Mans best friend… or guinea pigs best friend? Dogs and guinea pigs, a couple you may have never thought to exist. Is it a common occurrence? Does it exist naturally? Were dogs and guinea pigs meant to be together? Learn all about it today!
My Guinea Pig Loves My Dog?
Guinea pigs and dogs, not a likely pair, but it is possible. Guinea pigs have always been prey, while dogs have always been hunters, so naturally the two would never be friends. But it is possible to create a bond between the two. With proper training and desensitization, they can learn to coexist! If you want to have both pets, it’s important to do so so everyone can live happily. Remember, never leave the two alone together and don’t force anything.

Do Guinea Pigs And Dogs Naturally Like Each Other?
Dogs and guinea pigs were not meant to naturally coexist. Typically, they don’t immediately like one another. Wolves, a hunting animal, would feed and hunt down small rodents that were very similar to guinea pigs. For dogs and guinea pigs to live together, it may take some time and training.
Does My Guinea Pig Love My Dog Quiz?
Guinea pigs have many little ways to show their affection. Are you wondering if your guinea pig loves your dog? See if they match these symptoms.
- Following your dog around
- Guinea pig doesn’t bite
- Nibbling, very gently
- Climbing on your dog
- When your dog enters the room, your guinea pig running up to him/her
- Responding to your dogs noises, in an unfearful way
- Guinea pig making little chattering noises at your dog (when guinea pigs are happy, they love to talk!)
- Can’t stop playing!
My Guinea Pig Loves My Dog But My Dog Attacked My Guinea Pig?
Even if your guinea pig loves your dog, that doesn’t mean your dog will love the guinea pig. To a dog, the natural instinct is to hunt the guinea pig. Zero, even though your guinea pig is happy around your dog, never the two of them be alone together because you never know what could happen.
My Guinea Pig Loves My Dog But My Dog Ate My Guinea Pig?
Unfortunately, guinea pigs are still prey animals and dogs do hunt and kill them. It can be devastating for a guinea pig owner to find their dog has killed and eaten the guinea pig. Sad Enough as it is, you can’t be too upset because the dog is just acting on natural instinct.
Signs Your Guinea Pig Trusts Your Dog?
If your guinea pig is showing it’s classic signs of affection, like chattering, following the dog around, responding to your dog in a friendly manner, trying to climb on your dog, then it means your guinea pig trusts your dog!
Why Is My Dog Whining At My Guinea Pig?

Your dog may be whining at your guinea pig for a multitude of reasons. Your dog could either be curious, or feeling the very natural instinct to want to hunt and eat the guinea pig. Whining could be frustration for not being able to get to the guinea pig. They could also just want to play.
How To Desensitize A Dog To Guinea Pigs?
If you find your dog constantly trying to attack your guinea pug, or you’d like them to meet without any problems, there are a few things to do to desensitize your dog towards your guinea pig.
- Place guinea pig where dog can’t reach
- Put your guinea pig cage high up on a table or somewhere where your dog can’t reach it.
- Let your dog watch your guinea pig
- Hang out with your dog and have him/her watch your guinea pig just being a guinea pig.
- Keep distance
- Don’t let your dog get too close to the cage. Use treats to make sure they are calm and keeping their distance. Use a leash if necessary.
- Down command
- Use treats to teach the down command when your dog gets too excited at the guinea pig.
- With time, put the cage on the floor
- You can eventually put the cage on the ground. Make sure your dog is at a point where this won’t be a problem. Use a leash and a muzzle if necessary.
Even if your dog and guinea pig get along, and after training etc. it is never a good idea to leave them alone. Always make sure your dog and guinea pig are supervised when they are around each other.
Do Guinea Pigs Like To Be Left Alone?
Guinea pigs are very social animals. In the wild they always run in pacts. They’re happiest when they have a companion. When adopting a guinea pig, always be sure to adopt two so they don’t suffer loneliness. A guinea pig alone will show signs of being very inactive, depressed almost, and their life span will drastically diminish. In very rare cases will a guinea pig thrive on its own.
In fact, in Switzerland, it is actually illegal to own just one guinea pig. You must have at least two together. Otherwise you can be jailed for animal cruelty.
My Dog Hates My Guinea Pig Even Though My Guinea Pig Loves My Dog?
It is more natural for your dog to hate your guinea pig than your dog liking your guinea pig, at first. Even if your guinea pig likes your dog, it may not be the other way around. With training, you can have your dog like your guinea pig or at least have to tolerate your guinea pig. If you are going to have both a dog and a guinea pig, it is important to have them at least tolerate each other so nothing terrible happens.
Can Guinea Pigs Bond With Dogs?
Most of the time, your dog and guinea pig will be content being kept apart and ignoring one another. In rare cases, your guinea pig and dog may form a special bond. There’s no real reason or answer for this, but in some cases, a guinea pig and dog can be beat friends!
How Do You Bond A Guinea Pig With A Dog?
You cannot force a bond between a dog and guinea pig. In fact, forcing anything can turn out to be very dangerous, more so for the pig. There are things you can do to strengthen their relationship like desensitization training, and having them spend time near each other. But ultimately, they will decide how they feel about each other. In most cases, dogs and guinea pigs will simply leave each other alone and ignore one another. However the relationship ends up, never leave the two alone together and take the necessary precautions.
How Do Dogs React To Guinea Pigs?
Dogs, being natural hunters, and guinea pigs, being natural prey, may have a confusing relationship at first. Your dog may wag his/her tail, bark, whine. Your dog may act very alert, ears back, crouching, chasing or stalking and growling. These are natural hunter instincts. Don’t overreact at first, just make sure to always keep your guinea pig in its cage when being introduced to your dog and if your dog acts this way, remove the guinea pig and consider some training.
Do Guinea Pigs Have A Favorite Pet/Dog/Cat/Etc?
Guinea pigs, like dogs, can form very deep bonds with another being. They recognize and respond to different sounds, sights and smells which help them form bonds with your or your other pets. By spending lots of time with your guinea pig, or by feeding him/her, petting him/her, you can form a great bond with your pig! Guinea pigs are also known to love cuddles!
Are Guinea Pigs Scared Of Dogs Barking/Whining?
Since guinea pigs are prey animals, they can get spooked very frequently. Guinea pigs will let out this high pitched scream when they’re scared. Dog whining and barking can be very frightening for your guinea pig, so can other loud noises.
What Does It Mean When A Dog Licks A Guinea Pig?
If your dog is licking your guinea pig it’s either two things. It’s either predator/prey behavior or pack/nurturing behavior. Keep an eye on the behaviors that follow licking and be alert. If your dog starts showing more signs of hunting, ears back, crouching, snarling/growling, or whining, immediately remove the guinea pig because your dog is getting ready to hunt your guinea pig. If your dog is licking, tail wagging, rolling on his/her back, laying down, then it’s likely your dog is accepting your guinea pig into the pack.
My Dog And Guinea Pig Sharing A Bed [Is It Safe]?
Your dog and guinea pig may love each other enough to even share a bed! This is a great relationship and can be very cute. However, never let them do this unsupervised. Even if you 100% trust your dog with the guinea pig, your dog could still roll over and squish the guinea pig or stomp on it. Your dog is most likely much bigger than your guinea pig so sharing a bed can be very dangerous.
My Dog Treats My Guinea Pig Like Her Puppy?
For a dog, especially one that isn’t spayed/neutered and has had puppies before, guinea pigs look very similar to tiny puppies. It can trigger a certain motherly instinct in some dogs. You may find your dog licking your guinea pig, following them around, picking them up by their scruff.
Why Is My Guinea Pig Not Afraid Of My Dogs?
If your guinea pig shows signs of not being afraid of your dog, then your guinea pig has likely decided they trust your dog and may even like your dog.
Can Guinea Pigs Survive Off Dog Food?
No! Guinea pigs cannot survive off dog food. In fact, they cannot even eat a little bit of dog food. Guinea pigs are herbivores and cannot digest any meat product. Dog food is commonly made with animal product, therefore meaning guinea pigs can’t eat it. They also:
- Can’t produce their own vitamin C. Guinea pigs need a diet with high amounts of vitamin C.
- As mentioned before, guinea pigs are herbivores, meaning they can only digest plant based products.
- For guinea pigs, meat has no nutritional value. Guinea pigs don’t need the protein, fat, or calories that meat provides. Guinea pigs need a high fiber, rich in vitamin diet.
Guinea pigs who eat dog food, or other animal based foods will have some health issues. Health issues including obesity, high cholesterol, heart diseases and may eventually lead to their death. Make sure to keep your dog and guinea pigs’ food separate.
Can Dogs Eat Guinea Pig Food?
Since guinea pig food is basically vegan, there is no harm for a dog to eat it. It’s basically like eating grass to a dog. That being said, they can’t survive off of guinea pig food. Dogs need more nutrients and different vitamins than guinea pigs so make sure your dog is getting what they need.