What is red eye in Shih Tzu dogs?
Red eye refers to the enlargement of blood vessels of the superficial structures of the eye which gives the red color observed. it may be due to various factors, like the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the superficial membrane of the eye and the internal surface of eyelids, it may be also due to the inflammation of the episclera, a thin membrane that lies between the conjunctiva and the white of the eye, this is the most frequent condition and the main cause of red eye known as episcleritis, and it may be also an accumulation of the blood in the eye consecutive to the inflammation of the internal structures.
What are the disease signs?
The signs are simple to figure out, the redness of the white part of the eye with no tearing or discharge, it affects one or both eyes, sometimes a red mass may be noticed in the eye
What are the causes?
Red eye is thought to be caused by the immune system, causes are not well known, but it may be consecutive to another eye problem, and it may reflect a health problem. So,
This condition is not severe, its prognosis is positive if well treated, it is easily treated. This condition is not contagious and do not affect Humans.
If not treated early, episcleritis can cause the inflammation of adjacent structures of the eye, the eye become then swollen and painful and may make the dog blind.
How to detect if the dog has red eye?
Although it is a visible symptom, the complete history of the dog and his diet may also be told to the vet in order to assess the risk factors and the possible outcomes of the treatment.
A bench of other tests may be necessary to exclude more severe conditions.
Treatment is based on eye drops containing corticosteroids are often used, oral corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs are also prescribed alongside with the drops. This treatment may need several weeks. Doses are generally decreased over time.
In some cases, dogs will need an Elizabethan collar to avoid hurting their eyes.
Surgery may be another solution to remove the mass, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the infection of the site, the technique commonly used is cryotherapy.
Red eye in Shih Tzu Treatment Cost
Surgery has a high success rate with minimal complications. Possible complications include eye infection, swelling and discharge, but these signs resolve after few days.
Eyes may still be red after surgery, it needs few weeks to disappear, but the recovery is not complete as some may remain in the eye.
As direct causes remain unknown, prevention of red eye may not be feasible,
Dogs must be fed correct diet and regularly exercised. Diabetes must be controlled to avoid eye complications.
If your dog has a medical issue, please consult your own veterinarian for treatment and further advice!