It is quite normal to want to take your loving Shih Tzu everywhere with you, even on flights. Luckily, this option is available on most airlines. However, there are some health risks to mitigate. We have all the information and tips you’ll need to make this option a reality. Are Shih Tzu Allowed On Planes? Shih Tzus are allowed o … [Read more...]
Why Are Dogs Scared Of Washing Machines? [Read This First!]
If you think your dog may be suffering from noise anxiety, you are certainly not alone. Up to fifty percent of dogs suffer from some sort of noise anxiety throughout the course of their lives. Provided below are explanations, tips, and tricks to explain why your dog may be suffering from the noise of your washing machine and how to … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Muscadines? [Your Ultimate Guide]
Muscadines are from the same family of grapes and raisins and are toxic to dogs. Eaten even in small quantities, muscadines can cause acute renal failure, also known as kidney failure, in your dog or puppy. It’s important to know exactly what to do when and if this were to happen. Can Dogs Eat Muscadines? Under no circumstances should dogs eat m … [Read more...]
Can Shih Tzus Survive In The Wild? [Quick Facts]
Would a domesticated dog, particularly a small breed like a Shih Tzu be able to survive if they were dropped into the wild and away from civilization? Here are the answers. Can Shih Tzus Survive In The Wild Shih Tzu would not be able to survive in the wild. This is due to their small size making them prey for many predators and their lack of survival skills … [Read more...]
Can Shih Tzu Climb Stairs [Up And Down]? [Important Facts]
Some dog owners mistakenly believe that dogs should not climb stairs! While dogs like Shih Tzu may be far more injury prone, these owners forget to take some critical facts into consideration. Let’s go over why you should carefully consider allowing your Shih Tzu to climb up and downstairs... Can Shih Tzu Climb Stairs [Up And Down]? Training your dog may s … [Read more...]