Would a domesticated dog, particularly a small breed like a Shih Tzu be able to survive if they were dropped into the wild and away from civilization? Here are the answers. Can Shih Tzus Survive In The Wild Shih Tzu would not be able to survive in the wild. This is due to their small size making them prey for many predators and their lack of survival skills … [Read more...]
Do Dogs Love Babies? [Complete Guide]
We all love watching videos of our babies cuddling up with man’s best friend, but why is it that dogs and our little ones have such a special bond? Do Dogs Love Babies? Dogs are naturally protective creatures, and when they attribute your family members as a part of their pack, they can become especially attentive to babies. This is because they recognize your … [Read more...]
Can Shih Tzu Climb Stairs [Up And Down]? [Important Facts]
Some dog owners mistakenly believe that dogs should not climb stairs! While dogs like Shih Tzu may be far more injury prone, these owners forget to take some critical facts into consideration. Let’s go over why you should carefully consider allowing your Shih Tzu to climb up and downstairs... Can Shih Tzu Climb Stairs [Up And Down]? Training your dog may s … [Read more...]
Small Dog Toy – keep your small dog healthy and entertained!
It’s hard finding the right small dog toy for your pup!. Especially if your dog is a small breed. Where do you begin to look? What are the best toys for a small dog? Have no fear! I have compiled a small guide (no pun intended) to help you shop for your tiny family member! Small Dog Toys Aggressive Chewers Is your dog an aggressive chewer? Your best option is likely a K … [Read more...]
Do Shih Tzu Pick A Favorite Person? [Quick Facts]
Are Shih Tzu’s the type of dog to only pick one person? If so how, how do you become that person or tell if you are that person? Here are a few hints to find the answers you’re looking for. Do Shih Tzu Pick A Favorite Person [Are They One Person Dogs]? Shih Tzu’s are smart and caring dogs who do tend to pick a favorite person and be a one-person dog. This doesn’t mean they don … [Read more...]