Some dog owners mistakenly believe that all dogs are natural runners and athletes!
While dogs may be far more active than their owners, they forget to consider some critical facts.
Let’s go over why you should carefully consider how far or how long you should allow your Shih Tzu to run to avoid unnecessary vet bills and harm to your pup.
How Long Can Shih Tzus Run?
Shih Tzus are a less active breed, while they still need daily exercise they are not the best breed if you are wanting to run miles a day. They might enjoy running for a while but will tire quicker than other breeds, never push them to exercise too much that it could hurt their health.

Can Shih Tzus Run Long Distances?
It is not recommended that Shih Tzus run long distances as they tend to have breathing problems and they are more of a laid back breed. Shih Tzus do not need as much exercise as other high energy breeds, but they still need it.
How Long Should You Allow A Shih Tzu To Run [How Far Is Too Far For A Shih Tzu To Run]?
It is recommended that Shih Tzus should have 2 walks a day with each walk around 15 minutes or half of a mile, so total 1 mile a day. You can try running with your dog but they might tire out, pay attention to their body cues if you decide to run versus walk.
How Far Can A Shih Tzu Run Safely [Puppy, Adult]?
About 1-2 miles it depends on the weather and the health of your Shih Tzu.
Is It Safe For A Shih Tzu To Run Far?
Yes, it is safe for them to run far if they are enjoying it but keep an eye out for them tiring out or any signs of heatstroke, always keep water with you for them as well. It is best they don’t do more than a few miles a day.
How Old Should A Shih Tzu Be Before Running?
As long as your dog is able to keep up, they are fine to run, puppies do tend to have a lot of energy and running can help burn some of that energy, remember not to push them too far though.
Do Shih Tzu Need To Run Far?
No, they do not need to run far, each Shih Tzu is different in whether they will enjoy running or not as it all depends on age, health, and even their personality!
Do Shih Tzus Need A Lot Of Exercises [Are They Athletic]?
The exercise Shih Tzus need is minimal, they are not the most athletic dogs. Each dog’s personality is different so your Shih Tzu could enjoy more exercise than your friend’s Shih Tzu, keep this in mind.
Is Running Bad For Dogs?
Too much of anything can be a bad thing, but overall running is not bad for dogs as long as they are in shape and not struggling to breathe and are getting breaks/water breaks, and are not being pushed beyond their limit.
Do Shih Tzus Run Fast [Should You Let Them]?
Compared to other dogs, Shih Tzus are not all that fast, they are actually one of the slowest breeds out there but yes you can let them run fast to burn off some energy as long as they get the breaks that they need while running.
What’s The Fastest A Shih Tzu Can Run?
A Shih Tzu can run about 6-8 miles an hour, yes you can let them until they tire out and are in good health/age.
Do Shih Tzu Run Slower Than Other Breeds?
Yes, Shih Tzus along with Pugs, Chihuahuas, and bulldogs are all slower breeds than others, but the Shih Tzu is probably the slowest out of all of them averaging 6 MPH. Shih Tzus were not bred to be running dogs but more companionship dogs that require less exercise and always live inside.
How Fast Can Dogs Run?
Generally, dogs can run up to 10-15 miles an hour for shorter distances. These faster breeds include Greyhounds, Border Collies, Poodles, and German Shepherds. There are a lot of factors that go into the speed of a dog such as the aerodynamics of their body, paws, and their shape, flexibility, health specifically their heart/lungs, and their balance.
Can I Over Exercise My Dog? /Can You Over Exercise A Shih Tzu?

Yes, it is possible to over exercise your dog, especially your Shih Tzu as they are more of an indoor breed and less active.
How Do You Tell If Your Shih Tzu Is Over Exercised?
You can tell if your dog is over exercised if they are displaying these signs:
- Their paw pads show wear and tear (get ripped, bleed, look irritated, etc)
- Sore and stiff muscles
- Heatstroke symptoms or heat exhaustion
- Extreme slowness after exercise
- Behavioral changes
Can Dogs Run Themselves To Death?
Yes, it is possible but not common that a dog could run themselves to death.
How Often To Take a Shih Tzu To Run Outside?
1-2 times a day, short distances with breaks when needed.
How Many Miles Can A Shih Tzu Run?
1-2 miles a day may be more depending on age, health, and energy level. Keep a close eye on their breathing and if they are struggling as they are prone to short snouts which can cause a lack of oxygen which can be very dangerous to them.
Can A Shih Tzu Run (1, 2, 3, …5) Miles?
It is recommended only a mile or two a day but not impossible to do more if you train your dog to do so or do 3-5 miles every once in a while but not recommended for you Shih Tzu as they are prone to breathing problems and dogs heavily pant while running.
Why Is My Shih Tzu Running Slowly?
They could be tired, hurt, or getting older and they are in pain. If this comes out of nowhere and is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, not eating/drinking then it is best to visit your vet.
Top Tips For Wintertime [Cold weather] Running For Shih Tzus
- Dress them for winter: sweater/coat and booties to protect their paws
- Always carry water
- Take breaks
- Don’t run for too long as your Shih Tzu can get very cold
- Pay attention to the temperature (do not go if it gets below 30 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Warm your dog up as soon as you get home
Top Tips For Summertime [hot weather] Running For Shih Tzus
- Always carry water
- Take breaks in the shade
- Go running during the cooler times (morning and evenings)
- Pay attention to your dog’s cues/behaviors if they get tired
- Cool them down when you get home with AC/fan, cooling mat, and cool water
- Pay attention to the temperature (don’t go when it is too hot like mid-day)
- Keep an eye out for heatstroke symptoms
Top Tips For Indoor Running For Shih Tzus
- Make sure there is enough room for them to run
- Have water available
- Start slow
Top Tips For Light Jogging With Your Shih Tzu
- Choose a softer terrain so they don’t hurt their paws
- Check the weather beforehand and prepare
- Take breaks
- Give them water
- Do a warm up
- Look for signs of distress
- Start with shorter distances and build up to longer ones
Top Tips For Running With A Leash
- Look into the best leash (hands free)
- Train your dog on the leash if they are prone to pulling/dragging etc
- Carry water & poop bags
- Start with shorter runs
Should You Let Your Shih Tzu Run Off-Leash [Is It Legal]?
It is best to search the local laws in the area in which you live, most areas require your dog to be leashed unless it is specifically said they can be off leash. If your dog is aggressive it is best to always keep them leashed, if they are off the leash they could always run off ahead, get lost, get into a fight with another dog or even get hurt.
What To Consider Before You Take Your Shih Tzu For A Run?
- Weather: make sure it is not too hot or too cold!
- Age of your pet: older dogs have a harder time keeping up with running
- Health of your pet: Have they been sick? Are they limping? If so do not take them running, also if they seem to have a hard time breathing on the run
- Know the signs of hyper & hypothermia, dehydration, etc
Are Shih Tzus Good For Running?
No, they are not the best running breed. If you are looking for a good breed of dogs for running look into Collies, Dalmations, Australian Shepherds, etc.
Can I Run With My Dog every day?
Yes, you can run with your dog everyday, exercise daily is ideal and preferred.
Do Dogs Like To Run With Their Owners?
Yes as long as they are in good health and energy.
Can I Run A (5k, 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon, Ultra Marathon) With My Dog?
Yes, probably not with your Shih Tzu but with other breeds. It is important that you train them with you for the marathon and not to exhaust them which can hurt their health.
How Long Can A Dog Run Without Stopping?
Depends on the dog breed, for example
How Long A Dog Can Run In A Day?
Again it depends on the breed of the dog and their health, age, and energy level.
Do Shih Tzu Dogs Run Away?
It is possible for your Shih Tzu to run away just like any other breed of dog. There is training you can do when your dog is young or when you first get them to prevent them from running away, some of those tips are:
- Start off by teaching them simple commands like sit, stay, come, etc
- Teach them not to run out the door when it opens by commanding them to sit/stay and rewarding them with a treat when they listen
- Reward them when you come home together from a walk (coming home is good)
- If they tend to run when the door opens, leash them beforehand or block off the door so they cannot reach it
If you have tried all of these things and your Shih Tzu is still running away it might be beneficial to look into a professional dog trainer to help your dog.
Do You Run With Your Shih Tzu?
If you want to and you are both in good health and age.
Is Jogging Or Running Safe For Dogs?