Dog Hates The Oven?
Does your home cooking scare your dog? It likely isn’t because Fido hates your recipes– some dogs are terrified of the oven. There could be many reasons for this behavior, but it can cause a lot of stress in your home. If your dog freaks out at your oven, read on to find out what causes this behavior and what you can do to change it.

What Do Dogs Hate About Ovens? Is it the Noise? Heat? Smoke?
Does your dog freak out when you turn on or open the oven? Do they run away, tremble, or cower? There could be many reasons for that, but all of them are related to your dog’s keen senses.
Everyone knows that dogs’ sense of smell is better than humans, and they also have superior night vision and motion detection. A dog’s hearing is four times stronger than a humans.
Because of this, dogs are more sensitive to the noises, heat and smoke coming from your oven and they sense these things long before you do. Another source of fear could be memory– maybe your dog was accidentally burned by the oven, and now associates it with pain. To prevent accidents like these, it is best to keep your dog out of the kitchen when you are cooking.
Why Is My Dog Afraid Of Oven Fan?
Why Does My Dog Freak Out/Shake When I Turn On The Oven?
Trembling is a fear response in dogs. If your dog is shaking/shivering when you turn on the oven, it is likely because they think the oven is a threat, and are reacting with fear.
If the oven scares your dog, you can try giving them a treat when you turn on the oven to have them associate the oven with something good. If your dog is seriously distressed it may be best to keep them in a separate room while cooking.
How To Ease The Fear Of Ovens In A Dog?
If Fido’s reaction to your oven is putting a damper on family dinner, try positive training techniques to get your dog to realize the oven is nothing to be afraid of. If your dog has a treat or a toy they particularly love, give it to them when you turn on the oven. This will teach your dog to associate the oven with something positive, as opposed to something threatening and scary.
Dog Is Scared Of The Air Fryer?
If your dog is cowering, shivering or otherwise displaying fear when you use your air fryer, it is likely because they are afraid of the sounds and smells the machine makes. We might not be able to hear or smell it, but dogs’ senses are much stronger than ours.
Why Is My Dog Afraid Of The Toaster Oven?
Toaster Ovens tend to be fairly loud, so if your dog is fleeing the room when you make toast, it may be because the squeaking of the door or the sound of the alarm frightens him. If you are prone to mishap and your toaster oven often catches on fire, your dog’s fear may be justified. They also could be afraid of the toaster oven setting off the fire alarm, which is designed to be shrill and disturbing, especially to animals.
My Dog Shakes When I Cook?
Shaking is a fear reaction in dogs. If your dog is shivering, it could be that your dog associates you cooking with something scary. A likely suspect is noise–dogs are very sensitive to noise, because their hearing is so much stronger than ours.
If cooking is very noisy– with timers going off, oven doors banging, and even smoke detectors, it could make your dog fearful. Other triggers could be strange smells and smoke. It could be that your dog once got hurt in the kitchen, burned by the oven or grease, etc, and is now fearful of cooking in general. To prevent accidents like this it is best to keep dogs out of the kitchen while cooking.
Dog Scared Of the Microwave?
Microwaves are quite loud, and dogs’ hearing is more sensitive than ours. If your dog is afraid when you use the microwave, it is likely because they are anticipating the shrill beeps and the alarms. Consider positive reinforcement training, or just put your dog in another room when you plan to use the microwave.
Why Does My Dog Get Scared When I Roast Lamb/Goat Meat In The Oven?
Dogs love the smell of meat. They are carnivores by nature, and are especially enticed by the meat of animals their wolf ancestors could have caught in the wild, such as chicken or lamb. If your dog is afraid of the smell of roasting lamb, it could be because they once got too close to the oven investigating and burnt themselves.
This would cause them to associate the smell with pain and shy away. Be sure to keep a close eye on pets at home and keep them out of the kitchen when cooking to prevent accidents.
My Dog Is Afraid Of My Stove?
If your dog is afraid of the stove, they are either spooked by the smells and sounds (especially if it is a gas stove) or they have somehow burned themselves before and are afraid of it happening again.
Best Oven For A Household With A Dog?
There really is no “best” oven for a house with a sensitive dog. A quiet oven would be the most helpful, as it would be least likely to spook the animal.
Seeing your dog afraid can be stressful for pet owners, but there is nothing to worry about. Dogs are animals, and it is normal for them to be spooked by technology and the strange smells and sounds it creates. The best way to deal with it is to just keep your dog out of the kitchen while you are cooking.
Through The Eyes Of Your Dog