Going for a walk is an important part of most dogs’ and their owners’ days. If you’re concerned that a neighbour is neglecting this part of their dog’s life, read on for some advice.
Neighbour Never Walks Their Dog?
Walking is an incredibly important part of a dog’s daily life, socially, mentally and physically. It’s a fun form of exercise and socialisation that has been shown to strengthen your connection with each other.People who don’t walk their dogs regularly are neglecting these aspects of their lives.

Why Do Some People Never Walk Their Dogs?
You might automatically assume that someone who never walks their dog is a neglectful owner, but let’s consider the reasons why this might be happening in the first place.
If a pooch is sick or suffering from arthritis, for them walking will become a far less enjoyable and potentially painful experience. In this case, a walk around the garden might be all that they feel up to.
If a dog is healthy, however, they should be walked regularly.
It turns out that having a stronger bond with your pup is the main motivator for walking them more often.
This means that the majority of people who choose not to walk their otherwise healthy dog probably lack a sense of connection with their pup, especially if they don’t behave well on walks or can act aggressively towards other dogs or people. Ironically, these behaviours can be addressed by regular walking and training which contribute towards building a stronger connection between you and your pup.
Some people might not be able to take their dog for walks anymore due to circumstance or illness. If this is the case, it’s important that they find a way to exercise their dog. Just playing fetch in the garden can’t completely enrich your pup in the way that a walk can and a dog walking service could be useful.
Is My Neighbour A Bad Owner If They Don’t Walk Their Dog?
Dogs have different walking requirements that vary based on size, age, health and breed. Most dogs should be walked at least once a day. If your neighbour isn’t walking their healthy dog, this could cause health and behavioural problems, such as tearing up the living room.
The fact is, dogs should be getting a regular walk for a chance to stretch their legs and interact with other dogs and environments. Depriving them of this is neglectful ownership.
Don’t be too hasty to jump to conclusions if you don’t know the whole situation, it’s best to confront the issue by having an open chat with your neighbour, as we’ll get onto next.
How Does One Deal With Neighbors Who Never Walk Their Dogs?

If you’re concerned that your neighbour is never walking their dog, it’s advisable to confront them about it face to face. Avoid approaching them in an aggressive manner, you’ll probably be more successful offering a bit of friendly advice and concern about the health of their pup.
There might be a reason why you never see them walking their dog, so approach the conversation with an open mind. They might be taking a road trip every day to a local park without your knowing!
If you still don’t think their pup is getting enough exercise, you can always take matters into your own hands and offer to walk their dog for them.
Is My Neighbour Legally Required To Walk Their Dog [Animal Cruelty]?
A new law being introduced in Germany will require all dog owners to walk their pets at least twice a day, for a total of one hour.
However, this appears to be the only country that will specify by law that dogs must be walked by their owners. Laws about dog walking are usually limited to the wearing of a leash or a muzzle.
Most governments do have laws about animal cruelty and neglect.
The problem is, not walking your dog falls into a bit of a grey area, especially when the dog receives their other basic needs, such as being free from illness or injury and receiving food, water and shelter. For this reason, you might find rescue centres and local authorities a bit reluctant to intervene.
How Can I Help My Neighbor’s Neglected Dog?
Your first step should be attempting to ask your neighbour if you can walk their dog yourself. You might make an unexpected new dog-walking friend in the process.
If this approach doesn’t work, you can try contacting the local authorities or a rescue shelter.
Depending on your location and animal welfare laws, you’ll have mixed success. In some cases, neglecting to walk your dog isn’t seen as an act of abuse. The authorities should highlight to your neighbour the importance of exercising their dog and hopefully after a bit of reflection and gentle reminding, they might change their ways.
Would It Be Ok To Offer To Walk The Dog Of My Neighbor (Who Is Too Old, Frail, Disabled, Depressed, Busy…)
Of course! Sometimes life can get overwhelming and it is common for dog owners to skip a walk due to lack of time or illness. In this case, most owners will gladly accept your kind offer to walk their pup! Don’t be afraid to ask.
How To Deal With My Neighbours Who Assume I Never Walk My Dog (Even Though I Do) And Harass Me?
It must be very frustrating to have a concerned neighbour continuously berate you for something you’re completely innocent of. It can be a real test of your patience but remember that their actions are caused by a concern for your pup because they love dogs just as much as you do.
Try to reason with them and explain why they don’t see you taking your pup out for a walk – maybe it’s too early in the morning for them to be up and patrolling the neighbourhood, or maybe you and your dog drive to exciting new locations instead of taking the regular walk around the block.
Hopefully, after a bit of a chat and the reassuring sight of your furry friend offering them a happy, sloppy greeting, they’ll understand that they’re in the wrong and that there’s no reason to be worried for the wellbeing of your pup.
To Whom Should I Report My Neighbor Who Doesn’t Walk Their Dog?
If you think that your neighbour doesn’t walk their dog enough to the point that somebody should intervene, you can try contacting your council, the police or a local rescue centre.
There’s no law that states dog owners must walk their dogs, so if there’s no sign of mistreatment or abuse, the authorities might not be able to do anything. If the dog is obviously in poor health, they’ll be able to get them the care needed and try to rehome them.
How Long Can A Dog Go Without A Walk?
Instead of asking how long a dog can go without a walk, we should be asking how often they need one. Younger and older dogs need smaller walks, as do smaller dogs and certain breeds.
In general, a puppy should be ‘walked’ for 5 minutes per week of age. In reality, this means any form of excessive exercise. A 7-week old puppy needs 35 minutes of exercise, but not all at once. This is a guideline created to avoid damaging your puppy’s growing joints and bones, which could lead to health issues later in their lives.
A healthy adult dog should generally be receiving between 30 and 120 minutes of varied exercise a day, such as playing with other dogs, fetch, walking, running or swimming. A dog’s exercise needs vary a lot based on their breed and size.
Larger active breeds and working dogs, such as labradors and collies, will need up to 2 hours of vigorous exercise a day. They’re especially good companions for hikers and will happily trot alongside you for 10 to 20 km a day, depending on their health and experience with long walks.
Smaller, less active breeds of dogs like terriers and bulldogs, might only need a 30-minute walk a day. Pugs and other snub-nosed dogs are especially susceptible to respiratory problems so shouldn’t be forced to exercise too hard.
What Percentage Of Dog Owners Don’t Walk Their Dogs?
Studies have shown that around 40% of people never (or hardly ever) walk their dogs.
That is an incredibly large number of people! These statistics are motivating politicians and animal rights activists alike to educate dog owners on the importance of walking their dogs daily, to ensure that their furry friends remain happy and healthy.
If You Have A Big Fenced Garden Or A Yard Do You Still Need To Walk Your Dog?
Even if your dog can meet all of their physical needs running around your garden, it doesn’t mean they don’t need a walk. Walking provides social and mental stimulation.
Your dog needs the opportunity to learn how to interact with humans and other dogs and it prevents them from getting bored. Dogs are the descendants of wolves, who trek miles and miles every day. A walk gives them the chance to explore the exciting smells and stimuli of the outside world.
Is It Neglect/Cruel To Not Walk A Dog?
Some dogs will straight up refuse to go for a walk. They are a little bit lazier and less active and if they’re otherwise healthy it’s not a problem to skip their walks from time to time.
Other dogs need their exercise on a daily basis. If they don’t get a chance to let out all of their energy, there’s a chance they’ll redirect it towards a pair of your favourite shoes, or one of your flower beds. Dogs with this much energy should be walked regularly.
In this case, it is neglectful and cruel to withhold walks from your dog. If you know that you’re unable to meet your dog’s need for regular walks and it’s harming their physical or mental health, you should think about paying a dog walker, changing your routine or giving your dog away to a more suitable owner.
What Are The Effects Of Not Walking Your Dog?
- Boredom and bad behavior -If a dog doesn’t get their regular leg stretch, there’s a likelihood that they’ll start acting up. Looking for a new stimulus to take their energy and boredom out on, they might start displaying destructive behaviour and tear up your belongings.
- Health issues and obesity – Your dog should get a healthy balance of food and exercise to prevent them from disease. Too much of one form of exercise can lead to joint issues, so mixing up walking with frisbee works well.
- Poor training and socialisation -Missing out on regular walks means your pup is missing out on key lessons in conduct and their interactions with other people. If they don’t get used to walking, they’re more likely to behave badly when you do take them out.
Why Do Dogs Need Walks [Benefits]?
Many walks mean healthy, happy dogs.
Dogs need walks for all the same reasons we do – to stay fit, lose some extra weight, have fun and enjoy the outside world. Regular walks enrich your pup’s body and mind, whilst also strengthening the bond you have together.
Do Small Dogs Need To Be Walked?
Small dogs still need walking, but as their legs and hearts are smaller, they’ll get tired more easily. The good news is, they’re easier to pick up and carry if they run out of steam.
Most small dogs will be happy with a 20 – 30 minute walk daily.
Read your pup’s behaviour to work out if they need to walk more or less, a dog who’s scratching at the door could probably use a few more minutes of exercise.
What Happens If I Never Walk My Dog?
If you never walk your dog, at first they’ll look for new ways to burn their energy, running around the house or the garden or destroying sticks, toys and clothes. Eventually, they’ll become accustomed to a more sedentary lifestyle. This change in behaviour may be accompanied by depression, decreasing their desire to leave the house.
Is A 20 Minute Walk Enough For A Dog?
One twenty-minute walk a day probably won’t be enough for most dogs.
A twenty minute walk two or three times a day might be. It all depends on factors including your dog’s size, age and breed.
You should be able to find information online to work out roughly how much exercise your dog should be getting a day. If you want more tailored advice, you can speak to your vet.
Is It Ok To Not Walk Your Dog For A Day?
Of course, sometimes things don’t go to plan and you run out of time to fit in a walk or maybe your dog simply won’t leave the house. It happens to everyone and it’s perfectly okay from time to time, in fact, 57% of dog owners admit to skipping walks once a week. Just try not to make it a habit.
If you know in advance that you’re not going to be around to walk your pup, don’t be afraid to call in a friend or pay a dog walker for some help! It’s important that your dog gets out of the house once a day for some mental and physical stimulation.
How Often Do People Actually Walk Their Dogs?
Regular dog walkers take their dogs for a walk an average of nine times a week.
Ideally, most people would like to fit in an extra 5 walks a week, with 78% of owners believing that their dogs should be walked twice a day.
How Much Do Dogs On Average Get Walked?
An average walk lasts 32 minutes and covers almost 2 miles.
This means that the average dog walker who takes 9 walks a week, spends 4.5 hours and covers almost 18 miles with their doggy pal at their side.
This is just an average and bigger, more active dogs will ideally need more than half an hour to stretch their legs.