When it comes to your pet, there may be a few things you didn’t know you may need to check for.
In this article, we see the importance of making sure a male dog’s testicles drop and what to do if there are any issues to ensure your pet’s health.
When Do Shih Tzu Testicles Drop?
Shih Tzus, like other breeds, take about two months for their testicles to drop. There are times that this may not happen with one or both testicles. If this is the case, your dog may need to have the undescended tescticle surgically removed. If both testicles do not drop and it is not surgically removed, it could cause long-term effects to your dog.

Can A Dog’s Testicles Not Drop?
According to vets, the male puppy’s testicles can’t fully descend. It’s uncommon, but there is a chance that your dog’s testicles do not descend into the scrotum at all. This is a condition known as Cryptorchidism, and it needs to be tended to by a vet right away.
If your pet is about two months old and has not had its testicles drop, you should take them to a vet in order to prevent long-term health effects.
How To Get My Dog’s Testicle To Drop
Though there is no way to help make your dog’s testicles drop, there are things you can do to ensure their health once they show they struggle with Cryptorchidism. The most popular and effective way to help your pet after this would be to get them neutered.
Undescended Testicles (Cryptorchidism Vs Monorchidism)
Cryptorchidism and Monorchidism are something dog owners should look out for when checking to see if their male puppies’ testicles have dropped. Cryptorchidism is when there is a testicle that has not moved to the scrotum as it should. Usually, just one testicle is affected, but it can mean both.
Monorchidism occurs when one testicle develops to descend from the scrotum. These are two very similar conditions and may sound the same, however, there is a difference. Cryptorchidism occurs when both testicles develop, but only one drops into the scrotum, whereas Monorchidism occurs when only one testicle develops and descends.
It is always a good idea to have a vet’s help in diagnosing which condition your dog may have.
Are Breeders Responsible For Undescended Testicles?
Cryptorchidism and Monorchidism can occur with any male dog. However, this can be more common in purebred dogs. Shih Tzus are typically a purebred breed that you have to keep an eye out for when it comes to this issue.
This is a genetic issue that occurs and can be passed along to those dog’s puppies. A dog who suffers from this problem should not be bred in the future, though he could be fertile. It is unethical, and the breeder could be taken to small-claims court.

Here are a few breeds that are more prone to suffer from Cryptorchidism and Monorchidism:
- Shih Tzus
- Yorkshire Terriers
- Maltese
- Chihuahuas
- Dachshunds
- Pekingese
- Pomeranians
- Poodles
- Schnauzers
Any male dog can suffer from one of these conditions, however, if you have one of these breeds, it may be wise to take extra caution in making sure your pet stays in the best health possible.
How To Check If Dog Has Two Testicles
Checking yourself to see if your dog’s testicles have dropped can be a complicated thing to do if you have not done it before. You will have to use abdominal palpitations in order to feel like there is an undescended testicle.
This is not something your average Joe knows how to do or feel for, so you need to pay close attention. To check if your dog has two testicles, gently grab the scrotum between the thumb and the forefinger while the dog is on its back, or standing upright.
You should feel both testicles and be able to differentiate the two. If your dog may have its testicles retained, you can check by placing your pet on its back and pressing gently along the center of its abdomen. They may feel like soft balls of tissue beneath the skin.
If you are not sure, the safest way to see if your dog has two testicles is to go to a veterinarian and have them look for any potential problems.
My Dog Only Has One Testicle Down, What To Do?
If your dog only has one testicle down you should go to the vet as soon as possible. The vet may want to do an ultrasound to detect what the issue may be. On top of Cryptorchidism and Monorchidism, your dog may be at risk of testicular cancer or Torsion.
Torsion occurs when the retain testicle twists on the spermatic cord. This can cut off or reduce your dog’s blood supply to the testicle, causing it to shrivel or die. Torsion can cause extreme pain if it occurs.
It is important to have the vet check the underlying cause because sometimes Hormone treatment is an option you may have to help bring your pet back to optimal health. Though this is an option, many vets argue that surgical treatment is the best option.
Surgery can be the only option for a purebred dog. It’s recommended that if you do this surgery, do it before your dog turns four years in age, to prevent any further health issues. Your veterinarian will be able to walk you through the best treatment option for you.
The Long Term Effects Of Undescended Testicles In Dogs
Contrary to what it may seem, pain is not one of the biggest effects of undescended testicles in your pet. Pain is not associated with this issue much, unless the spermatic cord begins to twist onto itself. However, a few issues may occur long-term such as:
- Heart defect
- Hip dysplasia
- Dislocated kneecap
- Abnormally small eyes
- Undeveloped eyelids
- Testicular cancer, that could lead to pain and ultimately death if untreated.
Undescended Testicle Surgery Cost
So, you have to go the surgery route for your beloved male dog. This can be overwhelming in many ways, including cost. Your pet will have to be neutered, which is common. Cryptorchid Neuter can be a bit different, causing the cost to be a bit higher in some cases.
All neuter procedures use general anesthesia, which can expose your dog to serious risks. And at times there is damage to the ureters, which can lead to more health issues in the future. Depending on the veterinarian and condition of your pet, there may be an additional charge.
Some vets charge an additional $100 to the cost of a regular neuter procedure. If diagnostic imaging needs to be done, or if the testicles are deep in the abdomen, the price can be even higher. With larger breeds or complication scenarios, the surgery could cost you up to $800.
When Do Shih Tzu Testicles Drop? – Summary
This may not be a preventable problem, but you can prevent the long-term health issues that can occur. It takes about two months for your Shih Tzu’s testicles to drop. If they don’t, they may have a serious condition that can require surgery to ensure their health.