What does it mean when your doggy pal’s tongue hangs out?
Below are some easy & effective tips for diagnosing why your dog is sticking out its tongue and what you can do.
Being aware of even small things like this can be extremely helpful for your dog in the long run!
Why Does My Shih Tzu Keep His Tongue Out?
There are many reasons A Shih Tzu’s tongue might keep its tongue out. It may be too warm and cooling himself off, he might be reacting to new medications or food, he may have Hanging Tongue Syndrome. If you are worried about your dog’s tongue, observe him carefully and then take him to the vet before trying anything at home.

Why Does My Dog’s Tongue Stick Out A Little All The Time?
If your dog’s tongue is consistently out a little bit at all times, not just when panting or relaxed, then your dog may have a condition called “Hanging Tongue Syndrome.”
This condition is not curable but can be managed. All it will require is extra care for your dog to make sure he remains happy and healthy.
Another reason your dog’s tongue might stick out constantly is a bad dental disease. This is usually accompanied by pain, however, and is treatable.
Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out
If your dog’s tongue sticks out while he sleeps, there could be several reasons.
- Deep relaxation. Your dog might just be incredibly relaxed. Chances are if he switches his position, his tongue will go back inside his mouth.
- Dehydration. If you have been gone most of the day or have not been watching your dog, he may not have had enough to drink. Severe dehydration sometimes results in the tongue hanging out while sleeping. If it remains out the entire time he is sleeping, take him to the vet to be sure.
- Hanging Tongue Syndrome. Dogs with this condition often have their tongues hang out all day and all night.
In the end, you are the best judge. If your dog’s tongue hanging out seems abnormal, take him to the vet to make sure there is nothing wrong.
My Dog Is Sticking Its Tongue Out And Shaking While Sleeping [Is This Serious]?

Unfortunately, there are many reasons your dog might be shaking and sticking his tongue out in his sleep. It is best to record what happens and then take your dog and your observations to a vet.
Some common reasons your dog is doing this could be:
- Old age.
- Dreaming.
- Seizures.
- Pain or distress.
- Poisoning. If you have rat poison or other easily accessible toxins, your dog may have ingested them. This can cause shaking and sticking out the tongue while sleeping.
- Chills.
- Infections.
- Diseases like Addison’s disease, Hypoglycemia, or kidney disease.
Dogs often act unusual as they get older. This is nothing to be alarmed about. Just make sure to provide extra care for your aging dog.
Dogs that shake can sometimes be dreaming. This is often accompanied by yipping, legs moving, or similar movements.
If your dog is known to have seizures, this could easily be one. See if the behavior matches what you see during the day. If your dog doesn’t normally have seizures, then this probably is not the case.
Some dogs exhibit symptoms like this when they are in pain or going through bad emotional experiences. Things like the death of a previous owner, moving to another state, or introducing another pet can cause distress. Things like dental or internal diseases can cause pain.
Make sure your dog is warm enough. Move him to a warmer part of the house or cover him with a blanket. If the shaking stops after a while, then cold and chills were the reason for the shaking.
Has your dog had an external injury lately? Often, if an injury is not treated correctly, infections set in. This can cause shaking and sticking out the tongue while sleeping.
These diseases are known to produce these and other symptoms. If you suspect your dog has a disease, make sure to confirm it before treatment.
Why Does My Dog Keep Sticking Her Tongue Out Like A Snake?
Sometimes, instead of the tongue hanging out at all times, it can rapidly go in and out, similar to a snake. This looks decidedly different from panting and might be a sign to go to the vet.
Your dog might have a nervousness disorder. These can be started after an emotional change or a bad injury. If your dog seems abnormally nervous and frightened, this could be the reason.
Another reason he could be rapidly sticking his tongue out is that he has something stuck in his teeth. This is not usually painful but can be irritating to the dog. Check thoroughly to make sure this isn’t the cause.
Depending on the breed, some dogs could be faster at panting than others. Only take the dog to a veterinarian if you’re sure this isn’t the case.
Why Is My Dog’s Tongue Out And Breathing Heavy?
Sometimes, your dog might be breathing heavily while his tongue is out. Sometimes this is a cause for concern, but more often it just means that the dog is panting.
Try moving your dog to a cool area and making sure they have plenty of water. Watch to see how his panting progresses. He might still pant for a while, to cool himself down, but if he is still panting very heavily after drinking and resting in the shade, call your vet.
Dog’s pant for many reasons, even if they are not thirsty. Only take your dog to the clinic if its panting is abnormal.
Why Is My Dog’s Tongue Is Hanging Out Sideways
A lot of times, a dog’s tongue will not only hang out but hang out sideways. If the dog is panting, this is not a big deal. Many dogs will pant with their tongue hanging out sideways. However, if the dog is not panting or if its mouth is otherwise shut, there is a slight cause for concern.
The most common reason other than panting is dental disorders or a case of Hanging Tongue syndrome. If some of the teeth are bad, this could mean the tongue lolls out sideways. Always keep an eye on your dog’s teeth.
Another reason is the Hanging Tongue Syndrome. Depending on the diagnosis and the breed, the direction of the tongue can be caused by a variety of factors and isn’t a danger in itself unless dental problems are present.
Why Does My Dog Leave His Tongue On Me?
Sometimes, a healthy dog will lick you and then stop mid-lick. This is a fairly rare occurrence and can be hard to diagnose, but is not a cause for alarm.
- Your dog may be asking for a pet or a treat in return.
- Easily distracted dogs might hear a sound, prick their ears, and wait for something to happen before they go back to licking you.
- Some dogs are forgetful and simply forget what they are doing!
- In some rare cases, your dog stopped licking you, it just didn’t pull its tongue back in due to Hanging Tongue Syndrome.
Why Is My Shih Tzu Puppy’s Tongue Out?
Similar to adult dogs, there are several reasons your new puppy’s tongue might be hanging out.
- Hanging Tongue Syndrome.
- Relaxation.
- Oral problems.
- Hot weather.
- Medications.
Your Shih Tzu is a type of ‘smooshed face’ dog. These kinds of dogs are more prone to this syndrome.
Like older dogs, puppies’ tongues tend to escape when they are in a deeply relaxed state.
This is uncommon in puppies, but make sure it isn’t a tooth decay problem.
Are you sure your dog isn’t panting? In continuous hot weather, it could just be constant panting that has your dog’s tongue out constantly.
If your puppy is on meds, make sure these aren’t the cause of the tongue issue.
Some puppies don’t have full control of themselves yet. What you see could always be the puppy’s inability to properly hold its tongue due to young age.
What Does It Mean When A Dog Keeps His Tongue Out
Most new pet owners are concerned when their dog’s tongue hangs out constantly. It usually only means the dog is panting, a natural way it cools down, but can sometimes mean your dog needs dental work.
Whatever the case, make sure to check all factors before taking the dog to a veterinarian.
Is It Bad If My Dog’s Tongue Sticks Out?
Normally, it is not bad for a dog’s tongue to stick out. Some dogs, after licking something or drinking, aren’t aware that their tongue is still sticking out! If just the tip is sticking out, it’s almost never anything serious.
If the entire tongue sticks out or hangs out, it is more abnormal and the dog should be completely checked over for any signs of pain. If excessive drooling accompanies the hanging tongue, take the dog to a clinic immediately
What Is It Called When A Dog’s Tongue Hangs Out? What Is A Dog Blep?
Especially in the dog world and on the internet, the slang term ‘Blep’ is used by owners to describe a dog’s tongue hanging out. Blepping refers to any animal, but a dog blep means a dog’s tongue specifically.
The term originated on Reddit in 2014 and is now commonly used to describe a tongue hanging out in an animal, usually a cat or dog.
What Is Hanging Tongue Syndrome In Dogs?
Hanging Tongue Syndrome is when a dog is unable to put its tongue completely in its mouth, thus causing the tongue to hang out consistently. This is not uncommon among breeds like the Shih Tzu, Pugs, Bulldogs, or Bull Terriers.
This disease is not always dangerous but does pose some risks like infection, frostbite, or sunburn.
What Are The Hanging Tongue Syndrome Symptoms?
The most noticeable symptom of Hanging Tongue Syndrome is the inability of the dog to withdraw its tongue. Other, more dangerous symptoms include things like,
- Bad breath, even before eating.
- Swollen or cracked tongue.
- Dry tongue.
- Tongue infection.
What Causes Hanging Tongue Syndrome?
There are several causes for this condition.
Breeds like pugs and Shih Tzu, bred with ‘squashed faces, tend to have this syndrome simply because of the structure of their head. It develops more as they age.
Some dogs with an underbite or overbite have this condition, because of the shape of their mouths. This can be corrected but does not really need to be.
If your dog had major dental problems or an injury to the face, this often causes the tongue to hang out from trauma or the altered shape of the face.
How Is Hanging Tongue Syndrome Diagnosed?
After you notice the dog’s tongue hanging out constantly, you should take it to the vet. The vet then performs the usual check up tests to make sure there are no other causes for the dog’s tongue to be protruding.
When the vet finishes the tests, she goes deeper to make sure there is no underlying trauma that might be hindering the dog from pulling its tongue back inside its mouth.
How To Treat Hanging Tongue Syndrome?
Since this condition can rarely be cured completely, the veterinarian will prescribe ways to maintain the overall health of the dog and his tongue. If you live in a warm area, you will be given some sort of lubricant to make sure the tongue doesn’t dry out.
The veterinarian will also suggest that you make sure your dog drinks as much as it can and to keep an eye on the tongue, watching for signs of frostbite or sunburn throughout the year.
If the tongue is already swollen, dry, cracked, or bleeding, the doctor will prescribe drugs for pain relief and lubricant to heal the tongue.
How Quickly Do Dogs Recover From Hanging Tongue Syndrome?
Most dogs do not recover from Hanging Tongue Syndrome.
If there are other factors, such as dental problems, involved, it can be made to recede somewhat, but cannot be recovered fully.
The best you can do is provide extra care, keep an eye on the tongue on hot and cold days, and make sure to watch for swelling or other unusual things.
What Should I Do If My Dog Is Sticking Its Tongue Out And Shaking?
If your dog is shaking while it sticks its tongue out, then there is a possible cause for alarm.
Many dogs do this because of trauma, internal injuries, high blood pressure, extreme dehydration or heat stroke, and other causes. Hanging Tongue Syndrome does not include shaking.
If your dog is shaking, make her as comfortable as possible and take her to the vet as quickly as possible.
How To Train Your Dog To Stick His Tongue Out (And Back In) On Command [For The Camera!]
For Shih Tzu’s that don’t have Hanging Tongue Syndrome, you can often teach them to stick their tongue out and back in for the camera! This can be accomplished quite easily, especially if you know the best way to make your dog obey.
Step One: If your dog is still in training, consider what makes him obey the quickest and how you usually teach him. Dogs like consistency, so approach this trick like you would any other. If your dog is not in intensive training anymore, try to remember what behaviors he learned the quickest and what made them fun for him.
Step Two: Use the method you would normally use. If you use treats, reward him with them when he does what you want. If he likes the ball, then reward him by playing fetch when he succeeds.
Step Three: Make a plan. Things like sticking out a tongue must be done in gradual steps. If your dog likes to lick you, hold your hand to his mouth. If he licks you, reward him. Then, start to link it with a command like “Tongue” or “Lick.” When he realizes that the command means to lick, start practicing taking your hand away as he licks you. As you keep progressing, he will learn that sticking the tongue out is the intended trick.
Step Four: Be consistent. Make sure your dog knows that when he does this trick he will be rewarded. Don’t get frustrated, for that always stops progress.
15 Reasons Why My Dog’s Tongue Is Sticking Out Suddenly?
To recap, there are fifteen main reasons your Shih Tzu may be sticking out their tongue.
- Way too relaxed.
- Reaching Old Age.
- Dreaming in Deep Sleep.
- Tonguing.
- Emotional Disturbances.
- Panting.
- Cold.
- New Medications.
- Hanging Tongue Syndrome.
- Fighting an infection.
- Seizures.
- Poison.
- Oral Cancer.
- Papillomatosis – Caused by Papillomavirus.
- Pain.
Your dog might just be relaxed, causing him to forget his tongue and let it come out.
As a dog ages, it can sometimes lose certain functions. This includes withdrawing the tongue completely.
A dog that dreams often has its tongue out, because of the relaxation of deep sleep. Sometimes it will yip or move as it dreams.
Your dog may simply be licking himself after a meal or licking himself in a nervous state.
If you have moved lately or changed something, certain dogs don’t react well. This can be fixed by helping the dog feel comfortable again and then his tongue should retract normally.
Sometimes, a dog will simply pant constantly because of the warm area where you live. If this is the case, make sure your dog is getting enough water.
Chills often accompany the tongue sticking out because of the cold. Be careful of this, because the dog may develop frostbite on the tongue in extreme conditions.
If you recently started giving your dog a new medication, a side effect may be the tongue hanging out. If this may be the reason, give your vet a call to make sure the medication is working as it should.
Your dog may just be exhibiting these symptoms as a result of its breed or genetics. This is known as Hanging Tongue Syndrome and is normally not painful.
Some dogs will stick out their tongue as a sign of fighting infection. This is not always usual, so make sure to get it checked out.
If your dog is known to have seizures, this can often result in the tongue hanging out. This happens often while the dog is sleeping.
One of the most worrying causes of a tongue hanging out can be poisoning. Depending on what your dog might have ingested, it can cause problems with the tongue. Often, other symptoms present themselves as well.
In rare cases, when a dog’s teeth have not been cared for properly, it may develop oral cancer or other dental problems. This causes teeth to rot or fall out, making it impossible to support the tongue, which then sticks out continuously.
The Papilloma Virus causes warts or growths on the lips, tongue or surrounding mouth areas of a dog. This can cause the tongue to hang out and often prevents eating.
Sometimes, simple pain is the reason for the tongue sticking out. Since dogs pant to relieve themselves in other ways, they tend to stick out their tongue as a way to try and find relief from pain. This is why you must check your dog first before determining the cause of its tongue hanging out.
Cost Of Vet Treatment For A Dog Sticking Out Its Tongue?
The cost for the treatment of a dog sticking out its tongue varies widely depending on the cause. If it is manageable and only needs checking at a standard checkup, then it won’t cost more than $100 at the most, in most states. Anything more, such as dental problems or lubricants, can cost much more.
There are many causes for a dog’s tongue hanging out, as well as various treatments you can take. The reason for this condition is rarely dangerous. Whatever the cause, make sure to do your utmost best to make sure the dog is comfortable and pain-free.
Why Does Your Dog’s Tongue Stick Out? Here Are 4 Reasons