There could be many reasons why dogs form certain eating habits. One of the questions we come across a lot is why one dog won’t eat until the other has finished it’s a meal.
This could be because of dominance, appetite or many other factors. Below we will discuss all the different issues pet owners come across at feeding time, the reasons for them, and how you can make sure all your dogs are well fed to avoid malnutrition.
My Dog Won’t Eat Until My Other Dog Finishes?
Usually, most dogs will eat without too much of a problem. However, there are many reasons why your dogs might be behaving strangely at mealtime. If they are all eating and healthy it is probably nothing to worry about but if they are being aggressive or having weight issues you should keep a close eye on them. Make sure to have a regular feeding schedule and to create a safe and comfortable environment for your pooches to enjoy their meals. Socialize them early to avoid aggression and make sure to help them feel confident.
With a few easy changes to their feeding routines, you can help your dogs to be happy and confident.

Dog Won’t Eat Unless Other Dog Watches?
The reason your dog won’t eat unless your other dog is watching could be related to the area in which you feed them. If it is a busy area with lots of foot traffic the dog could feel unsafe. A busy environment is very distracting and not the best area to feed dogs.
Having young kids play around your dog’s food bowl can also create a chaotic environment which can make your dog feel unsafe. Eating puts your dog in a vulnerable position as he can’t defend himself and with the other dog watching your dog feels much safer.
Dog Only Eats When Other Dogs Are Around?
If your dog refuses to eat when it is alone, it could be suffering from a form of separation anxiety. It happens when your dog becomes overly attached to one or more of your other dogs.
The dog feels uneasy when the other dogs are not in its presence. He or she needs them around to feel comfortable enough to eat. This is not healthy behaviour and you should look at increasing your dog’s self confidence.
Dog Won’t Let Other Dog Eat?
The main thing with one dog not letting the other one eat is dominance. When you have more than one dog there will always be one that wants to be the leader.
When the other dog comes too close to the dominant dog, he might see it as a challenge and thus behave in a way that will prevent the submissive dog from eating.
Make sure that you are feeding your dogs the right quantities of food to avoid a hungry or malnourished dog. Dogs should be fed according to their size and nutritional needs.
Dog Won T Eat Unless I Hold The Bowl?
There could be multiple reasons why your dog wants you to hold the bowl while it eats or maybe it even wants you to hand feed it. This is not a good thing to do. It might be cute or funny at the start but your dog should be eating by itself. If you continue feeding your dog like this you are reinforcing the habit.
Your dog might be preoccupied with something else when you want to feed it and to you it looks like he doesn’t want to eat. You then decide to hold the bowl for him and because you are doing this, it will distract him from the activity he was busy with and he will eat.
It could also be that your dog is feeling lonely. As pet owners we spend most of our time working or at school, leaving our poor pups alone at home.
If your dog has low self-esteem, they might try to get you to feed them as it is a way of getting attention and spending time with you.
It could also simply be because they do not enjoy the food you are feeding them but if you hold the bowl it makes eating more exciting.
There is always a chance that your dog might be sick or have a toothache, if there is a chance of this, please take them to the vet for a check-up.
Does The Dominant Alpha Dog Eat First?
When it comes to wolves in the wild, the alpha always eats first but with dogs it is different. Dogs might be dominant in different areas. Sometimes one dog will eat first, while the other might get to choose which toy he wants to play with first, or which sleeping spot he prefers.
Eating first does not necessarily mean that your dog is dominant. It is not ideal but if he does not stop your other dogs from eating, it is not too big of a concern.
Why Do Some Dominant Alpha Dogs Wait For Others Dogs To Start Eating?
Sometimes the dominant dog in your pack will let the other dogs eat first. This is because he sees it as his responsibility to make sure that the members of his pack are fed and healthy.
This is his way of taking care of them and is normal behavior for a dominant dog. As long as the other dogs do not eat his food it is fine.
Dog Stares At Food Before Eating?

Your dog could be staring at its food before eating because it is a picky eater. If you don’t give him or her their favorite meal, they could be waiting for you to give them something else to eat.
Most people don’t know this but there is a possibility that your dog could be allergic to the material of the bowl that you feed it in. Trying a different bowl might be a good idea and make for a happier dog.
Dogs won’t Eat Together?
This could be a dominance issue. Your dogs might not always show it but there are little things that they do to scare each other which may be causing the problem. Make sure to keep an eye on them for any strange behavior.
There is also the possibility that you might be overfeeding them and they just aren’t hungry at the same time. Make sure that your dogs aren’t overweight and that you are feeding them the right quantities.
Why Does My Dog Eat My Other Dog’s Food Instead Of His Own?
First off, you need to look at what you are feeding your dogs. Are you feeding them the same food? If not, your dog might simply like the taste of your other dog’s food more.
If you are feeding them the same food and your dog wants to eat your other dog’s food, resource dominance might be the issue.
The dog is also not respecting you as its leader by not appreciating what you are feeding him. This is a behavior that you need to take care of as it is not healthy. You want your dog to see you as its pack leader.
Why Do Dogs Always Want What The Other Dog Has?
Why do kids always want to play with each other’s toys? Jealousy and attention are probably the main reasons and this could be the same for your pets.
There could of course also be a deeper instinct that is kicking in. In the wild, their ancestors had to fight for everything they had. They also had to protect it from other dogs. This instinct could be taking over, causing them to want their pet brother or sister’s toys or food.
Why Is My Dog Preventing My Other Dog From Eating And Being Territorial?
Being territorial is normal for a dog; it is their instinct to protect their owners and their home. It becomes a problem when they are aggressive towards your other dogs though and there could be a lot of different reasons for this kind of behavior.
Did you socialize your dog as a puppy? Without proper early socialization, dogs could become over territorial and may even scare your other dogs away from their food.
Why Do My Dogs Want To Eat Out Of The Same Bowl?
If the bond between your dogs is very strong they may become extremely attached to each other, resulting in them wanting to share a bowl.
This is not ideal but it is also not something to really worry about as long as both of them are eating equal amounts and are healthy.
Can 2 Dogs Share A Food Bowl?
Yes, two dogs can share a bowl but it is not recommended. Feeding your dogs in one bowl can result in one overeating and the other being underweight which can cause unwanted health issues.
Sharing a bowl can also create food aggression which is something that should be avoided.
Tips For Feeding Two Or More Dogs At Once >> Please List And Briefly Explain Below
- Give your dogs their own feeding bowl.
Making sure all of your pooches have their own bowls will ensure that they don’t overeat and that no one goes hungry.
- Feed your dogs at the same time.
- Control the chaos of an over excited dog.
- Set meal times.
- Feed your dogs in a place where there will be limited foot traffic.
- Feed your dogs in a place where you can see them.
- Do not free feed.
- Do not place your dog’s feeding bowls close together.
- Set a time limit.
If one dog eats too fast and then pushes one of the other dogs away to eat its food, try using special food bowls to slow their eating. That way all your dogs will have enough time to eat.
If your dog is over excited at dinner time it is going to be chaos. You can reduce over excitement by making sure that they get sufficient exercise and playtime.
Feeding your dogs at the same time every day will create a routine that will help to keep them calm and ready to eat when their food is served.
If you feed your dogs in a busy area it can create a lot of distraction and anxiety, which in turn can create aggressive behavior.
Being present while they eat will enable you to notice any unwanted behavior so that you can address it before it becomes a problem.
A lot of pet owners free feed but it is much better for dogs to have a routine. Free feeding can also lead to overeating or malnutrition.
Keep a good distance between your dog’s bowls when feeding them to make sure there is no dominant behavior. If you place them to close together they may see each other as competition which can create aggression.
Give your pooches a certain amount of time. Put the bowls down and allow them to eat, if they do not finish in the set time, take the bowls away. This will teach them to eat when they are fed and eliminate a lot of eating problems.
Dog Doesn’t Eat Unless Other Dog Tries To Get Her Food?
Maybe your dog isn’t hungry at the time that you are feeding her or maybe she is just a slow eater. When your other dog approaches her she is scared that he will eat her food and thus she starts eating.