Many Shih Tzu owners often find themselves wondering when they can give their Shih Tzu puppy a bath.
Can these puppies be given a bath straight away? Or
do you have to wait a little while before bathing them for the first time?
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath Soon After Birth?
You cannot bathe your Shih Tzu puppy too soon after they have been born. This is all due to body temperature regulations. If you put them in a bath too young, they will be unable to control their body temperature and may suffer serious harm as a result of this action.
Another reason is because puppies need very little human intervention during their first few weeks of life. The puppies mother will do everything for them, including feeding and cleaning them, which means a newborn Shih Tzu puppy will not need a bath. Bathing a newborn Shih Tzu should only occur if the mother is unable to look after their puppies.

At What Age Can You Bathe A Shih Tzu Puppy/When Can You Give A Shih Tzu Its First Bath?
The earliest time you should be able to bathe your Shih Tzu puppy is when they are around six weeks old. However, it is important to note that it is more ideal to wait until your puppy is three months old; as this is the time when they are better able to regulate their own body temperature.
Just remember to make sure that the bath water temperature and room temperature are warm enough so the puppy does not get a chill.
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath Soon After Vaccination?
It is recommended that you wait at least two weeks until you bathe your Shih Tzu puppy after they have had their vaccination.
One reason for waiting this long until they can have a bath is as baths can often add a bit more stress on your pet as not many dogs are a fan of baths.
Another reason is that the area where they have been vaccinated can often be quite sore after vaccination, which may only worsen if they have a bath after being vaccinated.
As your puppy’s body will be trying to feel better after they have had their vaccine, this is another big reason why it is best to leave it two weeks before bathing them, as they are also more likely to develop a cold during this time.
Regardless of those reasons, your puppy isn’t that likely to get dirty enough to need a bath at this time, so they should be perfectly okay to wait the two weeks before having a bath. You can always wipe them down with a wipe or a damp cloth if needs be.
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath At Night?
Bathing your dog at night will not cause any harm to them at all, so it is perfectly okay for you to bathe them at this time.
However, it is important, particularly when bathing your pet pooch at night, to dry them straight away and to keep them warm as it is a bit more likely to be a bit colder at night than it is during the day. Can Shih Tzu
Puppies Take A Bath in the morning?

There is nothing to suggest you cannot bathe your Shih Tzu puppy in the morning.
Just make sure you dry them properly afterwards, particularly if you are planning on letting them go outside after their bath, just so they don’t catch a chill.
Having said that, puppies are quite active in the morning, so this may not be the best time to give them a bath and this may be best saved for later on in the day.
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath During the day?
Midday is often a really good time to give a Shih Tzu puppy a bath as this tends to be the time where they may not be as active as they are in the morning; which will make it easier for you to bathe them.
Despite this, each puppy is different and it may be the case that your pup is most active during the day. Therefore, it is best to leave their bath until when they are feeling a little bit sleepy, just to make it easier for you.
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath in the winter?
Of course Shih Tzu puppies can be bathed in the winter!
However, there are a few extra precautions you may need to take out when bathing your pet pooch during this time of year:
– turn up the heating to minimise the risk of them getting cold once you take them out of the bath
– lay some towels on the floor so when you take your Shih Tzu out of the bath, their feet can dry a bit quicker
– make the temperature of the bath water slightly warmer than normal to help keep them warm, but not so much warmer that it scalds them
– rub your pet pooch vigorously with a towel once you take them out of the bath so they can get dryer quicker
– set your hair dryer on the lowest setting and dry your furry friend with it. However, be mindful of the fact that they may not like the hair dryer due to the noise and if this really stresses them out, maybe stop with the hair dryer and continue rubbing them with a towel
Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath Everyday?
No, you shouldn’t bathe your Shih Tzu everyday.
If you bathe your Shih Tzu too often, this causes their natural body oils to be stripped away faster than their body can keep up with, which can cause dry skin and other skin issues.
How Often Should A Shih Tzu Puppy Be Bathed?
A Shih Tzu should be bathed roughly every three weeks to keep their fur smelling fresh and to keep them nice and clean. But of course, you can also bathe them as and when they need it, but three weeks is just a rough guideline of how often to bathe them.
If you bathe your Shih Tzu any less than this, this may mean that their natural body oils will cause your Shih Tzu to start to smell bad; and nobody wants that!
How To Bathe A Shih Tzu Puppy At Home?
There are several steps to bathing your Shih Tzu puppy at home:
Pre-bath prep:
1. Ensure where you are bathing your Shih Tzu, such as your bath or sink, is clean
2. Make sure you have everything you will need to clean your Shih Tzu to hand, such as shampoo
3. Comb the coat first to get rid of any tangles and matting
4. Place a bath mat in the bath/sink to prevent your Shih Tzu from slipping
5. Fill the bath/sink with a few inches of warm water
Bathing your Shih Tzu:
1. Place your Shih Tzu in the bath/sink and wait until they are calm before wetting their body
2. Laver your Shih Tzu with shampoo everywhere (other than their face) and if there are any areas they don’t like having washed, do those first
3. Clean your Shih Tzu’s face with a face cloth by putting it in warm water, wringing it out, and gently wiping their face with the cloth and then do the same with their genital area
4. Next, rinse the shampoo out thoroughly
5. After this, cover your Shih Tzu with the conditioner, which is important to ensure you are keeping their fur healthy. This should be left on for five minutes and then rinsed out
6. Remove your Shih Tzu from the tub by wrapping them in a towel
Drying your Shih Tzu:
(For this you can either towel/air dry your Shih Tzu, OR blow-dry them)
Towel/Air Dry:
Pat your Shih Tzu down with a towel. Then spritz the fur with leave-in conditioner spray, massage it with your hands or a brush, and then allow your furry friend to air dry
Spray the fur with leave-in conditioner spray. Comb through the fur in a downwards motion from the roots to the tip of the fur. Then set your hair dryer to the lowest temperature and hold it at least five inches away from your pet. Move the hair dryer side-to-side and use your hand to work through the fur. Once they are dry enough, go through the fur with a brush to ensure your furry friend is fully dry. If they are not, go back over them with the hair dryer until they are completely dry.
When Can Shih Tzu Puppies Take A Bath?
To summarise, Shih Tzu puppies should not be bathed for the first three months of their life as their mother will clean them. After they reach three months, this should be done every few weeks when the dog isn’t stressed and in a calm manner.
How to Bathe a Puppy