All dogs go to heaven. A popular saying to put those who lose their furry loved ones at ease.
Is my dog in heaven waiting for me?
It comforts some who have lost their loved pets to think that their dog is waiting for them in a place where death goes. If you believe in Heaven, then that’s where your dog will be waiting for you.

Will we be reunited with our pets in heaven?
In different beliefs, different things could happen. In Christian belief, it all depends on what God thinks is right for your happiness. But if you truly believe that you will see your dog in Heaven, that that’s the most important thing to hold on to.
Who greets my dog in heaven?
For a person who believes in Heaven, you may believe in God and that he is waiting for all living creatures above us. Some believe in other higher powers, or maybe our passed loved ones are greeting our furry friends on the other side as well.
Signs from pets in heaven? How do I know my dog is in heaven?
There are many little ways that the dead communicate with us. Dogs and other pets do the same.
- Telepathic thoughts or messages
- Scents that randomly come up
- Physical touch (you may feel your dog brush up against you when he/she isn’t there)
- Sounds (you may hear your pet all of the sudden)
- Dreams
- Objects will come up (an old collar will randomly appear)
- Written messages (you may see your dogs name in a book or on a magazine)
- Apparitions (these are rare, but if you are connected to the spirit realm it may happen)
Will my dead dog visit me?

In the psychic world, it is common for dogs to try and reach their owners from the other side. People say that if you dream about your pets or see glimpses of them that they are trying to communicate with you!
Dog looking down from heaven?
We all have a loved one smiling down on us from up above. For some, it’s grandparents, parents, loved friends or other family members. And for other people their beloved dog is watching from above.
Is my dog happy in heaven?
Heaven is thought to be the perfect place. The place of no fear, no sadness, nothing harming or hurting anything or anybody, it’s Heaven! If humans were meant to be the happiest in heaven, then dogs will be too.
Do dogs go to heaven with their owners?
Most people around the world agree that dogs will end up in heaven with their owners. Dogs and other pets have similar souls like those of humans and when they die it is said they release the “breath of life” that humans do too.
Will my dog’s spirit come back to me?
If you keep your eyes and heart open, you may see signs that your pets spirit is coming back to you.
Do dogs have a soul?
It is a highly debated topic whether or not dogs have souls. There is a wide variety of answers and at the end of the day, it only depends on what you personally believe in.
Where do dog souls go?
Where souls go is such a common topic. It’s talked about in almost every religion and belief. While some religions don’t think dogs even have souls, others believe animal souls are the same as humans. Take Hinduism for example. Hindus believe that all humans and animals have souls and both of them are caught in the life death cycle. Meaning, when you die you are brought back in the form of another living being. Reincarnation in Hinduism is based on karma, if you were a “good” person or animal in this life, you will be brought back as something pleasant with a pleasant life and vice versa. Buddhism has the same reincarnation beliefs, but with the thought that karma is out of our control.
Many Native American tribes also believe animals have souls. The Cherokees can be classified as animism or belief that all living things have souls. After a kill while hunting, a thanking ritual would occur to thank the animal and Mother Nature for the nutrients and a good hunt. Cherokee and other Native Americans believed animals would go on to protect them and guide them from up above. Being their “spirit guides” through life.
Are there dogs in heaven?
When speaking about the Christian Heaven, then there would be no dogs. Christians commonly have stated that dogs and other animals do not have souls, or their souls are different from humans. So when they die, they don’t go to the same place as human souls.
Do dogs have an afterlife?
In 1990, Pope John Paul II said dogs do have souls and are “as near to God as men are”. Which goes against the classic Christian belief that no animals have a hope of the afterlife.
Meanwhile, other faiths such as Mormonism say absolutely dogs go to Heaven and Buddhists who believe in several heavens, say all animals end up in one of these heavens. Buddhists also believe that Heaven is not an eternal place and eventually all sentient beings will be reborn on Earth. This means humans and animals are interconnected.
Overall, most religious beliefs agree that dogs have souls and therefore do have an afterlife, whether that be waiting for us in Heaven or coming back to us in a different form.
Will My Dog Reincarnate Back To Me?
Buddhist and Hinduism beliefs state that heaven is only temporary and all living beings come back to Earth in a different form after death. This is where reincarnation comes from. This includes dogs, cats, bees, bugs, and all living beings!
What does the Bible and other religious texts say about losing a pet?
While we know that Christians don’t believe animals have the same souls as humans, they do believe that God takes on all animals when they die. So they are not forgotten completely, and they may not be waiting in the same Heaven that people go to, but rather, they are in the Kingdom of Heaven following God. This is partly because to get into Heaven, you have to repent your sins and accept God as savior. Animals are not able to do so. Matthew 18:3 says “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven.”
Many Christians believe that we must not be happy based on “material things” and that God does not order things based on our desires. They believe that whatever is in Heaven is the way God would have wanted it, that only he knows what’s best for us and our happiness.
Will I see my pets in the afterlife?
You may likely see your pets in the afterlife.
Can a dog be your soulmate?
The term “heart dog” has been coming up a lot in the past decade. It’s a term used to describe that one special dog in your life that you have formed a once in a lifetime special connection with. Your “one and only”. It’s said that these “heart dogs” could be your soulmate. The bond between a soulmate dog and a human is inseparable love, and a deep deep love that is hard to find ever again even with another human. The book White Fang by Jack London describes this connection between man and dog so beautifully.
Do deceased pets visit in dreams?
Many seers say that one of the most common ways your dog is trying to communicate with you is through your dreams. And many people have said that they see their dogs who have passed on in their dreams. Maybe it’s just your brain remembering your dog because you miss them, or maybe it really is your dog trying to send you a message.
Will your pet remember you in heaven?
There is no telling that your pet will remember you in heaven. However, in most religions, it is said that when you die you carry all your thoughts and memories with you. This goes for animals as well.
10 signs that your dog is waiting for you in heaven
If you’re looking for signs from your dead dog, keep your eyes open and never forget these signs!
- Hearing familiar sounds
- Many pet owners claim to hear phantom noises like barks or meows from their pets that have passed
- Smelling Odors
- From smelling your dogs fur, to their breath or even their food, these smells may randomly appear throughout your house.
- Feeling your dog
- Sometimes you may just get the feeling that your dog is around
- Seeing your dog
- Sometimes seeing your pet like a flash in the corner of your eye may happen
- Being visited in other life forms
- People have claimed that they may meet someone that has their dogs eyes or act almost like their dog
- Moving objects
- You may have kept your dogs water bowl or their collar and leash, and sometimes these objects may have randomly moved
- A gust of cold air or a breeze
- This is a common occurrence that many describe when talking about being visited by the dead
- A random memory popping into your head
- Names come up
- You may start to see your dogs name everywhere after their passing
- Visiting your dreams
3 true stories of pets in heaven waiting for their owners
Real people have shared many stories of having “near death experiences” and seeing their pets waiting for them on the other side. From the website Near Death Experiences, is a collaboration and collection of stories from people all over the world. I have found a few stories of people greeted by their pets.
- Tracy (2009)
- Tracy gives her story of going under. She says she has just told everyone, her family, that she loved them then everything went fuzzy. When she came to, she was on a grassy hill greeted by her grandmother.
- Alongside her was a bouncy soft puppy. “I had never seen our dog as a puppy. I was so happy to see her. We had to put her down two weeks prior to my daughter’s birth. She had injured her hip.
- We had given all the surgery we could to keep her, but it did not make her quality of life better – it had become much worse. We had her put down on my due date.
- Our hearts were so heavy with the loss of the dog that generously shared her life with us for 12 years.” She goes on to say that grandmother tells her that she is not done loving in the world and she must return. And she does.
- Don (2006?)
- Don shared his experience of his near death experience while in surgery. He says he was all of the sudden in a lush green forest surrounded by dogs. He called out his deceased dogs name and he was there and they could understand each other.
- “The other dogs took off, racing towards the light. My dog turned, looked right at me and barked. And again, I could understand him.
- In a very scolding tone he said, ‘You’re not supposed to be here!’ He took off and joined the other dogs, and soon they were all engulfed by the light. I could see figures there, but I could not move.” He says that is when he woke up.
- Tracey J
- Tracy tells a beautiful story involving her new puppy and the passing of her father. Her father, 70, who had a serious case of cancer, died on Christmas Eve in 2005. Fast forward to 2011, Tracey gets a new puppy. The puppy at 6 months old had complications during its neutering surgery.
- She brings the puppy home and opens a drawer with the puppies brush in it. There is also a picture of her dad. The puppy ignores the brush and takes the photograph and curls up into his bed with it, something the dog had never done.
- A week later it’s Easter and she is going to visit her dads grave. She brings the puppy along. While letting the dog out to relieve himself, he suddenly runs away! On the way out of the cemetery, I decided to hike quickly to my father’s grave and ask him for help finding our pup.
- I could not believe my eyes that the puppy was laying down panting on my dad’s grave, with a giant puppy grin and much satisfaction. He knew that was where my dad was even though he had never met my dad or gone to that cemetery. I believe that during my dogs ‘flat line’ moments in surgery, he must have seen my father.”
Do dogs miss their owners when they die?
Dogs are known as being some of the most loyal pets. So it is not unusual that when a dog owner dies, that dog will appear to be distraught. There are many many stories of dogs refusing to leave their dead owners’ homes or bodies. The popular story of Captain, the 15 year old German Shepard, comes to mind. For 10 years Captain stayed by his owner’s grave, leaving to take small walks every now and then he would always make it back to the grave before nightfall and remain there all night.
Why does losing a dog hurt so much?
Dogs are like our babies. We love them as much as we would our own children and they give us this crazy unconditional love, that for some people is very hard to find elsewhere.
How long does it take to grieve a pet?
It can take 1 week to 10 years to grieve the loss of a pet. It all depends on you and how you deal with death. For some, it’s as easy as getting a new puppy and moving on. For others it takes a long time and no more dogs ever again since that dog that passed was the only one for them.
Can dogs see guardian angels?
I personally believe that no one is meant to see guardian angels, not even dogs. I think they are a very personal occurrence and only you have any touch with your guardian angel. I do believe that dogs can be guardian angels.
It is a heart wrenching thing, the loss of a dog. But to think that they are watching over us can be very comforting. With all different views and theories on dogs and their souls, at the end of it all, whatever you think is what really matters.