If you already own a cat and are thinking about adopting a Shih Tzu, your primary concern would be whether or not the two will get along. Admittedly, the cats and dogs cliché conjures up images of lifelong adversaries. However, it certainly does not need to be that way.
Shih Tzus get along well with kitties and can cohabit with them. Nevertheless, how well they interact depends upon will be determined by a variety of circumstances. These include how they are introduced to each other and each feline’s temperament. If you introduce the animals while they are still young, there is no reason for your cat and a Shih Tzu not to get along well and cohabit.
Shih Tzus are known for being among the cat-friendly dog breeds. However, this does not mean you will not struggle while introducing them. Just like humans, every feline has a distinct personality.
Why Do They Get Along Well?
Being dependent and little is an essential aspect of Shih Tzu’s personality. They want to be a group member, and a cat can help. Most pet parents believe that this is why their dogs get along really well with kittens and can coexist with them. It seems as if the Shih Tzu is delighted to have a cat as its gang member.
Another factor that adds to their ability to get along with kitties is their upbeat personality. The majority of Shih Tzus are laid-back and very lively. Although a Shih Tzu would be more than ready to chase a kitten around the backyard, this is frequently conducted as a game.
When your Shih Tzu returns home, it’ll be just as eager to snuggle with your cat. However, never leave your cat alone with a new dog.
Even while Shih Tzus are more inclined to become friends with cats than other dogs, each dog has its own unique personality. Their character, genes, upbringing, and environment will all significantly impact how they relate with kittens and other family members.
The Different Disposition of Shih Tzu Pups and Grownups
Adopting either a pup or a grownup Shih Tzu comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. It all hinges on what you are looking for, how you introduce the two felines, and what best fits your lifestyle. Whether you adopt a baby or a grownup could make a difference in how well they get along and how quickly they integrate into your home.
What are the Best Means of Introducing a Shih Tzu to a Kitten?
A Shih Tzu may coexist with a cat, but their friendship depends on how you introduce them. It needs to proceed slowly. Encouraging your pets to meet pleasantly can significantly increase the likelihood of getting along in the long term. Avoid leaving them alone during the introduction period. This is notable if you have adopted an elderly dog.
When you have decided to adopt a Shih Tzu into your house, the first thing you will have to do is provide a safe environment for your kitten. This should preferably be a designated area that the pup cannot enter or an area of a bigger space that has been divided.
Some cat fences also include a small cat flap, which is perfect for elderly or less active kittens. This is only a possible choice if you take a mature Shih Tzu home, as a baby will easily slip in.
After creating a space for the cat, you ought to relocate all of its belongings there. The bed, edibles, litter tray, and scratching bar should be included. Aside from providing a haven for your cat, it also prevents your dog from accessing the litter box and foodstuff, both of which can be pretty enticing.
If you’re using dry food for both your Shih Tzu and Cat, they can often confuse each other’s food for their own. A good solution is to keep your dog on dry food and give wet cat food to your kitty. Your pets will easily be able to differentiate dry dog food from wet cat food. Use good quality wet cat food according to this site and place it higher up to reduce the chances of any skirmishes.
Proceed to the next step once the novelty wears off and the felines have gained enough confidence. Bring the pets to a neutral location where they interact without a barrier. However, you should still consider keeping the Shih Tzu on a leash.
Keep this first encounter brief, and ensure to keep a close eye on both. If either appears to be scared, split them and try again after a few minutes.
Encourage the kitten to explore at its own pace while you keep a watch on the dog. You will need to stick to the education you have done so far, diverting it when it gets enthusiastic and isolating it if the dog continues to misbehave.
At this point, you should be on the lookout for any indications of hostility in the dog. If you see any signs of aggressiveness in the dog, correct it immediately. Put the dog in time out if it continues, and attempt again once it has relaxed a bit.
Every animal is unique. With perseverance in your coaching, you will notice them getting more at ease around one another.
Even if they do not become best friends, they will coexist without the Shih Tzu coming after the cat and the cat being violent or terrified. However, if you follow the points mentioned above, you should have a greater chance of having them live in harmony in your house.