Some Shih Tzu owners mistakenly believe that there is no risk of their dog catching rabies! They forget to take some critical facts into consideration.
Let’s go over why you should carefully consider things like vaccine frequency and lookout for any signs that yous dog may have contracted the disease.
Do Shih Tzu Have Rabies?
Shih Tzus are at risk of developing rabies. There are effective ways to prevent them from developing the disease. They should be regularly vaccinated with the anti rabies vaccine. Keep them away from feral animals and be on the lookout for any signs they may have contracted the disease.
Do Shih Tzu Puppies Have Rabies?
To put it simply, yes, Shih Tzu puppies can develop rabies. This is because it takes a number of weeks/months after the puppy is born before they can have their vaccinations that protect them from rabies. However, as long as your Shih Tzu puppy is kept away as much as possible from other dogs or animals that may potentially be infectious with rabies before they have their vaccinations, this should limit their chances of catching the disease.
Do All Puppies Have Rabies?
Much like Shih Tzu puppies, other puppies are also likely to catch rabies as they can only receive their first rabies vaccination from sixteen weeks. During those first sixteen weeks they are more prone to catching rabies and any other infectious disease they haven’t been fully vaccinated against. This is why it is best to keep them away from other animals until they are immunised against it. It has been recommended that until your puppy is old enough to have their first anti rabies vaccine, it is best to keep them inside. This is so it reduces their risk of coming into contact with any other animals who may have the disease.
How Do I Know If My Shih Tzu Has Rabies (What Are The Symptoms)?
There are a number of signs and symptoms to look out for in your Shih Tzu that may indicate they have rabies:
1. Eating items that aren’t food (such as rocks)
2. A fever
3. Having seizures
4. Becoming paralysed
5. A sudden and severe fear of water
6. Dropped jaw
7. Foaming at the mouth
9. Lack of muscular coordination
10. Becoming unusually shy or becoming aggressive
11. Excessively excitable
12. Being constantly irritable/a change in attitude and behaviour
13. Becoming paralysed in their lower jaw and the entrance of their windpipe
14. Excessively salivating or foamy saliva
15. A lack of energy
If you notice any of these signs in your Shih Tzu, it is important you contact your vet immediately so your pet can be given the appropriate treatment straight away.
Can My Shih Tzu Puppy Get Rabies From Other Dogs, Cats, Bats, Foxes, Squirrels?

For as long as your Shih Tzu puppy is being fed from their mother, they have an immunity from catching diseases, including rabies. However, once the mother stops feeding their baby, this immunity is lost. This means before they are vaccinated, there is still a chance your Shih Tzu puppy can get rabies from other animals.
Your puppy may get rabies from another dog if a dog who has rabies bites your puppy. This is because rabies is transmitted through saliva and it is through this bite that rabies will enter your Shih Tzu’s bloodstream and become infected.
It is quite rare for a cat to develop rabies, however there is still a chance that a cat may have rabies, such as if they are stray or feral and haven’t had a rabies vaccine. This means that if your Shih Tzu puppy is bitten by a cat with rabies, they will pass it on to them.
Bats are another animal where rabies can be quite common. This is especially true as not many people are likely to have a bat as a pet so they won’t be vaccinated (although you can actually vaccinate bats against the disease). In cases where your Shih Tzu puppy is bitten by a bat, it’s best to take them to the vet straight away so they can check your puppy for signs of rabies.
Rabies is one of the main diseases a fox can give to a Shih Tzu. As foxes are like bats, in that people do not commonly have them as pets, if your Shih Tzu puppy does get bitten by a fox, you should get them checked out by a vet immediately.
It is very unlikely for a squirrel to get rabies, however, there is still a very small chance that they may have it. In this case, if they bite your Shih Tzu puppy, this can lead to your puppy becoming infected. This is why it is always important to keep your Shih Tzu puppy away from other animals and to keep them inside your house until they have had all their vaccines.
I Was Bitten By A (2, 3, 4, 5,.. 10 Month-Old) Shih Tzu Puppy, Will I Catch Rabies?
As long as you are certain that your Shih Tzu puppy doesn’t have rabies, you shouldn’t catch rabies. This is because you can only get rabies from your puppy if they have rabies and they bite you, as rabies is transmitted from your dog’s saliva into your bloodstream.
However, it is always best to go and see your doctor if your puppy bites you and has not received their rabies vaccine as they may need to check you over and give you something to try and prevent you from getting rabies.
If you are bitten by a Shih Tzu puppy (or any other animal) it is advised for you to immediately wash the wound with soap and water for ten to fifteen minutes. The wound should also be cleaned with 70% alcohol/ethanol to ensure it is thoroughly cleaned.
You may also be required to take a post-exposure prophylaxis (also known as PEP) if you have been bitten and it is suspected the puppy (or animal) has rabies. This will be given if the bite breaks the skin and the wound is bleeding. However, if the animal has already been vaccinated against rabies, this will not be needed.
Does A (2, 5,.. 8 Year-Old) Shih Tzu Who Was Once Vaccinated Have Rabies?

Your Shih Tzu should have their first rabies vaccine at between twelve and sixteen weeks. However, if they do not receive their booster vaccine, there is a chance that they could develop rabies as one rabies vaccine does not give your Shih Tzu life-long immunity from the disease. Therefore, your Shih Tzu should receive their rabies booster vaccine every one to three years in order to continually protect them from the disease.
Our Shih Tzu Bit A Stray Cat, Does He Have Rabies?
As rabies can be most commonly transmitted through bites, it is possible that if your Shih Tzu has bitten a stray cat that your Shih Tzu may develop rabies. This is why it is important to keep up-to-date with your pet’s vaccinations and if they have bitten a stray cat to take them to the vets as the signs of rabies don’t always appear straight away and when they do, it is often too late and can be fatal.
Can The Shih Tzu I Adopted From The Shelter Have Rabies?
There may be a chance that an adopted Shih Tzu from a shelter has rabies, but it’s not guaranteed. That’s why it’s recommended that if you do adopt a Shih Tzu (or any dog) from a shelter to get them checked for rabies and to ensure they are fully vaccinated.
How Do I Protect My Shih Tzu From Rabies?
The best way you can protect your Shih Tzu from rabies is to get them vaccinated and to keep giving them their regular rabies booster vaccinations.
If they are a puppy and aren’t old enough to receive their rabies vaccine, please ensure to keep them away from other animals until they have been fully vaccinated. This helps to make sure that they cannot get rabies from other animals, particularly those who are stray or feral.
If they have not been vaccinated, this means they can get rabies and if they have rabies they can pass this on to other unvaccinated animals.
Therefore, by keeping your unvaccinated Shih Tzu inside your house and away from other animals, this not only protects them from getting the disease, but also protects other animals from catching it if your Shih Tzu is infected.
Is The Rabies Vaccine Required By Law?
The rabies vaccine is required by law and is something you need to ensure is given to your pup as soon as they are able to have it.
Where Do Shih Tzu Puppies Get Their Immunity Before The First Vaccine?
Before your Shih Tzu puppy is able to receive their first vaccine, they are able to get their immunity from rabies and various other diseases from their mother. As puppies are fed from their mother, there are antibodies in the breast milk they receive from their mother that protects them from rabies and other diseases. It is only once your Shih Tzu puppy stops getting food from their mother that their immunity to diseases goes and is when they will need to get their vaccine.
At What Age Should A Puppy Get The First Anti Rabies Vaccine?
Your Shih Tzu puppy will be able to get their first anti rabies vaccine from the age of sixteen weeks.
If your puppy gets their anti rabies vaccine before they reach sixteen weeks of age, it won’t work as the anti bodies within the milk they receive from their mother will still be active until this point.
It is these anti bodies that prevent the vaccine from working, so even if your pup has received their anti rabies vaccine, they will still be able to get rabies as the vaccine won’t work.
How Many Times Should A Dog Get The Anti Rabies Vaccine?
The second rabies vaccine is given to dogs a year after they have received the first one. The first vaccination is given at the earliest point the anti bodies from the mother no longer work and the second vaccine is given when it is known for certain that these anti bodies from the mother don’t work and definitely won’t provide any interference with the vaccine that will prevent it from working. After your dog has received both rabies vaccines, it is a requirement for them to be vaccinated every one to three years.
Will The Rabies Vaccine Protect My Dog 100%?
No vaccine is 100% effective against any disease, and that includes the rabies vaccine. However, there have been studies that show that dogs who are vaccinated against rabies will very rarely catch rabies, which is why it is very important to get your dog vaccinated.
Despite the vaccine not being 100% effective against rabies, you should still ensure your pet pooch receives the vaccine as the risks of them not having it are much greater than if they do have it.
Can My Dog Take A Bath After The Anti Rabies Vaccine?
There is nothing to say you cannot bathe your dog after they have had their anti rabies vaccine. Having said that, sometimes dogs can find baths quite stressful and because vaccines give them some amount of discomfort, it may be best to avoid bathing your furry friend for about 2 weeks, if baths stress them out.
How Long Do Dog Anti Rabies Shots Last? How Frequently Should A Dog Be Vaccinated?
The anti rabies vaccine for dogs tends to last between a year and three years. This is why it is recommended to get the second rabies vaccine a year after the first has been administered. This should be followed by booster vaccinations every one to three years.
Are There Side Effects From The Anti Rabies Vaccine For Shih Tzu?
It is not that likely for your Shih Tzu to have any side effects after receiving their anti rabies vaccine. However, there is still a very small chance that they may experience some side effects.
These can be broken down into three categories, which are mild, moderate, and severe:
Mild: – soreness where they had the vaccine – discharge from the nose – lack of energy – not feeling hungry or eating their food
Moderate: – swelling around the eyes, mouth, and/or neck – a rash – an itchy, raised rash (hives) – severe itchiness
Severe: – breathing difficulties – vomiting – diarrhoea – weakness – lack of coordination The severe side effects are more likely to happen as soon as your pet has been given the vaccine and will probably already be at the vets when it happens.
If you notice any of the following side effects after your pooch has had the vaccine, you should take them to the vet straight away.
Shih Tzus are at risk of developing rabies, which can be diminished as long as they regularly receive the anti rabies vaccine. Keep them away from feral animals and be on the lookout for any signs they may have contracted the disease.