4-Month-Old Puppy Peeing In The House
Whilst you are potty training, puppies will pee in your house. But how do you put a stop to this? Why do they only seem to pee inside after going for walks or being outside? How do you get rid of the smell of pee? This article has all the answers.
Is It Normal For My (3,4,5… Month Old) Puppy To Pee In The House Again?
Puppies cannot hold their bladder until they are around sixteen weeks old, which is when they are around four months old. This means it would be unfair to expect them to hold their bladder in for long periods of time, particularly if they are left in the house for long periods of time while you are at work. So yes, it is completely normal for puppies of this age to be peeing in the house, just be patient with them and their training and they should soon stop.

(3,4,5,.. Month Old) Puppy Peeing In House?
It is more than likely a puppy of this age may still be peeing in the house as they won’t have been fully potty trained by this time. The key is to be consistent, patient and never give up. These things will eventually work with time.
Why Has My Puppy Started Peeing In The House Again?
If your puppy passes the sixteen-week stage and you were under the impression they were potty trained but they start peeing in the house again, this is likely more than them not being able to hold their bladder. The first thing you should check is if they are actually going to pee every time you let them outside. Some dogs don’t always pee, even if they give you the impression they want to, so you should check this and rule it out as an issue if necessary.
You should also check them for a UTI as this can cause them to not be able to hold their pee in, which can lead to accidents. In this case, you should take them to the vets for a proper diagnosis.
Puppies get excited and sometimes when they get overly excited, they pee. To sort this, figure out what makes them so excited to the point of peeing and try and ignore them when these events occur, such as if they pee from excitement when you get home, you should ignore them and this should stop them peeing. At the end of the day, there are many reasons why your puppy keeps on peeing. There will always be a root cause to this peeing and as long as you can figure out this cause, you should easily be able to stop your pup from peeing everywhere.
Why Is My Female Puppy Peeing Every 5 Minutes?
If you have a female puppy that pees every five minutes, this is not normal and you should get it checked out immediately. It is most likely a bladder infection, but the vet will need to check your pet pooch over to get to the root of the issue.
Puppy Peeing In House On Purpose
It may appear that your pet pooch is peeing in the house on purpose, particularly if they pee in your house just after they have been outside. But they are not actually peeing in the house on purpose and there can be many reasons behind this:
It could be the result of a medical condition, such as diabetes or kidney disease. If you believe this to be the case, you should take your puppy to the vet immediately so they can rule out anything serious. You may not have properly potty trained your puppy. It is easy to believe they are fully potty trained just because they go a few days without having any accidents, but this may not be the case.
You can only consider your pup fully potty trained if they go at least six months without any accidents. Your pup may also not be fully emptying their bladder while they are outside as it is easy for them to get overstimulated by all the sounds and smells outside. In this case, keep an eye on them and keep them outside a little longer to ensure they actually go to the toilet where they’re meant to.
You may praise your puppy too soon for going to the toilet outside. You need to wait until you are 100% sure they have completely finished before praising them, as otherwise they may not have finished going to the toilet and will finish this in your house.
Puppy Peeing In House After Spay

There are a number of reasons why a puppy who has been recently spayed will pee in your house:
It is more than likely they are in pain and this can mean they are less able to control their bladder. Your vet should have given you some pain medication for your puppy to help with this, but if not, it is always worth asking. If they have just got back from the vets, it is more than likely they are really thirsty and, consequently, will drink more water.
You should limit the amount of water they drink as drinking lots of water, being in pain and being excited to be home may lead to an accident. After being spayed, your puppy is more likely to have a UTI, either due to holding in their pee for longer, which can cause bacteria to grow due to the urine becoming concentrated; or the urethra becoming relaxed when they have anaesthetic, causing bacteria to go up there. If you expect a UTI, you should take your dog back to the vets immediately and they will be given a course of antibiotics.
Puppy Peeing In House At Night
Your dog may be peeing in the house at night for various reasons, including: not having enough exercise; having an unclear routine; being more uncomfortable at night; poor health; or old age.
There are a number of ways you can prevent this from happening, including having a proper walking routine; being given adequate exercise; thoroughly cleaning the place they pee in your house so they cannot smell urine; create a safe space for them to avoid discomfort, or going to the vet to rule out a serious problem.
Puppy Peeing In House After A Walk
We all want our dogs to go for a pee once out on their daily walk, but there are many occasions where your puppy won’t pee on their walk and instead will pee as soon as you get back home.
You could try taking them out to your garden as soon as you get back home if you know they haven’t peed whilst out on their walk. Encourage them during this time to pee and if you get them into the habit of peeing in your garden after their walk, this should become routine for them.
Puppy Peeing In House After Peeing Outside
If your puppy pees inside after peeing outside, this may be because you are rewarding them too soon for peeing outside. You should wait until your pup has completely finished peeing before rewarding, as otherwise they may stop mid-pee outside and finish their pee inside.
If you’re not rewarding them peeing too soon, your pup peeing within minutes of being outside is possibly due to a UTI. In this case, you need to take them to the vets ASAP so they can get the appropriate course of treatment.
Puppy Peeing In House For Attention
If your puppy is peeing just for attention, this suggests they are going to need both behavioral therapy and obedience training from a professional to help put a stop to this. In the meantime, you can help put a stop to this by giving them more time outside which should hopefully mean they are more likely to pee outside.
Getting rid of the urine smell where they have peed inside should also help as if they smell urine in a specific place, this will encourage them to pee there. Use a cleaning product with a strong scent and this should stop them from peeing indoors.
How Do I Stop My 3,4,5… Month Old Puppy From Peeing In The House Again?
You should start by cleaning all of the areas where your puppy has peed as the smell of urine suggests to your pup it is okay for them to pee there. It can also help to re-train your dog. A five-month-old puppy won’t be fully potty trained yet as you can only class a dog as being fully potty trained if they go six months without having an accident. Go back over what you’ve already done and keep it up.
Increasing the number of times you let your dog outside can also help. Particularly taking them outside after they have a drink of water, when they’ve eaten or woken up from a nap. This should lessen the need for them to pee inside. There may be a trigger inside for your dog to pee. It is helpful for you to identify this trigger so you can then either get rid of it, teach your dog to live with it if it’s not possible to get rid of it, or change as much of the trigger as possible so your dog can become calmer and not pee from fear.
Puppy Potty Training Plan Failed What Should I Do Now?
First of all, you shouldn’t give up on your potty training. Only let them go to the potty in the places they are allowed to and actively avoid those areas they aren’t allowed to pee. Allowing these habits to continue to form is key to potty training.
There may be a case of you needing to keep your dog on a lead next to you, even whilst in the house, so you can keep a closer eye on them and so you can take them outside when they show signs of needing to pee. It may be a case of your puppy not knowing how to hold their pee.
In this case, it helps to keep them in a crate for a few hours a day, particularly if their crate is where they sleep, as they should know not to pee here. This helps them learn how to hold their pee. Just remain patient and they will get there in the end.
How To Get Your Puppy To Stop Peeing Everywhere In The House?
The first thing you should do is to put them on a proper potty training schedule, such as letting them out to go to the toilet when they first wake up, after they’ve eaten, after playing, after training, and before they go to bed. You should also use strongly scented cleaning products that break down the proteins in your dog’s pee, where they have peed in the house.
Just because you don’t smell it, doesn’t mean they can’t and if they can smell their pee, they think it’s okay to pee there. You also shouldn’t use puppy pads. Even though it stops your floor from being ruined, it can teach your puppy that it’s okay for them to pee on the floor.
Keep letting them outside to pee as otherwise, you may think you’re making progress when you’re actually not. The most important thing is to remain patient and consistent. Your puppy will thrive off of this and should stop peeing everywhere.
Puppy Peeing In Front Of Me (Indoors)?
One reason for this can be to show you they’re submissive. They want to show you they’re not a threat and this is their way of doing so. They may also do so out of fear. There is a possibility they are scared of you or may have heard a loud noise outside that causes them to pee out of fear.
There is a possibility you’re not letting them outside to pee enough. Your dog may be peeing inside in front of you as a way of showing you they need to pee and to try and encourage you to let them out more. In which case, you should do so.
The most common reason for a puppy peeing inside in front of you is due to excitement. Puppies often don’t know how to control their excitement, so end up peeing by accident. This is nothing serious and is something that should fade with age.
Why Does The Puppy Pee While Walking Around?
This may be down to a UTI. UTIs can cause dogs to have no control over their bladder and would explain your puppy peeing whilst walking around. This can be solved by taking a quick trip to the vets. They will check your pup over for anything else that may be wrong with them and should give you some medication for your puppy to help them get on the mend.
Do Puppies Have More Accidents When Teething?
Yes, it is more than likely a puppy. who you may have previously thought was doing well with their house training, to have more accidents whilst teething. The key to this is to just be patient. They can’t help it. Just keep up with the training and they should eventually get back on track.
Is An Enzymatic Cleaner The Best Way To Clean Puppy Urine?
An enzymatic cleaner is the best way to get rid of puppy urine. This is because the enzymes break down the proteins in the pee and help get rid of any urine odours, which prevents your puppy from peeing there again as they won’t have the scent of pee to suggest to them it is okay for them to pee there. However, these things take time and may need more than one application to get rid of the smell. And remember: just because you can’t smell it, doesn’t mean your dog can’t either.
Natural Cleaners For Removing Puppy Urine From Carpets & Hardwood Floors
To remove puppy urine from hardwood floors, you can mix a cup of water, a third of a cup of distilled white vinegar, a quarter of a cup of baking soda, and a quarter of mild dish soap. You should mix these into a clean spray bottle and shake vigorously. Spray the area, rub with a clean cloth and leave it for a few minutes and you should have removed the urine. To remove puppy urine from carpets, mix a cup of white distilled vinegar with a cup of water and two teaspoons of baking soda. Shake it to mix the ingredients, spray it on the stain, rub with a clean cloth, leave for a few minutes and the stain should be gone.