A puppy isn’t born knowing when to bark. This article will discuss when a puppy learns to bark, how to train your puppy, and some things to be aware of if your puppy suddenly stops barking or if the puppy has a quiet personality.
Getting to know your new puppy will help them find their bark!
Why Doesn’t My Puppy Bark?
Dogs bark. That is their way of communicating with us. But should you be alarmed if your new puppy doesn’t bark or barks very little? Is it a sign of a larger problem? No, not necessarily. While our first thought may be to think a puppy not barking could be a sign of a serious problem, it could be your puppy hasn’t found its bark yet. This article will touch on a brief overview of possibilities, suggestions on training your new puppy, and things to consider to help grow your knowledge about your newest canine family companion.

At What Age Do Puppies Start Barking?
Puppies aren’t born knowing how to bark. It takes time to develop for them to develop their hearing and eventually their vocal cords. Many puppies don’t begin to bark until 16 weeks old. [1]
Puppies, as well dogs, learn to bark for a variety of reasons including social, territorial, or behaviors that have been picked up through their lives.
If you want your puppy to bark for specific reasons, either on command or another reason, training your puppy to do so would be the next step.
Always consult your vet if you suspect there is something seriously wrong with your puppy.
Is It Normal For A Puppy Not To Bark
A puppy doesn’t start to bark the moment it comes into the world. There are a lot of other factors to take into consideration as well.
The first signs of puppies finding their voice usually start at 2 or 3 weeks old. [1] From there, puppies will progress to grunting, whining, yips, and barks to indicate what they want.
Most puppies don’t begin to bark until 16 weeks old. [1].
What Does It Mean If A Puppy Doesn’t Bark?
If your puppy doesn’t bark, don’t panic.
It could bean a few things, including your puppy hasn’t learned to bark yet, perhaps your dog is the quieter type, or it could be something of concern. If you are concerned it is a larger health issue, then you should talk about it with your vet.
There could be a variety of reasons why your puppy doesn’t bark including things related to its breed or training. Read on for more information.
My (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.. 11-Month-Old) Puppy Doesn’t Bark?
If your puppy is past 16 weeks and hasn’t really started barking yet, your puppy might have a quieter personality.
Keep up with your puppy’s vet visits and work on trying to discover your puppy’s outgoing and playful attitude.
Why Is My Puppy Not Barking [anymore] All Of A Sudden?
If your puppy doesn’t bark right away, it could be because they still haven’t discovered their voice.
But if your puppy suddenly starts barking and then stops, it could be a larger health issue that shouldn’t be ignored. [2] You should contact your vet right away.
Puppy Not Barking Yet What Should I Do?

Some puppies learn to bark as soon as they are capable of it. Other puppies take time to mature and need to be socialized with other dogs. And some puppies will mature and remain relatively quiet throughout their adult lives. [1]
If your puppy is not barking, yet, consider letting them interact with other dogs or puppies. Puppies also learn barking from other social cues like the television. [1] Your favorite tv show or an everyday activity might trigger your puppy to bark.
Puppies take time to develop their barks and the triggers that will be associated with barks. Make sure to take time to get to know your new puppy more. It could be that your puppy has a quiet personality.
Puppy Can’t Bark And Coughs?
This might be a sign of a more serious condition. Like humans, puppies and dogs can get laryngitis, which inflammation of the vocal box.
If you suspect that your puppy or dog has a serious condition or a more serious condition, like laryngitis, make an appointment to get it to a vet. [4]
Why Does My Puppy Not Bark At Me?
There are a variety of factors that can come into play. Sometimes it is due to the type of breed, the personality type of the puppy, or the social conditions in which the puppy was raised.
If you want your puppy to bark on command, there are ways to train your puppy to speak. [3]
While you can train your puppy to speak, that if your puppy is barking excessively, it might be due to a larger issue like illness or separation anxiety. [3]
Why Does My Puppy Not Bark To Go Out?
As mentioned previously, teaching a dog to bark on command involves time and training.
Once you and your puppy have mastered the to-speak command, begin to associate the behavior of going out with barking. To differentiate the two commands, include a leash, toy, or hand gesture into your training so your puppy associates the difference between barking to “speak” and “going out.”
Time and consistency are key to any successful training. [5]
What Kind Of Puppy Does Not Bark [Puppy So Quiet]?
There are some breeds of dogs that are quieter and tend to bark less than others.
These dog breeds can include Basenji, Chinese Shar-Pei, Japanese Chin, Italian Greyhound, Whippet, Bulldog, Akita, Shiba Inu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Boston Terrier, Chinese Crested, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Shih Tzu, Glen of Immal Terrier, Saluki, Affenpinscher, Bassett Fauve de Bretagne, Bichon Frise, Coton de Tulear, and Dandie Dinmont. [8]
Can Puppies Be Mute [Will My Puppy Ever Bark]?
There are some breeds of dogs that tend to be quieter than others. It could also be their personality type.
Dogs are not completely “mute,” meaning they’re physically incapable of barking unless there is something physically wrong or has issues with the larynx. [6]
How Do You Teach A Puppy To Communicate/Speak If They Don’t Bark?
Time, consistency, and rewarding the desired behavior are important to teach your puppy to bark at the “speak” command.
If you are having trouble getting your puppy to bark at all, try to get them excited, play with them, and get them to bark.
You can play with your puppy’s favorite toy or take them for a walk with their favorite leash. You also learn what triggers your puppy to bark. If none of these things work, try to create some excitement and get your dog to join in. Hopefully, they’ll be barking along. [7]
How To Train A Puppy To Bark?
Follow these steps in preparing to train your puppy.
First, make sure you have your reward ready. Your reward could be their favorite toy or a biscuit. Next, prepare to trigger your puppy to bark. Once your puppy barks, note the behavior by repeating the command “to speak” or choice of words. Continue to practice until your puppy can speak on command. Once you master the command, you also include other hand gestures and commands to indicate your puppy to speak. [5]
Training a puppy to bark, like teaching a puppy to sit, requires training. To teach a puppy to bark, it is recommended to reward them with a puppy or treat after they perform the command. The use of a training clicker also assists with this. [3]
You need to continue to reward the puppy if every time they successfully perform the bark command. This will reinforce the behavior. [6]
Do I Need To Take My Puppy To The Vet?
Taking your puppy to a routine check-up and visits with their vet is a key part of them growing into healthy dogs and living long, meaningful lives.
If you suspect there is something wrong with your puppy, you should make an appointment with your regular vet. If the condition you suspect is life-threatening, you should take your animal to an emergency vet.
My Puppy Dog Doesn’t Bark. How Can I Teach Him To Bark?
If you are unsure what makes your puppy bark, discover what triggers your puppy to bark. Maybe it is another dog, playing, walking, or a favorite toy. Once you discover this trigger, begin to signal with a phrase, such as, “speak,” and reward the behavior with a treat.
When Will My Puppy Start Barking At Strangers
A dog learns to bark for a variety of reasons. The American Kennel Club explains that “A dog can vary the pitch of his bark, the number of barks in a row, and the space between barks to change the bark’s meaning.” [9]
Puppies may bark at strangers at the moment of meeting them or if the person becomes louder than the dog. But when your puppy begins to bark at a stranger, it might signal something else. It’s important to learn your puppy’s barks and act accordingly.
You want to train your dog to avoid barking at strangers early on. Puppies can bark excessively at strangers and have unknown dangers. Establishing limits through training will help in the long run. Working with a good trainer will ensure your puppy’s success.
Why Does My Shih Tzu Rarely Bark?
It could be your puppy hasn’t learned how to bark yet and still needs to find its bark. Try to trigger your puppy to bark. [10]
When Does A Shih Tzu Puppy Start Barking?
A Shih Tzu puppy tends to start barking by at least four months (16 weeks) old. [10]
When Does A Labrador Puppy Start Barking?
At two to three weeks, a labrador puppy will begin to start to vocalize its needs. At 7 to 8 weeks, some puppies begin to find their voice and bark. Most puppies will begin to bark at 16 weeks old. [11]
My Chihuahua Doesn’t Bark?
Chihuahuas can bark. It’s just some chihuahuas can be quieter than others. It depends on the socialization and personality of the dog.
Why Does My Beagle Puppy Not Bark?
Beagles are known to be quite vocal dogs and are known to start howling at 8 weeks old up until their first year [12]. If you suspect that your Beagle puppy isn’t barking because there could be something physically wrong, then take your puppy to the vet.
Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Not Barking?
Gold Retrievers are a breed that is also known to be vocal. If your new Golden Retriever puppy is quiet, it could be due to their personality and trying to get used to their new home. [13]
Maltese Puppy Not Barking?
Maltese puppies don’t usually begin barking until 2 or 3 months old. They might be as old as 11 weeks before they find their bark. [14]
Pug Puppy Not Barking?
Pugs are another breed that is known to be vocal. Pug puppies began to vocalize about 7 to 8 weeks like other puppies before they progress to barking. [1]
Doberman Puppy Not Barking?
Dobermans are known to bark. If your puppy hasn’t progressed to barking, try some of the strategies discussed earlier in this article to trigger their barking and then begin training your Doberman puppy to bark.
Why Do Puppies Bark?
Puppies bark for a variety of reasons. It can be for attention, playing, food, or for something else. It is all about communication.
A puppy may bark for different reasons compared to another puppy.
Do Puppies Learn To Bark From Other Dogs?
Yes, puppies can learn to bark from other dogs! [8]
Socialization with other dogs is an important step in the dog’s development. If you have dogs already, making sure that your puppy is properly socialized with them will help the puppy learn to bark.
If you just have your puppy and no other family dogs, there could be local training schools or dog parks that can help you socialize your little puppy.
You can also socialize your puppy with the aid of your human family members or other family pets.
If your puppy doesn’t bark right away, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with them! Take the time to get to know your puppy by loving and playing with them. Once you figure out what triggers their barking, you can begin to practice with rewards, time, consistency, and treats.