some dogs understand that the dog barking on TV is not a real physical dog (possibly due to the lack of scent)
- Some dogs aren’t interested in other dogs or are used to other dogs barking.
Why Does My Dog Bark At The TV?
Your dog has a unique personality that you know better than anyone! Your dog may bark at the TV out of excitement, curiosity, or playfulness!
Your dog may also bark at the TV as a way to alert you that there is a strange sight/sound in the house. This is just your dog’s way of protecting you and making sure their loved ones are safe!
Is There A Way To Make The Dog Stop Barking At The TV?
Dogs are extremely intelligent and can learn nearly anything with the right training!
One of the best ways to train your dog is to reward them with treats for staying calm and quiet while the TV is on. Simply redirect their attention to a treat whenever they are excited at the TV and give them the treat if they stay calm.
Does Your Dog Watch TV?
Your dog most likely watches TV when it is playing in the same room whether they react to it or not. Signs your dog is watching TV could be subtle, such as laying down with their face directed toward the screen, or more obvious, such as barking or their tail wagging.
Do Shih Tzu Watch TV? [Summary]
Shih Tzus are bred to be companion dogs, so they love watching TV with their owners and love to see other people and animals interact with each other on the TV.
If your Shih Tzu shows an interest in a show you are watching or in a DogTV segment, go ahead and watch it with them! It is a great way to bond!