Dogs often hate the sound or feeling of a raspberry being blown against their skin. Some dogs react fearfully or aggressively, while other dogs are not as bothered by it.
Read on to discover why blowing raspberries is annoying, and in some cases harmful to your dog.
Dog Hates Raspberry Sound?
The sound made by blowing raspberries is confusing to dogs. Receiving a raspberry can make your dog so uncomfortable that they act aggressively from fear, or to defend their personal space. Always be careful when putting your face near your dog’s, they could bite you unexpectedly!
Some dogs hate the sound of raspberries because they associate the sound with a negative experience of being startled, having their personal space invaded, or feeling vulnerable. They could be put off by the unfamiliar, over stimulating, high pitched sound and react unpredictably.
Do Dogs Like Getting Raspberries?
The sound and feeling of a raspberry against your dog’s body is a lot of sensory input.
Some dogs, like humans, HATE the feeling of raspberries against their skin, while others don’t seem to mind, and take it playfully.
Be careful giving your dog raspberries unless you know how they will react. If your dog gets excited or fearful at the sound, don’t blow raspberries directly onto your dog. The sound of the raspberry paired with the vibration against their skin could scare your dog, causing them to bite you out of fear.
Why Do Dogs ‘Freak Out’ When They Hear Raspberry Sound?
The sound of raspberries combined with the vibration against their skin can be overwhelmingly strange to a dog.
It could simply be that dogs are ticklish.
When they feel the vibration of your lips blowing against their skin, it could tickle, causing them to jump and wiggle around. Some dogs enjoy this sensation more than others, so be careful to watch your dog’s reactions when you do this and always respect your dog’s need for personal space!
How Do I Train (Counter Condition / Desensitize) My Dog To Not Hate Raspberry Sound?
If your dog hates the sound of raspberries, you can help them by teaching them to re-associate the sound with positive things like attention and treats.
Every time you give your dog a reward, make the raspberry sound. Soon your dog will associate the sound with getting a reward, and they will no longer hate the sound.
What Not To Do With A Dog Who Hates Raspberry Sound?
If your dog hates the sound of blowing raspberries, NEVER blow a raspberry against their skin.
A dog who hates the sound is more likely to be startled by combined sound and unexpected “buzz” they get against their skin, and could bite out of fear.
Should You Comfort A Dog Hates Raspberry Sound?
If your dog hates the sound of raspberries, the best thing to do is not make the sound frequently around them.
It may be funny to watch them react, but in many cases, your dog could be genuinely fearful, so it’s only fair to their emotional wellbeing that we not make the sound just to watch their funny reaction.
What Exactly About Raspberry Sound Does My Dog Hate (The Noise? Sounds?)
The sound of blowing raspberries can be too much for your dog to handle sometimes, and there are a lot of reasons that could be:
- The sound is so high pitched it is hurting your dog’s ears
- Your dog was startled by the unexpected sound
- The sound combined with the vibration against their skin from your lips resembles growling
- Your dog feels that their personal space has been invaded and could get defensive
- They could have negative associations with similar sounds
My Dog Is Getting An Increasingly Dislike Of Raspberry Sound?
If your dog is liking the sound of raspberries less and less, they probably associate the sound with a negative experience.
The sound is high pitched and unnatural and can stimulate a stress response in dogs.
If your dog is bothered by the sound of raspberries, repetition of the sound will reinforce the negative association they have with it.
How Does Your Dog React When You Blow Raspberries On It?
Some dogs are more comfortable sharing their space with people than others.
If your dog is sensitive and likes their space, they may react with fear or even aggression.
Dogs that are more comfortable sharing their personal space can react excitedly to the sound of raspberries; they’ll get the zoomies, roll around on the carpet, or bury their head in your lap.
Some dogs don’t seem to mind either way, and just carry on with a slightly confused look on their face.
Regardless of how you think your dog may react when you blow raspberries on it, always be careful when putting your face near your dog.
Why Do Dogs Hate Fart Noises?
Some dogs hate the sound of fart noises because:
- The high pitched sound hurts their ears.
- The sound and vibrations can cause sensory overload.
- The sudden loud sound could startle the dog.
- The dog could associate the sound with similar sounds they are afraid of like thunder, or growling.
Is Blowing In A Dog’s Ear Bad?
Blowing in a dog’s ear, even gently can cause pain, hearing damage, or even hearing loss.
Dog’s have a highly developed sense of hearing, so the sound of forced air through the ear canal can cause excruciating pain to your dog.
Blowing On A Dogs Tummy?
Blowing on a dog’s tummy can be a big risk if you don’t have a trusting relationship with that dog.
Blowing on the dog’s stomach requires the dog to be on their back in a submissive position, so be sure you trust the dog before encroaching on their space while they’re vulnerable.
Consider how the dog might react, as well as the dog’s hygiene before putting your face near their most vulnerable areas.
What Does It Mean When A Dog Blows At You?
There are a few reasons a dog might seem like they are blowing at you, they include:
- Sneezing/ Runny nose: Your dog may be suffering from allergens in their environment that are causing your dog’s nose to be inflamed or stuffy. Dogs will sneeze and blow their nose to clear their nasal passages.
- Scent Recognition: If your dog smells something familiar and wants to investigate the smell, they will breathe rapidly in and out through their nose.
- Obstruction in the nose: If your dog has something stuck up his nose, he will try to blow it out.
- Distressed breathing: If your dog is struggling to breathe, they may exhale loudly as if they are blowing at you. Respiratory distress of any kind in a dog is a medical emergency. Call your vet right away!
Why Does My Dog Go Crazy When I Make Fart Noises?
The sound of fart noises is very stimulating to dogs.
Some dog’s hear the sound and get excited and wound up, while others may be fearful and shut down.
Still other dogs don’t seem to notice much either way.
If your dog goes crazy at the sound of fart noises in a happy way, they probably associate the sound with playtime and fun.
If your dog goes crazy at the sound of fart noises in a fearful way, they probably associate the sound with being startled or overstimulated.
Why Do Dogs Hate Being Blown In The Face?
Dogs hate being blown in the face because it is not a natural experience for them, and they are already put off by the intrusion of privacy.
Dogs can’t exhale out of their mouth, so when you blow on them, it can be an unexpected surprise! Your dog might react defensively if you catch them off guard.
Dogs don’t usually like to share their personal space, or being eye to eye with another person or animal. In the animal world, eye contact represents a challenge. Your dog may think you’re acting aggressively towards him if you get face-to-face with him and blow on their face.
Why Do My Dogs Lick My Face If I Blow On Them?
Dogs usually hate having their face blown on.
If they are trying to express that they are annoyed with you, your dogs may lick your face, also the source of the blowing, to try to get you to stop.
Is Blowing On Your Dog’s Face Bad?
Blowing on your dog’s face is annoying at best to your dog. Some dogs really hate having their face blown on, and can react aggressively either out of surprise or annoyance.
Blowing on your dog’s face is a dangerous risk to take considering your face is next to your dog’s mouth if the dog were to get fearful and nip at you.
What Fruit Can Dogs Not Have?
Dog owners should avoid feeding their dogs any of the following fruits:
- Grapes and Raisins
- Avocado
- Cherries
- Tomatoes
What Does It Mean When A Dog Blows At You?
A dog could be blowing at you because they are having breathing problems, allergies, have something stuck in their nose, or they are trying to recognize a familiar scent.
Often dogs will sneeze and huff as a way to communicate during play.