Why does your dog get distressed when the fire alarm beeps? What should you do about it? Unfamiliar noises can cause a dog to get anxious and it’s important to know what to do so that your dog’s stress does not get worse. Why Are Dogs Scared Of Fire Alarms? New sounds may mean “danger” to a dog. Some dogs are more predisposed to fear … [Read more...]
Why Are Dogs Scared Of Violins? [Read This First!]
The subject of dogs and their apparent fear of violins has been widely discussed across the internet. Is it fear? Are they in pain? Are their howls merely attempts to sing along? This article will aim to answer all your dog and violin questions. Why Are Dogs Scared of Violins? A dog’s reaction to a violin is largely reliant on the dog’s overall temperament. … [Read more...]
Why Are Dogs Scared Of RC Cars? [Complete Guide]
RC cars seem like they can be a great source of entertainment and exercise for you and your dog, but you need to be aware of the dangers and appropriate training to make the right choice of using an RC car to play with your dog. Why Are Dogs Scared Of RC Cars? Dogs develop fears for objects for a variety of reasons, especially if the object is unfamiliar. An RC … [Read more...]
Why Is My Dog Scared Of Chewing Gum? [Explained For Beginners]
Dogs often fear the things they can’t understand. Bubble gum is a common fear for dogs, especially puppies. Why Is My Dog Scared Of Chewing Gum? The sound Your dog may find the loud noise of chewing gum (especially when popped) to be a danger. Dogs can hear three times as loud as a human, so the popping noise would be enough to scare them. … [Read more...]
Why Are Dogs Scared Of Basements? (Solved!)
It seems completely irrational for dogs to be afraid of the basement, it’s just another room right? Here we explain some of the reasons why your dog might be afraid of your basement. Dogs, generally, are scared of basements either because they sense that their family is or a sound or scent is triggering them to be alert. No ghosts thank God! Why Are Dogs S … [Read more...]