Your dog may have gotten a new toy. As you watch them play with it, you may notice them whining. It’s nothing to be alarmed about. Here’s everything you need to know!
Why Does My Dog Whine When Chewing A Toy?
There are a number of reasons as to why your dog is whining when they have a chew toy. From teething to simply being excited, whining is a common thing and not something that needs to be stopped. If you notice your dog whining with pain call you vet immediately.

Should I Stop My Dog From Whining When Chewing A Toy?
There is no 100% need to stop your dog from whining when chewing a toy. This is very normal behavior. Unless you notice your dog in pain or distress, then you can let them carry on. And remember never punish your dog for whining because they’re usually trying to tell you something.
How To Stop My Dog From Whining When Chewing A Toy?
You don’t really need to stop your dog from whining while chewing a toy. If it’s really bothering you, you first need to figure out if they’re whining because they’re in pain. If they seem fine and they’re just whining out of excitement or anxiety, take the toy away and wait till they’re calm. Give the toy back and go on from there. Or give them a different toy.
Alternatively, you can buy toys that keep them involved. Toys like a Kong, where the dog has to work for a treat buried inside, will keep them busy and motivated thus reducing the whining.
My Poor Pup Is Teething And Yelps When He Chews His Toys [How To Help]?

So you’ve got a teething puppy. Not as bad as a baby, but still distressful! Of course the best thing to do is to let it run its course and naturally, the new teeth will come in and it will be over before you know it. But if it’s killing you and you want to try and soothe them, here are a few things that do the trick!
- Offer frozen produce
- Throw a couple bananas, carrots or strawberries, even blueberries in the freezer. Offer them to your pup to help relieve some of the pain
- Frozen Kong
- Take a Kong and put it in the freezer till it’s chilled, the ice will help soothe while they can still chew their toy
- Over the counter teething gel for dogs
- They do make over the counter teething gel for dogs that you can put on their gums. Make sure the product is free of chemicals and preferably organic
- Offer frozen washcloth
- An option, but I do not usually recommend this. They will learn to think that chewing on dish rags, towels or washcloths is appropriate behavior and you could have trouble down the line
Never give puppies ice cubes (it’s fine for older dogs) while they are a choking hazard. Products such as clove oil are not recommended for puppies so check with your vet before giving them any teething gels. Call your vet if the pain seems extreme and goes on for a while.
Why Does My Dog Cry When Carrying Toys?
There are a number of reasons why your dog whines or cries when carrying toys.
- Prey Drive– Especially if it’s a squeaky toy, the noises and looks mimic those of small prey that dogs/wolves would normally hunt
- Excitement– Follows the prey drive, they are getting very excited thinking they have caught their dinner
- Ownership– Dogs tend to get very excited when they’re given ownership over something, toys are included in that
- Teething– If you have a puppy who is whining while chewing a toy, this is probably because they are teething
- False Pregnancy– Female dogs, especially ones who aren’t spayed, will sometimes believe this new toy is their baby
Why Is My Male Dog Whining And Carrying A Toy?
Male dogs tend to be very territorial. If you. price your male dog whining and carrying their toy around, they are most likely feeling territorial over the toy. When dogs have objects such as bones, sticks, toys, leashes etc. anything that is “theirs” they will often bury that item so no other dog can find it. It’s an instinctual act and is very common. So when your male dog is whining and carrying his toy he may be searching for a place to hide it or bury it.
Why Is My Female Dog Whining And Carrying A Toy?
Female dogs, especially ones that aren’t not spayed, often get become very motherly with their toys. It is not uncommon that a female dog will suddenly think the toy is her baby. This is also a very common thing to do when a female has just had puppies.
Why Does My Dog Cry When I Give Him A Bully Stick?
Bully sticks to dogs are a delicious treat! Unless the bully stick is hurting their mouths for some reason (which they shouldn’t, so make sure everything is okay) then the dog is probably whining with excitement when they get a bully stick.
Why Does My Dog Whine When Playing With Other Dogs?
There is a vast expanse of reasons why your dog whines around other dogs. Let’s take a look.
- To show the other dogs it is not a threat
- Male dogs will whine at female to express their wanting to mate
- Simply excited to be playing with other dogs
There are so many other reasons as well and we can only guess what dogs are wanting to say. Whining is how dogs express their feelings and it’s how they talk. Whining doesn’t need to be corrected and it’s good to let your dogs figure it out for themselves. Unless you dog is snarling, growling or barking, then you may want to remove your dog from the situation before a fight starts up.
Why Does My Puppy Cry When Chewing A Bone?
Puppies love to chew! Part of the reason why is because they are teething and chewing makes their gums hurt a little less. This is why you’ll find puppies trying to chew on everything. It’s important to distinguish what’s appropriate to chew and what’s not so that your puppy doesn’t develop bad behavior. Teach your puppy the “leave it” command to stop them from chewing things you don’t want them to chew on and offer something they should be chewing on instead.
Why Do Dogs Cry With Socks In Their Mouth?
To you a sock is a sock, but to a dog a sock could be the most fun play toy at the moment. If your dog is whining and walking around with a sock in his/her mouth then they probably are telling you that they want to play!
Dog Crying With Treat In Mouth?
Since a treat is a very exciting thing for a dog, it’s common for him/her to whine with excitement when they get a treat.
Dog Cries When I Touch His Mouth?
There are several reasons why your dog may be crying when you touch his mouth. Most of the reasons include medical issues that should be resolved as soon as possible. Your dog probably has some sort of tooth issues, maybe a broken tooth or a dead tooth. They can even have gum diseases that are causing them pain. If your puppy yelps when you touch his/her mouth the pup is probably teething and the pain will pass.