Sometimes being greeted by an excited dog can be fun. They’re genuinely happy to see you and it feels good to be wanted. However, sometimes excessive barking and jumping can be annoying, and enforcing bad habits is easy when you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are some reasons and suggestions for correcting behavior.
Why Does My Dog Bark When I Come Home [Not Just A Random Stranger]?
If you’ve been out of the home for a long period of time your dog probably missed you in your absence. Being pack animals dogs crave interaction. When you finally do arrive back home your dog is probably so excited to see you they bark or growl in greeting.

Should I Stop My Dog From Barking When I Get Home? Even If I Rather Enjoy All The Attention 🙂
There is no reason to stop your dog’s barking unless it is excessive. If the barking is irritating to other residents of the home or neighbors it’s courteous to teach the dog to calm quickly. Otherwise, you can show just as much enthusiasm to be back home. Your dog will probably appreciate it!
Why Does My Dog Bark When I Come Home [Top Reasons]?
Top reasons your dog may bark when you get home:
- They were lonely or bored and now they have your company.
- They are excited by your return and are trying to engage in play.
- If your dog needs something (food, water, potty, etc.) the barking may be a demand.
- If your dog has separation anxiety the barking may be constant and loud, in which case you may want to find a way to calm them.
How Should I React To My Dog’s Barking When I Come Home?
Often times stress from the day can be relieved when you snuggle a pet. If your dog is excited to see you and you’re excited to see them show them! Your dog may also be a bit stressed from being alone all day and would love some extra attention as soon as you’re back.
How To Reduce Barking When I Come Home?
If you’re not so keen on your dog getting overly excited there are a few things you can do to try and calm them down:
- When you get home let them outside immediately to run off some of the exciting energy.
- Teach your dog that they will not get the attention they want until they are calm. Don’t pet them until they sit and/or stop barking.
- If possible, come home on a lunch break or arrange for someone to come by and visit them so they aren’t alone for an extended period of time.
- Speak firmly, but keep your own voice calm. Yelling at the dog will just excite them more.
Why Does My Dog Go Crazy When I Come Back Home [Jumping Etc]?

Your dog is most likely seeking attention or trying to initiate play. Petting your dog while they’re jumping up will only encourage the behavior.
How Do I Know If My Dog Misses Me [The Owner]?
If your dog is barking and jumping, they missed you!
Why Does My Dog Bark Aggressively At Me When I Come Home?
If your house is dim or it’s later in the evening when you arrive home your dog may not immediately recognize it’s you. Most dogs have to be 20 feet from someone to see them as well as a human can at 75 feet. They may need the accompaniment of your voice or scent to be sure who’s just walked into their house.
Why Does My Dog Growl At Me [The Owner] When I Come Back Home?
Growling is not always an indicator of aggressive behavior. Sometimes dogs growl playfully or even when they’re happy. Your pup may just be excited!
Why Does My Dog Bark At Me [The Owner] Like I’m A Stranger?
Sometimes if your dog was asleep when you got home the sudden shock of having noise in the house could momentarily cause them to try and protect the home. When they realize who it is that is inside they will likely change the tone of their bark.
Why Do Dogs Bark At Their Owners?
Dogs use their voices and body language to communicate. Barking and growling can mean many different things to a dog. Accompanied with a wagging tail it could be excitement. If their ears are pulled back they could be nervous. If they are stiff and rigid they might be confused as to who is in the house.
How to handle barking when I come home if I have about 10 dogs, and most of them start barking at the same time?
Having multiple dogs can make it difficult to correct bad habits. The best way to get things done in this case is to address one dog at a time and ignore those who aren’t listening. They will learn that they only get your attention when they are doing what they are supposed to.
Why Does My Dog Bark When I Come Home (Summary)?
Dogs use many different ways to talk to their people. Your barking dog is letting you know they missed you and will express whichever behaviors you teach them are appropriate. Whatever the reason might be, their excitement over your return is probably at the top of the list.