If you’re currently looking into getting a dog, you may have seen some dogs come with papers. But should you be concerned if a dog doesn’t come with papers? Can a dog not having papers affect when they go to the vet? Is a dog without papers illegal? This article answers all these questions and more.
Is It Ok To Buy A Dog Without Papers?
it’s perfectly okay to buy a dog without papers as very few dog owners are actually interested in whether or not their dog is purebred. It shouldn’t affect you or your dog to not have these papers, but it’s important to be aware of scammers.

What Does It Mean If A Dog Has No Papers?
If your dog doesn’t have papers, this means there is no way of you being able to prove their pedigree or bloodline. So you could be told they are purebred, but in reality, there is a chance they could be mixed bred and without the papers, you won’t know.
It also means that if your dog then goes on to breed, their puppies won’t be able to be registered as there is no paper evidence regarding your dog to suggest what breed they are. This not only creates problems for them, but also for their puppies, and so on.
What Are The Necessary Papers For A Dog?

There are a number of necessary papers you should get when you first get your dog:
You should have a signed contract that proves you bought the dog and who you bought them off. This should contain information on the puppy and details on the breeder and the buyer. It also needs to have details on the puppy’s health and any agreements made.
You also need papers that have information on the dog’s pedigree (their family tree), details on the microchip, information on their vaccine status and worming treatments, and copies of the mother and father’s health certificates.
There should also be papers on insurance details so you are not hit by any sudden and unexpected vets bills. Some other papers that aren’t necessary but may be given by the breeder include: socialisation, exercise and training information; information on the breed and grooming advice; feeding advice; worming regime; and vaccine regime.
What Is The Importance Of Papers For A Dog?
Papers are important so you know exactly what breed of dog you have. Whilst this may not seem like such a big deal, it could become useful in the future.
For example, your dog may end up with a health condition that is related to their breed. If you don’t have the papers confirming their breed, it may become difficult for the vet to be able to treat this condition.
If I Buy A Dog Without Papers, Do The Original Owners Still Have Rights To The Dog?
This is a difficult one because it is possible there may come a time where the original owners may try and claim ownership of your dog, even though the dog has been living with and looked after by you for a significant period of time.
There are alternative situations where you may need papers, such as your dog getting lost and whoever finds them doesn’t want to return them, the dog is lost and ends up in an animal shelter, you and your partner split and want to keep the dog, or someone claims your dog has attacked them.
Normally, having papers when you bought the dog would be helpful as these prove that you are the owner of the dog and therefore, your dog would be rightfully returned to you. However, there are other ways you can prove your dog is yours: up-to-date vet records; your dog being microchipped; or a collar and tag with your address/name/number.
As long as you can prove your dog has been living with you and has been in your care in some way, you should be able to have the legal rights to your dog.
How Do I Get Papers For My Dog If My Breeder Doesn’t Send Them?
The first thing you should try and do is get in contact with the breeder and remind them to send over the papers. It is worth noting that it can take a few months for these papers to be processed, but it is important the breeder sends them over once that’s been done.
However, if the breeder is still refusing to send over the papers, you can formally complain to the relevant authorities and they should take this up with the breeder.
It is also worth noting that it is only illegal to sell a dog without papers if the breeder has claimed the dog is purebred. So if the breeder hasn’t claimed this, there may not be a lot that yourself and the police can do. If they have said the dog is purebred and haven’t sent any papers, this is illegal.
This is where the police may need to get involved and sometimes it will be this knowledge that the police are involved that will get the breeder to send the papers over.
How Can You Register A Dog Without Papers (Akc)?
You cannot. The AKC (American Kennel Club) is pretty strict when it comes to registering dogs and requires papers off both parents in order to be able to register your dog. Even if you only have the papers for one of the parents, you still won’t be able to register your dog. This is because you need to be able to prove your dog is purebred and the only way you can do this is if you have your papers.
Even though you can’t directly register your dog directly with the AKC without papers, you can register them if you go through their Alternative Listing/Indefinite Listing Privilege (PAL/ILP) programme.
This doesn’t give you and your dog full AKC registration benefits, however, you will still be able to participate in certain AKC events. To register for this, your dog must be at least six months old and should be spayed or neutered. You need to attach clear pictures of your pet pooch to the application form and will need to fill out this form in detail to ensure your dog can be registered. Instead of getting an AKC registration if you are successful with your application, you will get a PAL/ILP number in it’s place.
Is It Ok To Adopt/Inherit A Dog Without Papers?
If you are adopting a dog, the rescue centre you adopt the dog from should give you some papers for the dog. Even if the dog itself doesn’t come with papers from the breeder or previous owner, you should get something such as proof of vaccination or if they have health issues.
How Much Can You Sell A Dog For Without Papers?
One thing papers do is prove that a dog is pedigree. Without these papers, you can’t prove the pedigree of your dog and pedigree dogs often come at a much higher price point so you may be missing out on a lot of money.
Is It Illegal To Sell A Dog Without Papers?
No, it’s not illegal to sell a dog without papers. Many dog owners will buy a dog without papers because they don’t mind on whether the dog is pedigree and have no plans to enter them for show competitions.
However, if the person buying the dog wants a purebred dog and wants to enter them for shows, they will need those papers. Plus, having the papers can always be handy for the new owner for if they need to know any important information, such as information on their vaccine status and any feeding advice.
Can A Breeder Sell Purebred Puppies Without Papers?
They can as not all owners are bothered about the status of their dog, however, there is always the chance they could claim the puppy is purebred when it isn’t.
It is also important for the owner to have these papers so they have proof the dog is purebred and also so they can be registered for dog shows and field event competitions.
Where Do People Find Puppies Without Papers For Sale?
There are a number of websites where people will list puppies that don’t have papers for sale. However, it is worth noting that if sellers are actively advertising puppies without papers, there may be something wrong with the puppy and you would have no way of knowing and this could lead to high costing vet bills.
This is worth noting because dog’s can be expensive anyway, but if a dog has health issues that you don’t know about due to them not having papers and the seller not specifying these health issues, you may incur some unexpected costs.
Can I Breed My Dog Without Papers?
It is worth noting that you need a license in order to breed dogs or you breed more than three litters in a twelve month period.
In terms of the dog needing papers, this isn’t needed. Many people aren’t bothered about their dogs having papers and they would only be needed if you wanted to prove they’re a purebred.
Can I Take My Dog To The Vet Without Papers?
No, you don’t need any papers to take your dog to the vets. The only reason you would is if you wanted to prove they’re a purebred as those papers are the only way of evidencing that.
Can I Get Papers For My Dog With A Dna Test?
No, kennel clubs do not accept DNA testing as proof of your dog being purebred or to use it to register your dog. You need the papers direct from the breeder in order to do this.
Advantages Of Dog With Papers Vs Without
Advantages: – you can prove the bloodline of your dog – you can register your dog for various dog events
Disadvantages: – it can affect any future litters they have as they also won’t be able to prove their bloodline or register for events
Do Papers Guarantee That A Dog Is Purebred?
Not always, as some breeders will forge papers to make it appear a dog is purebred, when they’re actually not.
Are Some Dog Papers Fake?
Yes, unfortunately, some breeders will fake the dog papers because purebred dogs bring in more money and not many people will be able to tell whether or not a dog is purebred just by looking at them.
Is It Illegal To Buy Fake Dog Papers?
If someone was to fake dog papers, they need to bear in mind there is now DNA testing that can be done on dogs. So if you put on a fake paper that a dog is a certain breed and the DNA test shows otherwise, this could cause a lot of trouble.
There is nothing to suggest buying fake dog papers is illegal, however, it is best not to do so because doing so serves no real purpose.